
Terms for subject Commerce containing 国家 | all forms | in specified order only
两者为多数资本主义国家所使用system of balances of the national economy
中国国家基本建设委员会State Capital Construction Commission
侵吞国家收入embezzlement of state revenue
俄罗斯国家银行National Bank of Russia (Moscow, 莫斯科)
制裁一个国家take sanctions against a country
厉行节约的国家austerity country
发展中国家成员国developing member-countries
发展中国家支付同盟Developing Countries Payment Union
发展中国家间经济合作economic cooperation among developing countries
发达市场经济国家developed market-economy countries
向一家外国企业出售专有技术的报酬the consideration for selling know-how to a foreign enterprise
国家一级商品政策简写为CPCLcommodity policy at the country level
国家专卖state monopoly
国家产业分类national industry classification
英国国家企业局National Enterprise Board
法国国家信贷委员会National Credit Council
法语国家信贷银行Credit Nationale
国家债权nation creditor
国家决算final state accounts
国家出口商品质量检查state quality inspection of export goods
国家协定税率制general and conventional tariff
沙特国家商业银行National Commercial Bank
国家对投资的立法national investment legislation
法国国家岀口促进局Office National pour le Promotion de l'Exportation
国家工业national industry
国家投资公司national investment company
国家标准化协会国际联合会International Federation of the National Standardization Association
中国国家标准局State Bureau of Standardization and Metrology
国家物价机关state pricing organizations
国家物价机关state pricing organs
国家物资局State Administration of Supplies
国家独占state monopoly
国家生产许可证制度system of state licenses for the manufacture
国家石油公司DETRONAS (1974)
英国国家研究开发公司National Research Development Corporation
法国国家税务总局National Tax Administration
国家管理基金state controlled funds
国家经济state-owned economy
国家经济state-operated economy
中国国家经济委员会State Economic Commission
中国国家统计局State Statistics Bureau
国家补助state subsidies
国家规定标准state-specified standards
国家计委State Planning Commission
国家计量局National Metrology Bureau
国家调整的经济关系state-regulated economic relations
国家调节机制states regulatory mechanism
英国国家豁免法State Immunity Act
国家财政支出state expenditure
国家质量标准state quality standard
英国国家转账制度national giro
国家银行利率national bank rate
国家银行法national banking act
国家预算外投资extra-budgetary investment
国家预算执行情况implementation of state budget
国家预算支出state budget expenditure (与国家预算收入(state budget revenue) 相对)
国家预算编制state budgeting
埃及国家银行National Bank of Egypt, SEA
埃塞俄比亚国家银行National Bank of Ethiopia
大陆法系国家civil law countries
宣布联合抵制某一国家的货物declare a boycott against the goods of a certain country
对欠发达国家的技术援助technical assistance to under-developed countries
岀口信用国家担保guarantee of export credits
岀口信贷国家担保制export credit guarantee system
巴基斯坦国家银行State Bank of Pakistan
开发国家自然资源develop the natural resources of a country
扩大国家对外贸易enlarge the foreign commerce of the country
扭曲的国家支持措施distortive state support measure
斯里兰卡国家贸易公司Sri Lanka State Trade Corporation
新经济体制改变了国家的面貌The new economic system has changed the appearance of the country
最高收入国家high est-income countries
有些国家的石油资源正在迅速消耗The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting
有些中国人已经将宜家作为他们自己家庭的延伸Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes
本公约已由许多国家采用生效The convention has been given effect by many countries
欧洲自由贸易国家EFTA countries
歧视发展中国家discriminate against developing countries
比利时国家银行National Bank of Belgium
毛里塔尼亚国家工矿公司Societe Nationale Industrielle et Miniere
海运国家maritime states
海运国家maritime nations
消费者协会的代表们将讨论如何促进各自国家努力改善食品质量和安全Representatives of Consumers Associations will discuss how they can contribute to their countries’ efforts to improve the quality and safety of food
瑞士国家银行Swiss National Bank
疏散国家工业decentralize the nation's industry
疏散国家工业decentralise the nation's industry
盗用国家公款peculation of state revenue
国家庭用品公司American Home Products Corp. (1926)
联合抵制某一国家的货物boycott the goods of a certain country
联邦国家抵押协会公司Federal National Mortgage Association
英国皇家经济学会Royal Society of Economics
西非国家经济共同体Economic Community of the West Africa States
解决国家间与各国国民间投资争执公约Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
许多国家对包装箱面所标唛头与标志有严格规定Many countries have strict regulations about the marking and branding of packages
许多国家被迫采取浮动汇率制Many countries have been compelled to float the exchange rate of their currencies
许多国家面临经济危机Economic crisis faces many countries
资本主义国家capitalist nations
这个国家工业正在蓬勃发展The country is having a great boom in industry
通货紧缩不是解决国家财政混乱的有效对策Deflation is not an effective cure for the financial chaos in the country
阿拉伯国家共同市场Common Market of Arab States
阿拉伯国家联盟紧急基金会League of Arab States Emergency Fund
非洲,加勒比及太平洋地区国家集团Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries (1970)
高度工业化的国家highly industrialized countries