
Terms for subject Environment containing 国家 | all forms | in specified order only
不发达国家less developed country One of the world's poorest nations, typically small in area and population, with low per capita incomes, literacy levels and medical standards, subsistence agriculture and a lack of exploitable minerals and competitive industries (世界上最贫穷国家之一,显著特征是人口少、国土面积小、人均收入及文化水平医疗水平低、温饱型农业、缺少可开采的矿产和有竞争力的工业。)
发展中国家developing country A country whose people are beginning to utilize available resources in order to bring about a sustained increase in per capita production of goods and services (那些开始通过利用可用资源从而在物质生产和服务上得到持续发展的国家。)
发展中国家债务developing countries debt
发达国家developed country A nation possessing a relatively high degree of industrialization, infrastructure and other capital investment, sophisticated technology, widespread literacy and advanced living standards among its populations as a whole (拥有相当高程度的工业化、公共建设和其他重大投资、复杂的技术,且其人口具有较高文化及先进生活水准的国家。)
国家state A people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common law, habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, unless or until authority is ceded to a federation or union of other states (由于普通的法律和习惯以及风俗,一个人永远占据一个固定的领土并与之成为一个整体,通过一个有组织的政府,独立的主权和控制所有领域范围内的人和物,除非或直到权利被割让联邦或其他联盟国家。)
国家保护计划national conservation programme
国家储备national reserve No definition needed (无需定义。)
国家公园national park Areas of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for the conservation of flora, fauna and scenery, and for recreation, if this does not conflict with the conservation objectives of the parks and their landscapes. Hunting, logging, mining, commercial fishing, agriculture and livestock grazing are all controlled within national parks, as is industrial activity (优秀自然美景地区,对植物、动物和自然风光以及休闲的保护区的保护,如果这并不抵触公园和风景区的保护目标。在国家公园,狩猎、伐木、采矿、商业捕鱼、农业和牲畜放牧都被控制,因为都是工业活动。)
国家卫生研究所National Institute of Health
美国国家大气污染控制中心National Center for Air Pollution Control
美国国家大气污染控制管理局National Air Pollution Control Administration
美国国家大气研究中心National Center for Atmospheric Research
美国国家天然气管道安全法案Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
国家控制state control The power or authority of a government to regulate or command industry, organizations, programs, initiatives and individuals (政府为规范行业、组织、方案、倡议和个人而拥有的权利或权威。)
国家森林state forest Forest owned and managed by the State (由国家拥有和管理的森林。)
美国国家气候数据中心National Climate Data Center
美国国家气象中心National Climatic Center
美国国家水资源委员会National Water Resources Committee
美国国家污染控制局State Pollution Control Authority
国家污染物排放处置系统制度National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
国家渔业储备national fishing reserve Limited portion of a water body belonging to the State where angling is allowed (国家所有的有限水域部分,钓鱼是允许的。)
国家火灾保护协会简写为NFPAnational fire protection association
英国国家环保技术中心National Environment Technology Center
美国国家环境保护法National Environmental Protection Act
美国国家环境卫星中心National Environmental Satellite Center
国家环境卫星数据和信息服务局National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service
美国国家环境卫星服务局National Environmental Satellite Service
美国国家环境政策法案National Environmental Policy Act
国家环境数据分配处National Environmental Data Referral Service
国家环境数据分配系统National Environmental Data Referral System
美国国家环境研究中心National Environmental Research Center
英国国家环境研究委员会National Environmental Research Council
美国国家环境研究所National Institute for Environment
美国国家环境空气质量标准National Ambient Air Quality Standards
美国国家环境预测中心National Centers for Environmental Prediction
国家生物储备state biological reserve An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance (为了保护生物特征的目的,土地或/和水被划定处于受保护的地位的某个区域,储备主要是被管理以保持其特性,且为研究自然遗址管理,植被和动物种群潜在的问题方面提供机会。条例规定,通常控制公共接入和干扰。)
国家职业安全与保健研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
美国国家职业安全与卫生咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
国家规划national planning The step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of actions to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives for a country or a large body of people associated with a particular territory, often sharing similar ethnic backgrounds, customs and language (一步一步的方法和过程的定义、发展和概述各种可能的行动来满足一个国家或特定疆界共享相似的文化背景、风俗和语言的大多数人现有或未来的需求、目标和目的。)
美国国家资源保护局National Resource Conservation Service
美国国家辐射防护与测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
美国有害有机污染物国家排放标准Hazardous Organic National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
美国有害有机污染物国家排放标准Hazardous Organic Neshap
火灾国家代码national fire codes
福利国家theory of the welfare state A political conception of government in a capitalist economy where the state is responsible for insuring that all members of society attain a minimum standard of living through redistribution of resources, progressive taxation and universal social programs, including health care and education (在资本主义经济下政府的政治概念,国家为确保全社会所有成员达到最低生活标准,通过资源再分配,累进税和普遍的社会计划,包括卫生保健和教育。)
美国空气有害污染物国家排放标准National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
美国政府工业卫生学家会议American Conference on Government Industrial Hygienists