
Terms for subject Business containing 国家 | all forms | in specified order only
不发达国家ill developing countries
不结盟国家non-aligned countries
东南亚国家联盟Association of South-East Asian Nations
中下等收入水平国家lower middle-income country
中央计划经济国家centralized planning economy countries
中度发展国家intermediate in the scale of development
中度发达国家intermediate country
中等发展国家medium nation
中等偏低收入的国家lower end of the middle-income spectrum
按人均国民生产总值计算中等收入国家middle-income country
中等收入水平国家middle-income country
低成本国家招发展中国家low cost country
低收入国家和地区lower income country and territories
低税国家tax haven
侵吞国家财产罪crime of embezzlement of state property
Washington, 18 March 1965关于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约华盛顿,1965 年 3 月 18 日Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nations of Other States
单本位制国家monometallic country
发展中国家semi-developed nation
发展中国家semi-advanced countries
发展中国家投资活动准则guide-line for investment activities in developing countries
发展中国家投资行动指南guidelines for investment activities in developing countries
发展中国家间技术合作technical cooperation among developing country
发展中国家间的合作cooperation among developing countries
发展中市场经济国家developing market economy country
发达国家advanced countries
发达的市场经济国家developed market economy countries
受益的发展中国家beneficiary developing countries
可自由兑换货币国家convertible currency country
同一海域和同一国家same sea and country
后发展中国家least less developed countries
国内家畜运输保险domestic animal transportation insurance
国家一级企业class-one national enterprise
国家二级企业class-two national enterprise
国家企业state enterprise
国家会员national member
国家保护government protection
国家保护政策government protection policy
国家保险基金national insurance fund
国家信贷public credit
国家储备金state reserve funds
国家元首chief of state
国家公债state loan
国家决算final account of the state
国家出口信用制度national export credit system
国家制定和协定税则national and conventional tariff
国家劳动关系法National Labour Relation Act
国家协定税率制automatic and conventional tariff
国家及协定税则national and conventional tariff
国家发展优先项目national development priority
国家发展公债national development bond
国家合成橡胶公司Government Synthetic Rubber
国家名优产品national quality product
国家名牌national brand
国家商标标记national mark
国家固定基金state fixed fund source
国家垄断public monopoly
国家垄断资本主义state monopoly capitalism
国家失业保险state unemployment insurance
国家定价state-fixed price
国家审计长auditor general of the state
国家对企业的控制government control over enterprises
国家对外开放口岸national open port
国家工业产权法律示范条款model provision for national industrial property law
国家工业协商局National Industrial Conference Board
国家干预state interference
国家干预经济state intervention in the economy
国家建设补助金government grant in aid of construction
国家开支government expenditure
国家征用权征用私人产业eminent domain
国家总债务gross national debt
国家批准state approval
国家拥有所有权ownership by the state
国家拨款country allocation
国家拨款支付定息government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest
国家指导state initiative
国家掌握粮食储备的国际制度international system of nationally-hold food reserves
国家控制监督state control
国家控制经济state controlled economy
国家收入state revenues
国家收支决算final account of state revenue and expenditure
国家收购价格state purchasing price
国家政策state policy
国家机密official secret
国家标准standard set by state
国家标准咨询数据系统National Standard Reference Data System
国家标准局属美国商务部National Bureau of Standard
国家标准局标准手册National Bureau of Standards Handbook
国家核査手段national means of verification
国家核算统计年鉴yearbook of national accounts statistics
国家海关辖区national customs territory
国家物价委员会national pricing commission
国家目标研究参谋部National Goals Research Staff
国家相对优势的充分开发full exploitation of the country's comparative advantage
国家社会保险基金national social security fund
国家税收national revenue
国家管制state control
国家管理费用cost of state administration
国家管辖海域sea areas under national jurisdiction
国家经济命脉economic life-line of the country
国家经济政策national economic policy
国家经济良性循环benign cycle in national economy
国家航空公司national line
国家航空标准National Aircraft Standard
国家计划内的基建项目capital construction project within the state plan
国家计划外投资investment outside the state plan
国家计划经济state-planned economy
国家财富增加increased wealth of nation
国家财政national government finance
国家财政收支平衡balance official financing
国家财政良性循环benign cycle in national finance
国家贸易state trading
国家资源产业national resource industry
国家运输法National Transport Act
国家配额national quota
国家配额country quota
国家重点state priority
国家金库制度national cash chest system
国家金融机构state financial agency
国家销售垄断state marketing monopoly
国家间项目inter-country projects
国家预算拨用appropriations from state treasury
国家预算模型national budget model
国民家庭生活支出水平living expenditure level of national household
外国专家outside specialist
外国买家代理行buying indent house
大半国家资本majority national capital
工业化国家industrialized countries
工业发达国家industrial developed country
工业技术国家开发规划national development program of industrial technology
工业欠发达国家industrial less-developed country
工团国家syndicate state
已上缴国家利润profit turned over to the state
应交国家基金占用费accrued charge for use of state fund
截留国家收入retention of state revenue
新兴国家young country
新兴国家emerging country
更发达的国家more developed countries
曾荣获国家优质产品称号has been conferred a state quality award
曾荣获国家银质奖has been winning the national silver medal
最不发达的发展中国家least developed developing countries
最低收入国家lowest-income country
最受益国家most advantageously involved countries
最困难最不发达国家hard-core least developed countries
最贫穷的发展中国家poorest developing countries
标准化国家概况表standardized country profiles
欠发展国家least less developed country
欠发达国家less-developed country
法人国家corporate state
海商国家maritime nation
独立的石油出口国家Independent Petroleum Export Countries
环海国家sea locked country
盗用国家公款peculation of the state revenue
经济先进国家economically advance country
经选择的不发达国家selected less developed countries
缔结清算协定的国家clearing country
美元国家即战后以美元为支付手段的国家dollar country
美国对有儿童抚养的家庭补助aid to families with dependent children
美洲国家商务仲裁委员会Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
聘请外国个别专家employment of foreign individual experts
能源丰富的国家energy rich country
被封锁国家blocked state
资源丰富的国家resourceful country
资源贫乏而技术人力丰富的国家resource-poor and skill-rich country
国家经济一体化supranational economic integration
超额完成国家定额指标overfulfill state quota
逆差国家deficit-ridden nation
非石油输出国家non-oil exporting country
高度工业化国家highly industrialized state
高收入国家high income country
高福利国家high state of welfare