
Terms containing 国家 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一个国家的近海水域the coastal waters of a country
gen.世界部分国家国庆日或独立日National Day or Independence Day of some countries in the world
gen.东南亚国家海底电报线路South-East Asia Commonwealth cable
gen.中华人民共和国国家标准China National Standard
avia.中华人民共和国国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
gen.назв.комп. 中华人民共和国国家进出口商品检验局the State Administration for the Inspection of the Import & Export Commodities of PRC
avia.中国国家军用标准guo jun biao
avia.中国国家标准guo biao
avia.中国国家标准China national standards
gen.九点来扬卡里国家公园接我吧Pick me up at Yankari National Park at
gen.也许它同你们国家的民族舞相似It's probably similar to folk dancing in your country
gen.人民民主国家People Democracies
gen.国家的观点nationally (立场)
avia.任务管理中心-国家航空和航天管理局mission control center-NASA
gen.伊朗国家标准局Standard Organization of Iran
gen.低地国家荷兰、比利时、卢森堡的总称Low Countries
gen.指该文章作者所在的国家in this country
gen.你们国家的气候如何?What is the climate like in your country?
gen.你可以告诉我怎么去南博格国家公园吗?Can you tell me the way to the Nambung National Park?
gen.你好!请问你以前来过这个国家吗?Hello, have you ever been to this country before?
avia.全国科学家作家协会national association of science writers
avia.全球国家空中指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
avia.全球国家级空中指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
fishery公开注册国家flag of open registry
fishery公开注册国家open registry country
bridge.共同市场国家桥牌锦标赛common market championship
avia.内陆国家航空学会Midland Countries Aviation Society
gen.加利福尼亚国家大学California National University
gen.加拿大国家科学研究委员会National Research Council of Canada
gen.加拿大建立的第一个国家公园跨越了风光无与伦比的山区,全年开放,可供游客观赏野生动物、游览和进行其他户外活动The first national park established in Canada spans a region of unparalleled mountain scenery and is open year-round for wildlife viewing, sightseeing, and other outdoor activities
avia.华盛顿国家机场Washington national airport
gen.南博格国家公园Nambung National Park
gen.南斯拉夫国家标准Jugoslovenski Standard
gen.印尼国家标准Dewan Normalisasi Indonesia
gen.印度国家航空公司Indian National Airways
avia.发表的国家计划declared national programs
geol.同一海域和国家same sea and country
avia.哥伦比亚国家航空公司Avianca (Aerovias Nacionales De Colombia, S. A.)
avia.国家专利委员会national patent council
gen.国家专利委员会National Patent Commission
horticult.国家专利局national patent office
avia.国家中央图书馆natl central library
avia.国家临时空间检测控制中心interim national space surveillance control center
gen.国家临时空间监测中心Interim National Space Surveillance and Control Center
gen.国家作战用气象卫星系统National Operational Meteorological Satellite System
multimed.美国国家信息技术标准委员会National Committee for Information Technology Standards
avia.国家先进空中指挥所advanced airborne national command post
gen.国家关系state relations
horticult.国家农业知识创新体系innovation system of the national agricultural knowledge
avia.国家制造商协会national association of manufacturers
gen.国家劳动学院National Labor College
avia.国家包装管理局National Packaging Authority
avia.国家包装管理局national packaging authority
avia.国家化学实验室natl chemical laboratory
gen.国家区号代码country code
gen.国家号外钢规格National Emergency Steel Specification
multimed.国家和地区代码country code
gen.国家咨询委员会National Advisory Commission
gen.国家咨询委员会技术札记Technical Notes of the NACA
avia.国家商业和广播教育协会national association of business and educational radio
avia.国家商用飞机制造工程技术研究中心national engineering and research center for commercial aircraft manufacturing
gen.国家图书委员会National Book Council
gen.国家图书馆National Library
gen.国家土壤调查局National Soil Survey
avia.国家地图摄影测量与遥感中心National Cartographic Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Center
geol.美国国家地学数据储存系统National Geoscience Data Repository System
geol.美国国家地理学会National Geographic Society
gen.国家地理学会National Geographic Society
geol.美国国家地质科学研究咨询委员会National Advisory Committee an Research in the Geological Sciences
gen.国家地震工程情报服务处美国National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering
gen.国家地震情报中心美国National Earthquake Information Center
avia.国家地震站national seismic station (美国)
avia.国家地面情报中心national ground intelligence center
gen.国家大地测量局美国National Geodetic Survey
bridge.国家大师national master
avia.国家大气研究中心National Center for Atmospheric Research
avia.国家天基导航系统national space based navigation system
avia.国家天基导航系统Argos (法国)
avia.国家天文与电离层中心national astronomy and ionosphere center
gen.国家学院National Academy (美)
gen.国家学院院士National Academian (美)
gen.国家宇宙空间委员会National Space Council
gen.国家宇航航天标准National Aerospace Standards
multimed.美国国家安全局线路搜査程序National Security Agency line eater
gen.国家安全研究委员会Research Board of National Security
bridge.国家定约桥牌组织National Contract Bridge Organization
gen.国家工业复兴委员会National Industrial Recovery Board
gen.国家工业复兴署National Industrial Recovery Administration
geol.美国国家工业能源储备委员会National Industrial Energy Conservation Council
gen.国家广播事业局National Broadcasting Service
gen.国家广播电台National Broadcasting Station
avia.国家强风暴实验室national severe storms laboratory
avia.国家强风暴预报中心national severe storms forecast center
gen.国家情报委员会美国美洲间谍共同体高级分析机关National Intelligence Council
avia.国家战术指挥支援系统national tactical command support system
avia.国家战术资料数据系统national tactical data system
gen.国家战略资源委员会National Security Resource Board
gen.国家技术情报处National Technical Information Service
avia.国家指挥与控制系统national command and control system
avia.国家指挥局national command authorities
avia.国家指挥当局National Command Authorities
avia.国家搜索与救援计划national search and rescue plan (美国)
multimed.美国国家数字信息基础设置与保存计划National digital information infrastructure and preservation program
gen.国家普通合格证书英国发给普通煤矿技术人员的Ordinary National Certificate
avia.国家机床工具制造者协会national machine tool builders association
avia.国家机载电子学会议natl conf on airborne electronics
avia.国家标准内直管螺纹national standard internal straight pipe threads
avia.国家标准压密接头直管螺纹national standard straight pipe threads for pressure tight
avia.国家标准和技术协会national institute of standard and technology
multimed.美国国家标准和技术研究院National Institute of Standards and Technology
gen.国家标准基准数据体系National Standard Reference Data System
gen.国家标准实验研究National Standards Laboratory
avia.国家标准局National Bureau of Standards (美国)
avia.国家标准局national standard bureau
gen.国家标准局美国National Bureau of Standards
gen.国家标准局聚合物结构处Polymer Structure Section of the National Bureau of Standards
avia.国家标准接头直管螺纹national standard straight pipe threads in coupling
avia.国家标准机械接头直管螺纹national standard straight pipe threads for mechanical joints
avia.国家标准直管螺纹national standard straight pipe thread
avia.国家标准管螺纹national pipe thread
gen.国家标准线National Wire Gage
avia.国家标准线规national wire gage
avia.国家标准软管接头和接嘴直管螺纹national standard straight pipe threads for hose couplings and nipples
gen.国家标准锥度national taper
avia.国家标准锥形管螺纹national taper pipe thread
avia.国家标准锥管螺纹national taper pipe thread
avia.国家标准锥管螺纹national standard taper pipe thread
avia.国家核火箭研究中心national nuclear rocket development center
avia.国家模型national model
avia.国家气候中心national climatic center
avia.国家气象与地球物理研究所Instituto Nacional de Meteo e Geofisica
avia.国家气象与航空气象传真网national and aviation meteorological facsimile network
avia.国家气象中心national meteorological center
avia.国家气象卫星中心美国,现为 NESSNational Weather Satellite Center
avia.国家气象处National Weather Service
gen.国家气象处National Weather Service
avia.国家气象局National Weather Service (美国)
avia.国家气象服务national weather service
avia.国家水资源数据存储与检索系统water data storage and retrieval system
geol.国家油气资源委员会National Gas and Oil Resources Committee
avia.国家测地勘察national geodetic survey
avia.国家测地卫星计划national geodetic-satellite program
avia.国家测地参考基准系统national geodetic reference system
gen.国家海洋大气署National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
gen.国家海洋渔业处National Marine Fisheries
gen.国家海洋调查局National Ocean Survey
gen.国家海运局National Maritime Board
gen.国家混凝土#工协会美国National Concrete Masonry Association
gen.国家火灾保险局National Board of Fire Underwriters
gen.国家物理实验室美国National Physical Laboratory
gen.国家物理试验室英国National Physical Laboratory
gen.国家环境政策法案National Environment Policy Act
gen.国家生产管理总局美,负责分配工业原料National Production Authority
gen.国家电业规程National Electrical Code
avia.国家电信和信息管理局National Telecommunications and Information Administration (美国)
avia.国家电子代码标准national electrical code standards
avia.国家电子学会议national electronics conference
avia.国家电气安全代码national electric safety code
gen.国家国定电气安全规程National Electrical Safety Code
gen.国家电气法典National Electrical Code
avia.国家电视系统委员会national television system committee
multimed.美国国家电视系统委员会National Television Systems Committee
geol., geophys.澳大利亚国家石油地质与地球物理中心National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
gen.国家石油委员会National Petroleum Council
geol.罗马尼亚国家矿产资源局National Agency for Mineral Resources
multimed.美国国家研究与教育网National Research and Education Network
avia.国家研究委员会Consiglio Nazionale dell Ricerche
gen.国家研究用万能反应堆National Research Universal Reactor
gen.назв.комп. 国家碳化氢公司ENK (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi)
gen.国家科委地球物理研究所美国Geophysical Research Board, National Research Council
gen.国家科学基金会美国National Science Foundation
multimed.国家科学基金会网络National science foundation network
gen.国家科学委员会National Science Board
gen.国家科学展览会National Science Fair
gen.国家科学研究委员会美国国家科学院所属的National Research Council
gen.国家科学研究用实验反应堆National Research Experimental Reactor
gen.国家科学院美国National Academy of Sciences
gen.国家科技人员发展委员会National Committee for the Development of Scientists and Engineers
gen.国家空气污染控制署National Air Pollution Control Administration
gen.国家空间监测与控制中心National Space Surveillance and Control Center
avia.国家紧急空中指挥所national emergency airborne command post (美国)
gen.国家紧急防卫飞机National emergency defense aircraft
avia.国家编纂局natl codification bureau
gen.国家联合咨询委员会National Joint Advisory Council
gen.国家联合工业委员会National Joint Industrial Council
gen.国家能源委员会National Energy Board
avia.国家national aeronautical facilities program
avia.国家航天和航空管理局natl space and aeronautics agency
avia.国家航空飞机标准national aeronautical aircraft standards
gen.美国国家航空与航天局National Aeronautics and Space Administration
avia.国家航空与航天局精密进场进近与着陆系统national aeronautics and space administration precise approach and landing system
avia.国家航空俱乐部national aviation club
avia.国家航空公司national airlines
avia.国家航空协会National Aeronautic Association (美国)
avia.国家航空协调委员会national aeronautics coordinating committee
avia.国家航空博物馆national air museum
avia.国家航空和航天博物馆national air and space museum
avia.国家航空和航天委员会national aeronautical and space council
gen.国家航空和航天委员会National Aeronautics and Space Council
multimed.National Aeronautics and Space Administration美国国家航空和航天局NASA
gen.国家航空和航天局National Aeronautical and Space Administration
avia.国家航空和航天局宇航安全情报系统NASA aerospace safety information system
gen.国家航空和航天局技术报告Technical Reports of NASA
gen.国家航空和航天局技术札记Technical Notes of NASA
gen.国家航空和航天局技术记录Technical Memorandum of NASA
avia.国家航空和航天局结构分析大纲程序NASA structural analysis program
avia.国家航空和航天局结构分析计算机程序NASA computer program for structural analysis
avia.国家航空和航天局通信操作程序NASA communications operating procedures
avia.国家航空和航天局通信网NASA communication-network
avia.国家航空和航天局采购条例NASA procurement regulation
avia.国家航空和航天标准委员会national aerospace standards committee
avia.国家航空和航天电子学会议national aerospace electronics conference
avia.国家航空和航天管理局结构分析员national aeronautics and space administration structural analyzer
avia.美国国家航空咨询委员会National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
avia.国家航空咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics
gen.国家航空咨询委员会美,N.A.S.A. 的前身National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
gen.国家航空咨询委员会技术札记Technical Notes of the NACA
gen.国家航空咨询委员会技术记录Technical Memoranda of the NACA
gen.国家航空咨询委员会研究记录Research Memoranda of the NACA
gen.国家航空咨询委员会研究记录Research Memoranda of the NACA
avia.国家航空天气咨询处national aviation weather advisory unit (美国)
avia.国家航空委员会national committee for aeronautics
gen.国家航空委员会National Committee for Aeronautics
gen.国家航空委员会National Aeronautical Council
avia.国家航空宇航局National Aeronautics and Space Administration
avia.国家航空实验室national aeronautical laboratory
avia.国家航空局national aviation authority
avia.国家航空工程设施规划national aeronautical facilities program
avia.国家航空摄影图片库national air photo library (加拿大)
avia.国家航空标准管螺纹aeronautic national pipe threads
avia.国家航空气象协调委员会national coordination committee for aviation meteorology
avia.国家航空港系统规划national airport system plan
avia.国家航空理事会national aeronautics council
avia.国家航空电子学会议natl conf on aeronautical electronics
avia.国家航空研究中心National Aeronautical Establishment
avia.国家航空研究委员会national aeronautical research committee
avia.国家航空研究实验室national aero research laboratory
avia.国家航空研究院national aviation academy (美国)
avia.国家航空航天咨询委员会NASA advisory council
avia.国家航空航天实验室National Aerospace Laboratory
gen.国家航空航天局美国National Aeronautics and Space Administration
avia.国家航空航天局世界通信网用户通信接口NASCOM user traffic interfaces
avia.国家航空航天局世界通信网系统控制接口NASCOM system control interfaces
avia.国家航空航天局世界通信网络模拟通信接口NASCOM simulation traffic interface
avia.国家航空航天局图书网NASA library network
avia.国家航空航天局技术熟练度NASA technology readiness level
avia.国家航空航天局接口监视系统NASA interface monitoring system
avia.国家航空航天局支援计划NASA support plan
avia.国家航空航天局散射仪NASA scatterometer
avia.国家航空航天局标准参考基准模型NASA standard reference model
avia.国家航空航天局标准指示器NASA standard indicator
avia.国家航空航天局的结构分析程序代码nastran code (美国)
avia.国家航空航天局项目负责人NASA program director
avia.国家航空航天局顾问委员会空间与地球科学委员会space and earth science committee of the NASA advisory council
avia.西国家航空航天技术研究所Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial
avia.国家航空航天教育委员会natl aerospace education council
avia.国家航空航天法委员会Instituto Nacional de Derecho Aeronautics Espacial
avia.国家航空航天管理局支援运作NASA support operation
avia.国家航空航天管理局测试支援局NASA test support office
avia.国家航空航天管理局管理规程说明NASA management instruction
avia.国家航空航天管理局计划研究NASA planning studies
avia.国家航空航天管理局零件号NASA part number
avia.国家航空设施实验中心national aviation facilities experimental center
avia.国家航空贸易协会national aviation trades association
avia.国家航空运输会议national air transportation conferences
avia.国家航空运输公司协会national air carrier association
avia.国家航空运输协会national air transportation association
avia.国家航空运输协调委员会national air transport coordinating committee
avia.国家航空通信局National Air Communications
avia.国家航空锥形管螺纹aeronautic national taper pipe threads
avia.国家航行导航计划national plan for navigation
gen.国家航运局National Shipping Authority
gen.国家药物委员会National Pharmaceutical Council
avia.国家营运管理中心national operations control center
multimed.美国国家计算机图形协会National Computer Graphics Association
avia.国家调査局national bureau of investigation
geol.美国国家资源委员会National Resources Committee
avia.国家资源委员会national resources committee
gen.国家资源委员会National Resource Committee
geol.美国国家资源局National Resources Board
gen.国家资源局National Resources Board
avia.国家资源计划委员会national resources planning board
multimed.美国国家超级计算应用中心National Center for Supercomputing Applications
gen.国家辐射防护和测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
gen.国家辐射防护委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection
gen.国家辐射防炉局National Radiological Protection Board
gen.国家运输安全委员会National Transportation Safety Board
avia.国家通信中心national communication center
gen.国家鉴定state test
avia.国家防御地域national defense area (美国)
gen.国家防治农业虫害协会美国National Pest Control Association
avia.国家防火消防协会national fire protection association
gen.国家防火协会National Fire Protection Association
gen.国家防灾研究中心日本National Research Centre for Disaster Prevention
avia.国家防腐蚀工程师协会national association of corrosion engineers
gen.国家飞机标准National Aircraft Standard
gen.国家飞机标准委员会National Aircraft Standards Committee
gen.国家高级合格证书Higher National Certificate
avia.国防部国家通信控制中心defense national communication control center
geol.国际开发地球科学家协会Association of Geoscientists for International Development
geol.国际开发地质学家协会Association of Geologists for International Development
geol.国际微生物学家协会International Association of Microbiologists
gen.国际皮革业化学家协会International Society of Leather Trades Chemists
gen.国际纺织化学家及染色家协会联合会International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists
avia.国际航空作家协会International Society of Aviation Writers
gen.土耳其国家标准Turkish Standards
gen.国家图书馆旁边的地铁站In the subway station next to the National Library
gen.在地中海国家,如果你和别人交谈,不愿碰触他们的手臂,或者打招呼时,不亲吻他人,不拥抱他人,那么别人会觉得你冷漠In Mediterranean countries, if you refrain from touching someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm embrace, you'll be considered cold
gen.在欧洲国家,购物时插队是很不礼貌的行为,会遭他人轻视In Europe, cutting in line is rude and would be despised by others when shopping in the mall
gen.在这个国家within these shores
gen.在黄石国家公园的牧场里,两头长耳鹿正警惕地观察狼和其他食肉动物的动静A couple of mule deer are on the lookout for wolves and other predators in a meadow in Yellowstone National Park
avia.地球科学家国际研制协会Association of Geoscientists for International Development
gen.多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的九个国家,在罗马尼亚汇入大海Crossing 9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube River
gen.大西洋公约国家Atlantic Pact Nations
gen.如今,周大生公司拥有三十五个分公司,600多家珠宝连锁店遍布在全国200多个城市Today, Chow Tai Seng has grown to a company with 35 branches and over 600 jewelry chain stores in more than 200 cities in the country
gen.实行统一计划经济的国家countries centrally planned economics countries
gen.对社会主义国家出口协调委员会Coordinating Committee of East-West Trade Policy
gen.巴基斯坦国家标准Pakistan Standards
geol.巴西国家矿产局Brazil's National Mineral Department
avia.巴西国家通信卫星Brazilian national communication satellite
gen.意大利国家城市规划研究所Instituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
gen.我们去国家音乐厅听音乐会We went to a concert in the National Concert Hall
gen.我们打算先去齐齐卡玛海岸国家公园We are going to Tsitsikamma Coast National Park first
gen.我们是一家经营货运卡车的国营进出口公司We are a state-run import and export corporation dealing in automobile carriers
gen.我们是在加州的约塞米蒂国家公园归途中相遇的We met while on a retreat in California's Yosemite National Park
gen.我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end
gen.我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订了一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas
gen.我想知道中国人在饭馆吃完饭之后,会不会把没吃完的东西打包带回家I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant
gen.扬卡里国家公园Yankari National Park
gen.无继承人的土地或财产归属 国家产业充公escheat
avia.国家要求研究应用research applied to national needs
multimed.数据国家代码data country code
geol.新独立国家和中、东欧New Independent States and Central and Eastern Europe
avia.新西兰国家航空公司New Zealand National Airways Corporation
gen.新西兰全国家航空公司New Zealand National Airways Corp.
avia.无核武器国家nonnuclear weapon state
gen.日本国家铁道标准Japanese National Railways Standard
avia.智利国家航空公司LAN-Chile S.A.
gen.7月22日波兰国家复兴节Rebirth of Poland
avia.有害大气污染物国家排放标准national emission standard for hazardous air pollutants
avia.核武器国家nuclear weapon state
gen.沼泽地步道延伸过湿地国家公园The Anhinga Trail stretches through Everglades National Park
gen.法国夏都国家水力学试验所National Hydraulics Laboratory (Chatou, France)
gen.波兰国家标准Polska Norma
geol.波罗的海沿岸国家Baltic states
avia.海军/国家航空航天局发动机程序navy/NASA engine programme
gen.湿地国家公园Everglades National Park
avia.澳大利亚国家标准实验所Australian National Standards Laboratory
gen.澳大利亚国家科学研究委员会Australian National Research Council
gen.爱尔兰国家大学梅努斯/穆努National University of Ireland, Maymooth
gen.爱尔兰国家学院National College of Ireland
avia.爱达荷国家工程实验室Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
gen.独裁 专制国家autarchical
gen.独裁 专制国家autarchic
gen.现在的这棵国家圣诞树是1978年在椭圆广场栽种的The current National Christmas Tree was planted on the Ellipse in
gen.瑞典国家动力局Swedish State Power Board
avia.〔英〕皇家国防研究学院Royal College of Defence Studies
gen.直到二战以后比萨在美国才开始变得流行起来。当时驻扎在意大利的美国士兵吃了很多比萨,他们回到家乡还想继续吃It wasn't until after world war II. The soldiers based in Italy had eaten lots of pizza and wanted to continue eating it when they came home
avia.研究应用满足国家需要research applied to national needs
gen.福琳德斯凯斯国家公园Flinders Chase National Park
avia.空中国家指挥所airborne national command post
avia.空军国家警卫队air national guard
avia.空军国家警卫队基地air national guard base
gen.约塞米蒂国家公园Yosemite National Park
geol.经济地质学家学会国际联合会International Federation of Societies of Economic Geologists
avia.统一国家航线unified national course
gen.国家用洗衣机制造业协会American Home Laundry Manufacturers' Association
geol.美国国家地质史委员会U.S. National Committee on History Geology
geol.美国国家地质学委员会U.S. National Committee for Geology
avia.美国国家安全委员会National Safety Council of America
gen.美国国家标准规定的信息交换用代码American national standard code for information interchange
gen.美国国家标准与技术学会研究杂志Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
avia.美国国家标准研究所American National Standard Institute
gen.美国国家标准研究所American National Standards Institute
gen.美国国家科学研究委员会American National Research Council
gen.美国国家科学院院报Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
avia.美国国家管螺纹american national pipe thread
geol.美国国家资源委员会National Resources Council of America
geol.美国国家资源规划委员会American National Resources Planning Board
gen.美国书画刻印艺术家协会Society of American Graphic Artists
gen.美国人不喜欢浪费食物,他们经常把剩饭剩菜带回家Americans hate to waste food and they always take their leftovers home
gen.美国制革化学家学会志Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association
avia.美国发明家协会American Inventors Association
avia.美国发明家和科学家联合会United Inventors and Scientists of America
geol.美国地层抱粉学家协会American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
gen.美国地理学家协会Association of American Geographers
geol.美国地理学家年刊Annuals of American Geographers
gen.美国室内装饰家学会American Institute of Decorators
geol.美国州属地质学家协会Association of American State Geologists
geol.美国工程地质学家协会American Society of Engineering Geologists
gen.美国摩擦学家与润滑工程师学会摩擦学汇刊Tribology Transactions
gen.美国油脂化学家协会American Oil Chemists' Society
gen.美国油脂化学家学会志Journal of the American Oil Chemists'society
geol.美国生物分析家协会American Association of Bioanalysts
gen.美国生物化学家协会American Society of Biological Chemists
avia.美国生物化学家学会American Society of Biochemists
gen.美国皮革化学家协会American Leather Chemists Association
gen.美国目前正从一个主要由欧洲移民组成的国家变为一个多元移民的国家The United States is currently shifting from being a nation of immigrants of mainly European descent to one of immigrants from other parts of the world
geol.美国石油地质学家与经济古生物学家协会年会American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists Annual Meeting
gen.美国石油地质学家协会American Association of Petroleum Geologists
geol.刊名美国石油地质学家协会勘探者American Association of Petroleum Geologists Explorer
geol.美国石油地质学家协会学报Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
gen.美国石油地质学家协会通报American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
gen.美国矿物学家American Mineralogist
gen.美国科学家American Scientist
gen.美国细菌学家协会Society of American Bacteriologists
geol.美国职业地质学家协会American Institute of Professional Geologists
gen.美国谷物化学家协会American Association of Cereal Chemists
gen.美国酿造化学家协会American Society of Brewing Chemists
gen.美国酿造化学家协会志Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
avia.美国银行家协会American Bankers' Association
gen.美国顾问化学家协会American Society of Consulting Chemists
fishery自由注册国家flag of open registry
fishery自由注册国家open registry country
geol.英国地理学家协会Institute of British Geographers
avia.英国皇家出版局Her Majesty's Stationery Office
gen.英国皇家化学学会Royal Institute of Chemistry (British)
gen.英国皇家医学院爱尔兰学院Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
gen.英国皇家学会促进自然科学发展的机构Royal Society
gen.英国皇家建筑师学会Royal Institute of British Architects
gen.英国皇家特许测量师学会Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
gen.荷兰国家标准Nederlands Norm
gen.葡萄牙国家土木工程实验研究所Labratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (Portugal)
gen.葡萄牙国家标准Norma Portuguesa
gen.西方国家的人们通常以高蛋白、高脂肪、高热量的食物为主People in West mainly eat food with high protein, high fat and high quantity of heat
gen.说法语的国家Francophonie (社会)
gen.请先拨9,再拨国家区号代码、区域号码和电话号码Please dial 9 before the country code and then dial the area code and the number
gen.这儿和我们国家一样,一般人好像不爱吃米饭Rice doesn't seem to be popular here like in my country
avia.阿尔及利亚国家科学研究委员会Algerian National Scientific Research Committee
avia.阿贡国家实验室Argonne national laboratory
avia.非苏联华沙条约的部队或国家non-Soviet Warsaw pact
gen.高级空中国家指挥站Advanced Air Borne National Command Post
gen.魁北克大学国家公共管理学院of Quebec National School of Public Administration, University
gen.魁北克大学国家科学研究学院National Institute of Scientific Research, University
gen.黄石国家公园Yellowstone National Park
gen.齐齐卡玛海岸国家公园Tsitsikamma Coast National Park
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