
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一次first-order factor
一次付款复合single sum compound amount factor
一次偿付复合single payment compound amount factor
一次偿付现值single payment present worth factor
一般均衡决定素的变动change in determinants of general equilibrium
一般来说,价格和质量是商业交易的两大决定Generally speaking, price and quality are the two major determinants of business
下列承诺的一切优先购买权将继续有效,不企业合并受到损害或有所更改All options granted below shall continue without impairment or alteration by the combination of businesses
下轴rotated factors
不可计量的nonmeasurable factor
不可避免的原an unavoidable cause
不可避免的原unavoidable cause
不安定destabilizing factors
不平衡unbalanced factors
不断下跌的汇率一直是企业利润亏损的引发Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits
不明原的失踪the mysterious disappearance
业务原the function cause
故障严重度severity factor
个人用品公遗失或损坏的赔偿compensation for loss or damage to personal effects attributable to service
中断发货的起一排除,发货即恢复如初As soon as the cause of the interruption had been removed, the delivery was resumed as before
中期换算interim conversion factor
中期换算interim conversion factors
临时local factor
主席事缺席,由他代理He deputized for the chairman who was absent on business
主要pacing factor
主要dominant factor
主要critical factor
主要原first cause
主要变量,各重要key variable
买主要求赔偿违约造成的损害The buyer claimed damages for breach of the contract
事故原报告failure cause data report
二次second-order factor
"五项素"计算公式"five n.-factor" formula
"五项素"计算公式"five -factor" formula
产生结果的原efficient cause
人为human factor
人为human factors
人为素设计human factor design
人为素造成的预算变动discretionary change of budget
人体human factors
人力素管理human factors engineering
人的素分析human component analysis
仅一份说明损坏原的报告不能成为索赔的证明Only a report relating the source of damage cannot stand for an evidence for claim
犯贪污盗窃罪而受到起诉He was prosecuted for embezzlement
他们不得不换乘另一航班的飞机,为他们的票与人定重了They had to change their flight as they were double-booked
他们没钱支付购房款,为他们破了产They can not pay for the house because they are broke
他们认为,损坏的原是由于工具与箱子内壁之间没有足够的空隙They ascertained that the damage was due to the fact that there was no enough clearance between the tools and the inside of the case
优良factor of merit
优良的factor of merit
优良的a factor of merit
作些试验,找出破裂的原,这样做是可取的It would be advisable to have tests made to locate the cause of the breaking
你方所需数量低于最低起订量,而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers
你方报盘来得不凑巧,为我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer
你方的好意对我方举足轻重,此我方给贵方5%的折扣Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%
使用年限life factor
供给supply factor
促动素调查a motivation research
假使其他素不变ceteris paribus
偶然原an occasional cause
偶然发生的原chance cause
偿债基金付款sinking fund factor
偿债基金存款sinking tund deposit factor
克莱美、经济计量学家Klein, Lawrence R.
common divisor
common factor
公司由史密斯先生接管,为他买下了该公司的大多数股份The company was taken over by Mr. Smith, who bought most of its shares
共同体一级的community-level factors
其余各方的权利和义务并不某一方撤回本协议而受到影响The rights and obligations of the remaining parties will not be affected by the withdrawal of a certain party from this agreement
endogenous factor
endogenic factor
内在endogenous factor
内在化外部internalizing externalities
经济的内在稳定built-in stabilizer
内在稳定built in stabilizer
决定a deciding factor
决定decisive factor
决定厂址的主要major factors in plant location
决定性governing factor
决定长期资产使用年限的forces affecting economic life
决定长期资产用年限的forces affecting economic live
净诱net inducement
分舱factor of subdivision
利息interest factor
利润诱profit incentive
制造商应该经常了解消费者的口味,为他们是商品的最终使用者Manufacturers should always know about the taste of consumers, because their goods are to be distributed to them ultimately
刺激的a sort of inducement
办公大楼的建造意外事件而受阻The construction of the office building was impeded owing to the contingency
加权weighted factors
动力power factor
动态素对投资的重要性significance of dynamic elements for investment
包装很重要,顾客很容易从外观上判断Packaging is very important because customers are likely to judge by appearance
厂址选择的factor of plant location
变数causal variables
和效果cause and effect
因素causal factors
的调査causal investigation
调査causal investigation
素贸易条件double-factor terms of trade
反馈feedback factor
发行的emission factor
变动性的factor of variability
吸引a pull factor
告知推迟原advise reason for delay
周期性起作用cyclical factor
商品的二two factors of commodity
商品的二two factor of commodity
下雨取水中断rain out
不付款而被扣押的财产seizure of property on default of payment
on the score of
为…by rearrangement that
为他们不能完成最低的销售指标,该协议即告终止cause they fail to meet a minimum sales quota n., the agreement is terminated
为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price
为你方为索赔所提供的证件非常充分,我方会考虑你方的索赔要求We will take your claim for compensation into consideration as the documents produced by you to support the claim are quite sufficient
为你方撤约的威胁毫无道理,你方仍必须执行协议Because your threat of cancellation is unjustified, you are still obliged to carry out the agreement
为她的报价最低,我们接受了Because her quote was the lowest, we accepted it
为我们急需此货,请务必为我方保留Please see to it that you reserve the goods for us because we are in urgent need of them
为我公司经常备有这种产品,所以随时供应你方所需数量而无困难Because our company does regularly carry the products in stock we have no difficulty to supply the amount you need at any time
为我方不愿购买你方货物,所以就没有回电Because we are unwilling to buy your goods, we refrain-ed from cabling back
为运输途中受损的货物箱太多,船主进行赔偿有很大困难The shipowner had great difficulty in arranging a redress because there were too many cases of goods damaged in transport
为这些零件已经过严格的检验,因此适合于装配These parts are suited for assembling because they have stood strict test
为这批货是特地为你们生产的,厂家拒绝撤销这份定单The manufacturers refuse to cancel this order on the ground that the goods have been specially made for you
为这种货物价格太高,我方实在难以推销It is very difficult for us to push the sale of this article, because its price is too high
为雇员不能在规定的期限内完成工作,雇主遂终止协议The employer terminated the agreement because the employee was unable to complete the job within the period stipulated herein
on business
交货延误而造成的损失,我方负责We will assume no responsibility for the loss arising from the delayed shipment
介绍一笔新交易而获取佣金get a rake-off for introducing (the new business)
你方信用证未到,我方不得不推迟发货The arrival of you L/C failed, we have to put off delivery
修理船舶而产生的债权claim for the repair of the vessel
公负伤work-related injury
利害关系而有偏差biased by interest
利益关系而有偏差biased by interest (见)
战争、台风原因postpone the shipment rearrangement by (the war, typhoon, 推迟装运)
变数dependent variables
变数量dependent number
变量induced variable
合同延期所付的代价carry-over price
合同引起的诉讼action on a contract
重量短少保险公司索赔lodge a claim with the insurance company for (loss in weight)
和果cause and effect
地制宜,发挥优势give full play to favorable local conditions
子互换还原测验factor reversal test
子互换测验factor reverse test
子互换测验factor reversal test
子估算法the factorial estimating method
子估算法factorial cost estimating method
子可逆性factor reversibility
子水平level of factors
子系统factor system
子设计a factorial design
子还原试验factor reserve test
工负伤the work-related injury
心软而melt into
战争而价格激增的证券war baby
战争而大发展的工业war baby
承包商方面未能履行义务,其设备可被没收或扣押The equipment may be seized or distrain-ed in default of liabilities on the part of the contractor
违约提出控诉sue for (breach of promise)
收入而造成的需求变化demand shift from income
数估算法the factorial estimating method
无法抢救而放弃abandoned as unsalvageable
时效完成不能行使的权利the right barred by reason of limitation
时效已过而丧失起诉权discharge of the right of action by lapse of time
关系预测模式causal forecasting model
果关系relation between cause and effect
果关系causal nexus
果关系causal relationship
果关系causal connexion
果分析cause consequence analysis
果分析causal analysis
果分析图cause and effect diagram
果分析图Pareto chart
果及机率时间deterministic or probabilistic times
果方法causal approach
果规律law of cause and effect
果顺序causal sequence
某人做错事而羞辱他shame sb. for doing wrong
欺诈而产生的诉权claim based on fraud
so that
post hoc
此,我们的服务完全可靠,务请放心You may, therefore, be assured of the perfect reliability of our service
特网股票指数Internet Stock Index
竞争需要不给优惠待遇competitive need exclusion
精神病而禁治产interdiction of lunacy
素产品关系factor-product relation
素分析图解法factor analysis chart technique
素列举法factor-listing method
素密集度factor intensity
素成本factor cost
素成本的国民所得national income at factor-cost
素比较法factor comparison method
素缺口factor gap
素配置拭验法factorial design of experiments
经营规模扩大而增加成本费用diseconomy of scale
经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约economy of scale
规则而争执haggle for (rules)
船货损坏甚巨,向保险公司索赔总值为一万美元The total amount of the claim to the insurance company is $10.000 because the cargo was badly damaged
行贿被判刑三年be sentenced to three years' imprisonment for bribery
规模适宜而获得的利益scale merit
证据不足,我们不得不拒绝你方索赔On account of insufficient evidence, we would have to repudiate your claim
该国的货币贬值,公司的财产得重新估价The company's properties have to be revalued since the currency of that country has been devalued
该货要在香港转船,我们要求用联运提单As the cargo is to be trans-shipped at Hongkong, we shall require through bills of lading
谎报而解约a rescission for misrepresentation
货物不符合同而产生的债权claim based on lack of conformity of the goods
购置和使用固定资产而产生的费用支出expenditures subsequent to acquisition and use fixed assets
这些空调器都相当昂贵,我希望你在为家里选购时要很慎重As these air conditioners are very expensive, I wish you choose for your family with much discretion
违反合同而要求补偿the remedy for breach of contract
违反合同而要求补偿remedy for breach of contract
违约提出控诉sue for breach of promise
违约提岀控诉sue for breach of promise
违约而提出的补偿物tender of amends
通货膨胀需要调整价格Prices need adjustment for inflation
在我方看来这不很合理,为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
在横滨卸货时,这些盒子常掉入水中,此保险人已将保险费提高到百分之…Owing to the fact that these boxes are frequently dropped into the water during the unloading in Yokohama, the insurer has raised the premium to...%
增益a gain factor
增进promoting factors
增长a growth factor
复利数一次偿付compound amount factor single payment (F/P)
复利计算compounding factor
exogenic factor
变数exogenous variable
外在external factors
外差外溢因素或相邻效应,外部效果externality (spillovers or neighborhood effects)
外流external drain
外流external drains
外部原external causes
素计划a multifactor scheme
失调a disturbing factor
诈骗钱财而入狱She was sent to prison for obtaining money by false pretences
如果损坏的主要原不是由于他们的疏忽,他们对损坏不负主要责任They will bear no major responsibility for the damage if the primary cause of the damage isn't due to their negligence
安全关键safety critical element
定量quantitative factors
实质physical causes
实际折旧的原effective depreciation cause
审查和评价影响世界经济的主要review and assessment of principal factors affecting the world economy
客观an objective factor
客观原an objective cause
容量capacity factor
容量capacity factory
密歇根4素衡量尺度Michigan Four-Factor Scales
就你方提及的装载不足索赔一事,我方同意赔偿总值的7%We agree to compensate you for the claim on short shipment by 7% of the total value
尽管作了努力,我们无法査明钢管变形的原Despite our efforts, we cannot discover the reason why the steel tube was out of shape
局部local factor
市场需求market demand factor
希尔先生头疼得厉害没能出席董事会议Mr. Hill could not attend the board meeting because he had a great pain in his head
希望贵方调査机器故障原You are expected to look into the cause of the breakdown of the machine
平均效率mean defectiveness factor
年金子的现值present worth of an annuity factor
年金子的现值present worth of 1 per annum
年金子的现值discount factor for a stream of income
应考虑factor to be considered
弹性an elastic factor
减价或与折扣价格有关referable to (the reduced price)
形式formal cause
形式原formal cause
影响经济使用寿命的forces affecting economic life (力量)
影响预期的factors affecting expectations
psychological variable
必须指出,装船前我们仔细检査了货物,此不可能会发生货损We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened
总经理公去纽约访问The executive is on a business visit to New York
无价的成本cost factor (of no value)
我不赞成这项安排,为它可能会损害我们公司的利益I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company
我们缺乏资金而无法开发新项目We cannot explore new items because we lack capital
我们一定调査造成损失的原We will be sure to investigate the cause of the loss
我们在长城饭店为你们接风洗尘有特定的原We arrange the banquet in your honor here in Great Wall Hotel for a specific purpose
我们对暴动而迟交货物的事不负责任We shall not be responsible for the late delivery of the goods because of the riot
我们将向轮船公司询问此批货损失的原We will make inquiries at the shipping company regarding the reason for loss of the goods
我们已试验过这些钢管并找出了破裂的原We have tested the steel pipes and discovered the cause of the breaking
我们是双方直接成交这笔业务的,此没有佣金这回事We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission
我们正在调査造成损失的原We are inquiring about the reason of the loss
我们认为你方报价不合适,为这种手提包价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
我公司之所以成长、发展是为有了银行的资金支持Our company grew and prospered because we had the financial support from the banks
我方赔偿你方误送货物所造成的损失We make you a compensation for miscarriage of the goods
我的秘书懂西班牙语,此她将为我们翻译My secretary knows Spanish, so she will interpret for us
扩展expansion factor
扩展expansion factor
扰乱a disturbing factor
承包商应支付仪表的位置或安装不当而支出的费用The contractor shall pay for the expense resulting from the improper location or installation of the apparatus
技术原technical reasons
投资的决定determinants of investment
投资诱inducement to invest
实验a factorial experiment
折扣discount factor
措数power factor
收入流量的贴现present worth of 1 per annum
收入流量的贴现present worth of an annuity factor
收入流量的贴现discount factor for a stream of income
故障原排除error cause removal
数量quantitative factors
契约abstract contract
果关系the non-causal relationship
无形intangible factor
无形素分析intangible factor analysis
无形素分析intangible analysis
无效约infirmative consideration
无法控制的可变uncontrolled variables
无法査明原的损坏the non-attributable damage
无约契约无诉权ex nudo pacto non oritur actio
显示indicative factor
最适度的素结合optimum factor combination
有利a favourable factor
有利favorable factor
有利销售sale advantage
有效efficiency factor
服务强度traffic intensity factor
未知unknow factor
未知X factor
本协议项下以后几次发货不首次发货中断而失效Following shipments under this agreement will not be invalidated by such interruption of the initial one
本地洪水持续了好几天,此我们不能按时发货The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time
机器冷却系统的故障而不能运转The machine broke down because of a defective cooling system
机器发生故障,此生产速度降低了There was a machinery break down so that the progress of the production has decelerated
机遇chance factors
杠杆leverage factor
极限limiting factor
某些原导致市场的衰退There are some causes underlying the declining of the market
标准化a normalized factor
根本原underlying cause
赠与gift causa mortis
比例the proportionality factor
比例proportionality factor
永欠性pertinent factor
法庭他犯挪用公款罪而将他关进监狱The judge sent him to prison for embezzlement
消极negative factor
消除国民生产总值通货膨胀素指数GNP deflator
消除通货膨胀deflator series
±涨bullish factor
涨价escalation factors
清偿时效已完成的债权the fulfillment of barred claims
清偿时效已完成的债权the fulfilment of barred claims
滞后年金lagged annuity factor
煤矿工人换作业面而不工作的日数cavil ling days
objective factor
现值single sum present worth factor
现值数等额序列compound amount factor uniform series (F/A)
现值present worth factor
生产素密集度逆转factor intensity reversal
生产素市场的均衡equilibrium of the factor market
生产素成本factor cost
生产素替换production factor substitution
生产素的价格prices of production factors
生产素的需要弹性the elasticity of factors
生产力incentive to productivity
生产力诱incentive to productivity
生产率productivity factor
生产的关键key factor in production
生产的内部不利internal diseconomies of production
生产的内部有利internal economics of production
生产的外界不利external diseconomy of production
生产的外部有利external economics of production
生产能力改善productivity improvement factor
生活费用cost of living factor
由于不可抗拒的原所造成的事实act of God
由于外部原造成的停工时间external idle time
由于技术原造成的停工时间standby unattended time
由于组织或技术原造成停工waiting time
由市场供求等内部素引起的价格回升technical rally
由市场等内部素引起的跌价technical decline
由生产素价格决定的成本explicit costs
1的复利compounding factor for 1
1的年复利compounding factor for 1 per annum
真实素报酬real factor returns
真实原causa causans
破产原cause of bankruptcy
确定的风险established risk factor
社会social variable
社会素贴现率social discount rate
程式规划者履行programmer performance factor
税收推动tax motivation
稳定firming factor
等差级数arithmetic-series factor
等额序列arithmetic-series uniform-series factors
等额序列复合uniform series compound amount factor
等额序列现值uniform series present worth factor
管理factor of management
约翰违反劳动纪律被解雇John was dismissed for violating labour discipline
细密工作detailed work factor
经济economic factors
经济economic forces
经济economic agent
经济增长growth factor
经济外的不确定the exogenous uncertainty
经济极限economic limit factor
经济的外在economic externalities
经济调整与重新调整factor of economic adjustment and readjustment
经济风险economic chance factor
经理没有实现他的推销计划为董事们投票反对此项计划The manager didn't realize his plan for sales because directors had voted against it
缩写工作abbreviated work-factor
耦合a coupling factor
efficient cause
膨胀贴现联合combined inflation discounting factor
船主不对短重负有责任,此应尽快从仲裁程序中解脱出来The owner of the ship is not responsible for short-weight and therefore he should be released from the arbitration proceeding at once
要求赔偿的主subject of claim
设计中人的human side of planning
cause of action
该公司无法偿还债务而破产This company was unable to meet its obligations, and went bankrupt
该公司并没有所有权的变化而蒙受太大损失The company has not suffered much by a change of ownership
调整regulation factor (率)
调査延误原investigate the cause of delay
买卖价格的负因素,指买卖过程中所得的额外收入negative factor
负荷load factor
负载load fact
负载素比率load factor ratio
财产素和行政因素的化合体fusion of property and administrative factors
财产素和行政因素的融合the fusion of property and administrative factors
货币monetary variable
货币monetary forces
货物未到,交通被暴风雪阻断The goods haven't arrived because the traffic was interrupted by a snowstorm
货物积载cargo factor
质量品质figure of merit
质量差是该公司利润低的一个重要原Poor quality is an important factor in the firm's lower profits
贴现discount factor
费用素'cost factor
资丰形成capitalization factor
资方在工会之间的谈判长达7小时,未达成协议而中断The negotiations between the management and the union broke down after 7 hours
资本形成capitalization factor
资本收回capital recovery factors
资本还原capitalization factor
转基食品援助GM food aid
转移transformation factors
运行性operational factors
the proximate cause
这些水果季节性很强,此必须迅速发货These fruits are highly seasonal, hence the necessity of prompt delivery
这位秘书没有提升工资而辞职The secretary quit ted because he didn't have a rise in wages
这家工厂负债而倒闭The factory folded up with debts
这封信解释含糊而造成了误解The letter was misunderstood because of its ambiguity
这批纺织品包装不良可能是被驳回的原Inferior packing of the textiles may be the cause for rejection
这次发生的事情是由于人力不可抗的原造成的This happening has been caused by force majeure
这种商品价格昂贵,为所有材料来源于国外The merchandise is expensive because all materials are obtained from sources broad
这种由于双方都认可的某些特殊原而未能履行合同的现象称为"契约落空"The prevention of the fulfilment of the contract by some special reasons agreed by both parties is called "Frustrated"
这笔订货对我公司的未来业务很重要,为本公司的有赖于它的完成情况This order is important for our company's future, because our business depends on it
违反本条款中的任何规定,都可能成为终止合同的原A breach of any stipulation of this article can be a cause of the termination of the contract
速度speed factor
造成价格下跌的原有可能是数量过剩或款式变更Price markdowns may be caused by excessive quantities or fashion fads
那些在风暴损坏的沉船上的旅客陷入了绝望The passengers on the sinking ship damaged by a storm abandoned themselves to despair
部分偿还capital recovery factor
部分偿还partial payment factor
重要critical factor
重要原substantial cause
钢产量是测定某一年生产水平的一个决定性The output of steel is a decisive factor in determining the production level for a given year
销售代理尽另维护厂家利益,避免顾客不付款让厂家受损The sales representatives try their best to protect the manufacturer from the non-payment by customers
防止不使用而撤销the safeguard against forfeiture for lack of working (专利)
附加additional factors
…之外,单独海损不赔free from particular average unless caused by...
需求demand factor
非市场a non-market factor
非经济noneconomic consideration
非货币nonmonetary factor
非货币a non-monopoly factor
非货币nonmonetary factors
预期expectational factor
额定rating factor
风险性工程项目的危险hazard factor for risky projects
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