
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
为树脂材料与前牙颜色相同,所以经常被用来修补前牙Composite resin is often used in the front tooth, because its color is the same as the teeth
为这是个小的龋洞,所以我用树脂充填As it is a small cavity, I will put a resin filling
接下来牙齿会为牙周支持骨的丧失而松动In the advanced stage, teeth become loose because of destruction of the supporting bone
是不明原的出血吗?Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all?
牙神经感染已坏死The nerve seems to be dead from infection
细菌是牙齿龋坏、牙龈疾病和牙石形成的重要原Bacteria are the most important cause of tooth decay, gum disease and calculus formation
龋坏是脓肿的原The decay was the cause of the abscess