
Terms containing 回行 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三次行程回波triple transit echo
el.三次行程回波波纹triple transit echo ripple
wind.三级回转行星齿轮装置three stage slewing planetary gear unit
tech.下行梯段回采法underhand stoping
tech.不平行四杆回转链系non-parallel crank four bar linkage
expl.与回采工作面平行的炮孔balanced hole
space中止飞行回发射场abort to launch site
avia.主带小行星样本返回main-belt asteroid sample return
space乘员返回和救生飞行器crew return/rescue vehicle (美国曾计划研制的一种小型载人航天器,已取消)
space乘员返回飞行器crew return vehicles
avia.乘员返回飞行器crew return vehicle
econ.他从银行中取回了钱He withdrew money from the bank
interntl.trade.仲裁裁决的不可撤回性和具有强制执行力irrevocability and enforceability of the award
shipb.仲裁裁决的不可撤回性和强制执行力irrevocability and enforceability of the award
gen.你上次去英国旅行买了什么特产回来?What special things did you buy on your trip to England?
econ.偿还, междун.торг. 履行契约,赎回redeem
tech.凸轮回行机构eccentric-motion reversing gear
dermat.匐行性回状红斑erythema gyratum repens
tech.回行楼梯double-return staircase
tech.回行楼梯double-return stair
tech.回行reverse stroke
space发射-飞行-回收空间飞行器launch-fly-recover space vehicle
busin.发行新债券换回旧债券refunding issue
securit.发行新债券换回旧债券bond refunding
manag.发送-回报-执行法send-report back-execute method
space可回收行星际探测器recoverable interplanetary space probe
el.可回收行星际空间探测器recoverable interplanetary space probe
avia.可回收运载飞行器reusable bus vehicle
space可机动和回收的空间飞行器maneuverable and recoverable space vehicle
space可返回地球轨道飞行器orbital return vehicle
space可返回地面的轨道飞行器orbital return vehicle
space商用空间再入回收飞行器space entry recovery vehicle in commercial environments (英国研制中的)
auto.回位行程retract stroke
agric.回位行程retracting stroke
busin.回国航行homeward voyage
corp.gov.回国旅行travel on home leave
corp.gov.回国旅行repatriation travel
corp.gov.回国旅行home leave travel
plast.回弹行程rebound travel
plast.回弹行程rebound stroke
mil., air.def.回描行flyback line
avia.回收式试验飞行器reentry test vehicle
environ.回收行业reclamation industry Industry for the transformation of solid waste into useful products (把固体废料转变成有用的产品的行业。)
space回收飞行器recovery vehicle
construct.飞机回旋滑行道turnaround taxiway
tech.回旋滑行道turnaround taxiway (飞机)
el.回旋管行波放大器gyrotron traveling-wave amplifier
avia.回旋行波放大管gyro TWA
el.回旋行波管gyro traveling wave tube
shipb.回程航行homeward voyage
shipb.回程航行利用utilization of homeward voyage
avia.回程飞行准备turn around
el.回答[答复]例行程序answer routine
corp.gov.回籍旅行travel on home leave
corp.gov.回籍旅行home leave travel
CNC回行return travel
tech.回行冲程return stroke
met. 回行台车returning pallet
met.回行台车returning pallet
tech.回行惰轮return idler
tech.回行曲柄return crank
tech.回行机构reverse gear
tech.回行机构return mechanism
met. 回行return strand
met.回行return strand
construct.回行滑轮return block
met.回行皮带return belt
construct.回行皮带盘backing pulley
tech.回行皮带轮backing pulley
tech.回行管道return pipe
oil回行装置return gear
auto.回行随动,跟踪装置return gear
construct.回行随动,跟踪装置return gear
met. 回行轨道return rail
met.回行轨道return rail
tech.回行运动return motion
met.回行运输带return belt
tech.回行进给return feed
tech.回行连杆return connecting rod
tech.回行齿轮箱return gear box
securit.回补/增加本地公开发行份额通知clawback notification
auto.悬架/钢板弹簧回跳行程rebound travel
auto.悬架弹簧回跳行程rebound stroke
auto.悬架回跳行程rebound clearance
auto.回跳行程限制缓冲rebound bumper
telecom.回车一换行顺序carriage return/line feed sequence
telecom.回车和换行carriage return and line feed
telecom.回车换行new line
telecom.回车换行字符newline character
telecom.回车换行字符new line character
multimed.回车/换行符carriage return/line feed
tech.回转刀架最大行程maximum travel of turret slide
auto.回转执行器swing actuator
met.回转窑运行状况kiln behaviour
gen.回转面的平行圆parallels of a surface of revolution
busin.回载行程back haul
busin.回避行为elusive behavior
psychol.回避行为avoidance behaviour
sport., psychol.回避行为avoidance behavior
tech.回避行动avoidance behaviour
tech.回避行动avoidance behavior
nautic.因避危险而迂回航行haul round
tech.在回转架上递送行李包裹merry-go-round for baggage
el.在运行的回路operating circuit
space地球返回飞行器earth return vehicle
avia.地球返回飞行器Earth return vehicles (把火星样品送回地球的飞行器)
met.【钢】 地行式不回转的装料机nonrotating ground-type charging machine
met.地行式不回转装料机nonrotating ground-type charging machine
danc.外侧回旋步在分式侧行之后outside swivel after open promenade
danc.外侧回旋步接侧行连接步 2,3 步outside swivel followed by steps 2 and 3 of promenade link
el.多个整流器并行工作的回路multiple rectifier circuit
el.多回并行电路multiple circuit
tech.多行程止回阀multiple swing check valve
econ.如果商品交易会没有准时举行,则可退回入场费The admission fee will be refundable if the trade fair is not held on time
econ.如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank
gen.对于已订妥成行的机票或者回程航班,无须再次确认We do not require reconfirmation of existing reservation for onward or return Air China flight
el.小型模块化回收飞行器系统small modular recovery vehicle system
tech.工作面自行式液压回转螺旋钻机self-propelled hydraulic rotary auger face drill
econ.已发行纸币的超额回笼excess withdrawal over issue
space带有核乳剂的可回收〔空间〕飞行器nuclear emulsion recovery vehicle
railw.平行加强回流线parallel reinforcing return line
tech.平行四杆回转链系parallel crank four bar linkage
railw.平行回流线parallel return current conductor
skiing平行式大回转parallel giant slalom
tech.平行浮选回路parallel floatation circuit
tech.平行浮选回路parallel flotation circuit
expl.平行炮孔分段回采parallel-hole method of sublevel stoping
tech.平行炮孔分段回采parallel hole method of sublevel stoping
tech.平行间隙回流焊接parallel gap reflow soldering
el.并行回路parallel circuit
space应急返回飞行器emergency return vehicle
space应急返回飞行器abort-return vehicle
tech.强行收回actual eviction
securit.强行赎回bondholder expropriation
China, law强行遣回原地send someone back by force to one's place of residence
econ.律师着手进行为推销员回收欠款的民事诉讼程序The attorney instituted civil proceedings for the collection of debts by the salesman
tech.快速回行quick return
tech.快速返回行rapid return stroke
gen.我们已从机场取回了您的行李,目前正送往酒店We have retrieved your luggage from the airport and it is on the way back to the hotel now
gen.我们有时会跑到星巴克享受一杯咖啡,而不是赶回家喝杯传统英式茶,但是喝杯拿铁不过是个习惯行为We may go to Starbucks instead of rushing home for a traditional English tea, but the consumption of a latte is a stylized act
avia.打字机回行carriage return
nautic., tech.执行回转recovery of execution
securit.执行赎回called away
econ.承租人可行使买回优先权Repurchase option is exercisable by the lessee
auto.活塞杆回行pull stroke
tech.按回购协定进行的购买业务buying operation under repurchase agreement
busin.收回产品进行修理call back
securit.收回央行对金融机构贷款recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)
space数据回收飞行器data-recovery vehicle
el.数据回收飞行器data recovery vehicle
space无人回收飞行器unmanned recovery vehicle
interntl.trade.时效完成后退回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
corp.gov.替代性回籍旅行alternate home leave travel
auto.悬架最大回跳行程rebound, metal-to-metal position
auto.悬架最大回跳行程maximum rebound clearancetravel
tech.未进行回填封闭unstuffing and unsealing
avia.机组延长飞行与返回系统system for aircrew flight extension and return
commer.回行round trip
gen.回行a round trip
transp.来回〔往返〕的行〔路〕程round trip
avia.来回飞行turn around
avia.来回飞行中故障隔离turn-around fault isolation
proj.manag.每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出你几乎不注意的50美元、累积起来一年就有600 美元、还有你的投资回报That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $ 600 a year, plus your return on investment
fin.法定期限以后归回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
securit.潜在的干扰性赎回行potentially disruptive redemption activity
gen.现在济州岛的拍摄部分差不多快完成了,就要回首尔进行新的拍摄了The shooting in Jeju Island is now almost completed, and I will be returning to Seoul to start new shooting
el.电力回路段平行连接parallel connection of electrical circuit sections
refrig.盘管迂回运行循环coil run-around cycle
gen.直到二战以后比萨在美国才开始变得流行起来。当时驻扎在意大利的美国士兵吃了很多比萨,他们回到家乡还想继续吃It wasn't until after world war II. The soldiers based in Italy had eaten lots of pizza and wanted to continue eating it when they came home
tech.短行回车short-line seeking
telecom.硬换行返回hard return
space确保乘员返回飞行器assured crew return capability (美国研究中的航天员营救飞行器)
space确保乘员返回飞行器assured crew return vehicle (美国研究中的空间站乘员应急返回地球飞行器)
tech.空气回流运行recirculated air operation
surg.经回肠膀胱逆行输尿管造影retrograde ileocystoureterography
proj.manag.网络中返回其他用户的邮件地址或允许用户对主机和服务进行定位的服务directory service
econ.股票行情回升后再下跌the relapse of the stock market
busin.股票行情回升后再下跌relapse of the stock market
space能控制及回收的空间飞行器maneuverable and recoverable space vehicle
gen.能返回基地的飞行轨道round trip trajectory
tech.脉冲运行回旋加速器pulse operated cyclotron
China, law自行回避voluntarily withdraw
tech.节流阀在执行元件出油路上的调速回路meter-out circuit
tech.节流阀在执行元件进油路上的调速回路meter-in circuit
econ.若我们在 5 月 18日前得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不采取法律行动索回贷款If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection
tech.蜗杆球回行导架worm ball return guide
telecom.行回扫时间horizontal retrace period
telecom.行回扫时间率horizontal retrace ratio
space行回扫消影间隔horizontal banking interval
telecom.行回扫线horizontal retrace line
gen.行回扫脉冲line flyback pulses
mil., air.def.行回描line retrace
mil., air.def.行回描line flyback
textile行市回升rally in price
busin.行情回升market recovery
commer.行情跌至最低点后回升bottom out
tech.行扫描回程期间line-return period
comp., MS行銷活動回覆campaign response (A reply by a recipient of a campaign activity. Campaign responses can result from many channels, including e-mail, telephone, and fax)
mil., air.def.行频回扫脉冲line flyback pulse
proj.manag.因存款不足被银行退回的支票bounced cheque
space"观察、判断、决策、行动"回路observation, orientation, decision, action loop
avia.调头回程飞行turn around
tech.起重机吊钩回行滑轮crane hook return block
auto.转向回行供车辆调头用turn-around loop
gen.转机时行李需要先拿出来再放回去吗?Will I have to claim and re-check my baggage for connecting flights?
tech.输送机回行扇形齿轮conveyer reverse quadrant
tech.回行detour behaviour
tech.回行detour behavior
tech.迂回航行jog method
el.运行回路operating loop
avia.运载飞行器回收系统launch vehicle recovery system
auto.回位return stroke
auto.回位return travel
auto.回位return trip
auto.回位retracting stroke
agric.回行homing behavior
tech.回行reversing stroke
chem.回行reverse stroke
el.回行return run
met.回行retracting stroke
met.回行return stroke
agric.活塞回行retracting stroke
tech.回行程时间return-stroke time
space返回地球飞行器earth-bound vehicle
space返回地球飞行器earth return vehicles
space返回式无人飞行器unmanned recovery vehicle
USA, space返回式轨道转移飞行器returnable orbital transfer vehicle
space返回式轨道飞行器orbital return vehicle
space返回式飞行器flyback vehicle
gen.这是你的行李回执,凭这个条取行李This is your voucher, and you can get your luggage back on this
tech.进行回火的房子tempering house
interntl.trade.退回对方已提供的履行restitution of benefits conferred
interntl.trade.退回已履行的债restitution of performance
econ.时效完成后退回已履行的债restitution of performance (after prescription)
securit.逆向方式执行回购协议reverse a repo
tech.逆行返回retrograde return
securit.银行单据回笼retirement of bank notes
busin.银行可以随时通知收回贷款的经纪人dealer in money at call
securit.银行同业债券回购利率interbank bonds repurchase rate
securit.银行回购协议bank repurchase agreement
fin.银行存款回报率return on bank deposits
securit.银行间市场债券回购利率interbank bonds repurchase rate
auto.链传动链条回行上部upper chain run
space闭合回路飞行试验closed loop flight test
chem.降液管内液沫回行downcomer backup
genet.非平行回归non-parallel regression
avia.飞行员回答式地图显示器pilot's repeater map display
el.飞行员电话气象问讯自动回答服务pilots automatic telephone weather answering service
space飞行器回收vehicle recovery
avia.飞行器回收设备aircraft recovery equipment
adv.首行满排回行缩排flush and indent
adv.首行满排回行缩排flush and hang