
Terms for subject Technology containing 回电 | all forms | in specified order only
出线电压和回路数voltage and number of outgoing lines
分电器回转盘distributor rotating disk
单线送电大地返回电earth return circuit
双回路供电电源double-return circuit power supply
反杂乱回波电路anticlutter circuits
反杂乱回波电路anti-clutter circuit
周期性电流回路periodical circuit
周期性电流回路periodic circuit
回动电压dropout voltage
回动电控阀reverse gear train
回动电控阀reverse gear
回动电控阀reverse electro-pneumatic valve
回动电气阀reverse electro-pneumatic valve
回动电流dropout current
回复〔对偶,双重〕放大电路dual amplification circuit
回复〔来复式〕电路reflex circuit
回复电路reflex circuit
回复继电器restoring relay
回扫电压flyback voltage
回扫电压变换器flyback converter
回扫电子束return scanning beam
回扫电路flyback circuit
回扫脉冲电源kickback power supply
回授〔反馈,再生〕电容器reaction condenser
回描电源flyback power supply
回流电刷return brush
回流电缆return cable
回流电缆current return cable
回火电流temper current
回热式电炉recuperative furnace
回电telegraphical reply
回电telegraphic reply
回电费付讫reply paid
回程电压backswing voltage
回线电感loop inductance
回线电抗loop reactance
回线电流计loop galvanometer
回线电阻loop resistance
回线输电loop transmission
回路电压loop voltage
回路电容loop capacitance
回路电感loop inductance
回路电流法cyclical current method
回路电阻测量loop resistance measurement
回转发电机slueing generator
回转电动机slewing motor
回转电磁铁connector motor magnet
回转电钻rotary electrical drill
回转电钻rotary electric drill
回转磁铁磁电机rotating magnet magneto
回电earth return circuit
地回路电路ground return circuit
垂直回描电压vertical flyback voltage
多回路电动机multiloop motor
导电回路galvanic circle
小型电器支回路small appliance branch circuit
带回流线的直接供电方式direct feeding system with return cable
带回流线的直接供电方式direct feeding system with negative feeder
微波电子回旋加速度microwave electron cyclotron
回电sweep circuit
振荡回路电容tank capacitance
振荡回路电感tank inductance
无线电回声测距法radio acoustical sound ranging
无线电回声测距法radio sound ranging
无线电回声测距法radio acoustic sound ranging
无线电回波探测radio echo sounding (法)
无线电回波探测radio echo observation (法)
无线电回波探测器radio echo detector
无线电回波法radio echo method
牵引回流电缆traction return cable
牵引回流电路traction return current circuits
电动止回阀motorized non-return valve
电动立轴式回转分料溜槽motorized pivoted distributor
电压回授放大器voltage feedback amplifier
电压回路pressure circuit
电压回路断线保护voltage circuit break protection (装置)
电回火electrical tempering
电子反馈回路electron feedback loop
电子回旋加热electron cyclotron heating
电子回旋加速betatron acceleration
电子回旋加速器induction accelerator
电子回旋加速效应betatron effect
电子回旋加速机制betatron mechanism
电子回旋加速过程betatron process
电子回旋加速频率electron cyclotron frequency
电子回旋振荡electron cyclotron oscillation
电子回旋横波器件electron cyclotron transverse-wave device
电子回旋波whistler wave
电子回旋频率electron gyro-frequency
电子感应回旋加谏器electron induction accelerator
电容回授电路capacitive feedback circuit
电感回路检测器inductive loop detector
电气式回转速度计指示器electrical tachometer indicator
电流回路断线保护current circuit break protection (装置)
电液伺服回路electrohydraulic servo loop
电滞回线ferro-electrical hysteresis
电滞回线ferro-electric hysteresis
电缆回波cable echo
电表回路loop meter
电解回收electrolytic recovery
电解法回收金刚石electrolytic salvage of diamonds
等效回路电流equivalent mesh current
等效回路电流dummy-mesh current
绝缘回路供电制insulated-return power system
继电器回缩弹簧relay retractile spring
继电器返回系数drop-off to pickup ratio
路轨回流供电制track-return power system
路轨回流电路track return circuit
轨道电流回路rail return
轴向回转柱塞式液压电动机Janney motor
轴向回转柱塞式液压电动机Denison motor
回电return current
回电return cable
回电return circuit
键盘回移电码carriage return code
集电极回路电阻collector return resistor