
Terms for subject Technology containing 回环 | all forms | in specified order only
侧线循环回流pump back
再热回热循环reheating regenerative cycle
再热回热蒸汽循环reheat regenerative steam cycle
反循环回转钻进reverse rotary drilling
热循环heat-exchange cycle
回头环线reverse loop curve
回流环转子collector ring rotor
回热再热循环regenerative reheat cycle
回热循环Stirling cycle
回热循环extraction cycle
回转半径环动半径radius of gyration
回转并循环冲洗rotating and circulating
回转环pivoted loop
圆环回跳现象ring resilience
定压回热循环constant pressure regenerative cycle
定容回热循环constant volume regenerative cycle
对称环形同步回旋加速器symmetrical ring synchrocyclotron
对称环形同步回旋加速器symmetric ring synchrocyclotron
应力应变曲线回环loop of strain stress curve
废气回热循环exhaust-heated cycle
循环回洗水recycled backwash water
循环回用水water recycled
循环回用水系统water recycle system
循环水回用circulating water reuse
循环消去回代法recursive method
本地复合环回local composite loopback
本地数字环回local digital loopback
模拟环回analogue loopback
模拟环回analog loopback
模拟环回测试法analogue loopback testing
模拟环回测试法analog loopback testing
正循环回转钻孔rotary drilling by pumping of mud
水流循环回路water flow circuit
滚子夹套式回转支承环roller slewing ring
回环线hysteresis loop
环回照器ring heliotrope
环境回复environmental return
环境回顾评价assessment of reviewable environment
环境质量回顾评价environmental quality retrospective evaluation
环球回波round-the-world echo
理想回热循环ideal regenerative cycle
等压回热循环constant pressure regenerative cycle
蒸汽循环回路steam circuit
回环线reversing loop
重热回热汽循环reheating regenerative vapour cycle
重热回热汽循环reheating regenerative vapor cycle
钢丝绳回转环cable swivel collar
钻井泥浆在环状空间的回流速度upward annular velocity of drilling mud
锅炉循环回路boiler circuit
闭合循环回路closed loop
闭合指令循环回路closed instruction loop
闭环控制回路close loop control circuit
高压回热循环high-pressure extraction cycle
高温循环回路high-temperature circuit