
Terms for subject Information technology containing 器件 | all forms | in specified order only
中央处理器部件CPU element
临界温度元器件critical temperature component
主机显示书写器文件交换host-displaywriter document interchange
事件管理器event manager
事件过滤器event filter
二种状态的器件binary cell
器件表面温度component surface temperature
光耦合器件light coupled device
全控型器件all controlling device
全状态文件服务器stateful files server
内部文件连接器internal file connector
分立器件discrete device
匹配器件matching device
半导体器件的热容thermal capacitance of a semiconductor device
半导体器件的电极electrode of a semiconductor device
单向器件unilateral device
可控雪崩器件controlled avalanche device
可编程序输入/输出器件programmable input/output PIO chip
可编程逻辑器件programmable logic devices
器件component library
器件模拟device simulation
器件的调谐tuning of a device
器件设计device design
器件面积device area
固定逻辑器件fixed logic
固态器件solid-state device
处理器独立软件processor-independent interrupt
外存储器件file unit
多媒体查看器配置文件名后缀在OS/2操 作系统中,多媒体査看器配置文件的扩展名.ccf
多端口寄存器文件multiport register file
多路通信转接器与附件multi-line communications adapter/attachment
多路通信转接器与附件multiline communications adapter/attachment
存储器扩充选购件memory expansion option
存储器测试系统软件memory test system software
对称自我光电效应器件symmetric self-electro-optic-effect-devices
平面文件服务器flat file server
微处理器支撑软件microprocessor support software
微处理器软件microprocessor software
微处理器软件交叉产品microprocessor software cross-product
数据库容器文件名后缀.dbc (dbc 是 database container 的缩写,数据库系统中数据库容器文件的 扩展名)
文件连接器file connector
斗链式器件bucket brigade device
无状态文件服务器stateless files services
无连接文件服务器connectionless file server
显示文件编译器display-file compiler
智能显示器件intelligent display device
有源光器件active optical device
Java 服务器小件Java servlet
ASP .NET 服务器控件ASP .NET server control
服务器硬件的系统管理架构systems management architecture for server hardware
机器可读数据文件machine-readable data files
条件码寄存器condition-code register
梁式引线器件beam-leaded device
植入器件implanted device
注入器件implanted device
活动服务器页面文件名后缀用于标识活 动服务器页面 (ASP) 文件的扩展名.asp
现场可编程逻辑器件field programmable logic device
玻璃半导体器件glass semiconductor device
电光器件electro-optic device
电可编程逻辑器件electronically programmable logic device
电声器件electroacoustic device
电子器件electron device
电子邮件过滤器E-mail filter
电荷注入器件charge injection device
电荷耦合器件存储器charge-coupled device CCD storage
硬件加速器hardware accelerator
硬件监视器hardware monitor
硬件缓冲存储器hardware cache
硬件计时器hardware timer
磁元件移位寄存器magnetic shift register
磁盘文件控制器disk file controller
部件单元,运算器arithmetic and logic unit
约瑟夫逊隧道逻辑器件Josephson tunneling logic device
线性器件linear device
综合文件适配器integrated file adapter
虚拟文件存储器virtual file store
虚文件服务器virtual file server
表面安装器件surface mount device
贝尔集成光学器件Bell integrated optical device
软件相联存储器software associative memory
适配器空插件adapter blank
邮件分发器mail exploder
邮件反射器mail reflector
邮件服务器mail server
金属氧化物硅器件metal-oxide silicon device
链路连接元件管理器link connection component manager
器件valve device
集中文件存储器integrated file store
集成文件适配器integrated file adapter
非线性电器元nonlinear circuit component
非结构文件服务器unstructured file server
高密度可编程逻辑器件high-density programmable logic devices
高抗扰度接口器件HNIL interface device