
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 喷吹石 灰 | all forms | in specified order only
喷吹氧气石灰脱磷脱硫法oxygen lime injection dephosphorization and desulphurization process
喷吹石灰injection of lime
喷吹石灰lime injection
喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉LD alkaline converter
喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉LD-AC converter
喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉oxygen-lime-powder converter
喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉OLP converter
喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉炼钢法oxygen lance powder process
喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉炼钢法LD-AC process
喷石灰粉顶吹氧气炼钢法O.L.P process
喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉炼钢法oxygen-lime powder steelmaking process
大量喷吹石灰high rate of lime injection
石灰和氧一起喷吹injection of lime with oxygen (Some years ago, it was discovered by French and Luxemburg steel-makers that injection of lime with the oxygen permitted the use of iron of much higher phosphorus content -up to nearly 2 per cent in steelmaking. 若干年前,法国和卢森堡的炼钢工作者发现:将石灰和氧气一起喷吹就可以在炼钢中使用含磷量高达近2%的高磷生铁。)
石灰喷吹系统lime injection system
石灰粉喷吹lime-powder injection