
Terms for subject Economy containing 商用 | all forms | in specified order only
一般性商业信用调查机构general merchant agency
万国商用电码ABC code ABC
专用商店specialized store
亚克米商用电码Acme code
亚克米商品及用语电码Acme Commodities and phrases code
他们将按成本不另收费用给商店供应货物They will provide the goods to the store at cost without any charge
他们承担了商店拆迁和重新开业的一切费用They bore all expenses for removal and reopening of the shop
代用商品the substitution commodity
任何其他商号、协会、公司或其他实体都无权使用此商标No other firm, association, corporation or other entity has right to use the trademark
供应商承担保险、卸货、仓储及搬运的费用The supplier bore the charges for insurance, unloading, storage and handling
侵犯商标专用权trade mark infringement
大公司或银行背书的信用好的商业票据fine trade bill
关于我方信用情况,请向伦敦商业银行股份有限公司查询We refer you to the Mercantile Bank of London, Ltd. as to our credit standing
其他制造商不得使用我方已在专利局正式登记注册的商标Our trademark which has been duly registered in the Patent Office shouldn't be used by other manufacturers
冒用商标trade mark infringement
出口商信用贷款supplier's loans
出售船用杂货如绳索、帆布等 的商人ship chandler
制造厂商信用证manufacturer's credit
制造商应该经常了解消费者的口味,因为他们是商品的最终使用者Manufacturers should always know about the taste of consumers, because their goods are to be distributed to them ultimately
双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier
双方已商定信用证条款Both parties have agreed on L/C terms
商业上的运用business application
商业信用书commercial letter of credit
商业信用咨询公司commercial credit agency
商业信用咨询所status enquiry agency
商业信用局Better Business Bureau
商业信用票据instrument of credit
商业信用证书commercial letter of credit (L/C)
商业用费commercial expense
商业费用merchandising cost
商业费用selling expense
商业费用business expense
商业费用business expenditure
商业费用distribution charge
商业跟单信用证统一惯例和做法uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit
商业通用语言Common Business Oriented Language
商人信用证a merchant's credit
商品信用股份有限公司Commodity Credit Corporation
商品流通费用cost of commodity circulation
商品的社会平均资金占用量social average amount of funds embodied in a commodity
商店直接费用direct store expense
商标专用权trade mark
商标使用许可证trade mark licence
商标牌号使用费the brand royalty
商用回收处理the commercial reprocessing
商用 工业标准Commercial Standard
商行信用的咨询、征信credit inquiry
商行信用的调査credit inquiry
美国国际商用机器公司International Business Machines
国际商用机器公司的自动编码International Business Machine's Autocoder
国际日用品供应商店overseas supply store
在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
在外贸业务中,信用证付款是商业惯例L/C payment is the customary commercial practice in foreign trade
如本许可证期满,被许可人必须立即停止使用本商标The license shall discontinue the use of the trade mark if the license lapses
妇女用品商店a millinery store
客商将所得利润用于在特区内进行再投资为期5年以上者,可申请减免再投资部分的利润所得税An investor who reinvests his profits in the Special Economic Zones for 5 years and longer may claim exemption of income taxation on profits from such reinvestment
对外国人的日用品、食品贩卖商店S speciality shop
应用服务供应商Application Service Provider
应采取措施禁止擅自使用商号权Measures should be taken to prohibit any unauthorized use of the trade name
我们了解你商店经营汽车备用零件We are aware that your store handles spare parts for motor cars
我们对下列商品感兴趣汤匙、餐用刀We are interested in the following goods: spoons and table knives
我方最新产品可以在经营家用电器的商店里买到Our latest products are obtainable in household appliances shops
承包商应支付各种可收回的费用The reimbursable costs shall be paid by the contractor
承包商应支付因仪表的位置或安装不当而支出的费用The contractor shall pay for the expense resulting from the improper location or installation of the apparatus
承包商应经常用电话与供应商或制造商取得联系The contractor shall often have to set in touch with the suppliers or manufacturers by phone
无信用的商业行动fly-by-night business operation
日用商品仓库house goods warehouse
日用的商品articles in everyday use
日用的非商品农产品integration product for daily use
本特利商用电码Bentley's code
根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
没有人可以盗用属于我方业务的商标或商品No one can usurp the trademark or trade names pertaining to our business
温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及时修改好Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended
用作…的商品goods for
用商品作抵押的预付款advance against goods
用实物发工资的商店a tommy shop
电器用品商店an electric appliances shop
美国制造商业出口信用保险公司American Manufactures Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange (协会)
美国制造商出口信用保险交易所American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange
耐用商品hard goods
自她加盟我公司两年以来,已取得不少与外商做生意的有用技巧She has acquired not a few useful skills of conducting business with foreigners since she joined us two years ago
英国商用电能单位Board of Trade Unit (1电度单位=1千瓦/小时)
行业所用物资、商品的存货量stock in trade
许多公司都雇用代理商来试探市场Many firms hire reps to test new markets
该公司已雇用他们为销售其新商品的推销员The company has employed them to act as its salesman for the sale of the new commodity
资本货物包括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和原料Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods
这本英汉商业词典将在 2003年由商务印书馆用精装本出版The English-Chinese Commercial Dictionary will be published in an dition deluxe in 2003 with the Commercial Press
通用商品名称generic names
零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself
商用通话an uncommercial call
非法使用他人商标构成商标侵权Illegally making use of others' brands constitutes infringement