
Terms for subject Technology containing 商用 | all forms | in specified order only
不耐用商品soft goods
不耐用商品non-durable goods
专用商标名proprietary name
专门用品商店specialty store
专门用品商店specialty shop
人工商用电话局manual commercial office
使用物品的商品commodity considered as a use-value
侵犯商标专用权trademark infringement
儿童用品商店children's shop
医药用品商店drug and hospital equipment store
建筑物commercial architecture
商业上的应用business application
商业企业保险费用insurance premium of commercial enterprises
商业使用commercial occupancy
商业使用business occupancy
商业信用凭证instrument of credit
商业信用单据commercial credit documents
商业信用咨询所mercantile inquiry agency
商业信用查询trade reference
商业信用状况business standing
商业信用调查credit inquiry
商业回信用明信片business reply cards
商业应用commercial use
商业用地trading estate
商业用地commercial acre
商业用户mercantile occupancy
商业用旅馆business hotel
商业用气commercial utilization
商业用水water for commercial use
商业用窗commercial window
商业用语commercial language
商业用高层建筑commercial tall building
商业设施利用圈shopping sphere
商业间接费用commercial indirect expenses
商人信用证merchant's credit
商务占用mercantile occupancy
商务用旅馆business hotel
商品燃烧用具trade burning appliance
商品费用merchandise expense
商店兼用住宅dwelling house combined with shop
商店兼用住宅combined dwelling house
商店直接储[贮]存费用direct store expenses
商用不锈钢commercial rustless steel
商用云母mica of commerce
商用仪器commercial instrument
商用制冷系统commercial refrigerating system
商用卫星commercial satellite
商用品种commercial breed
商用字符commercial character
商用快中子增殖反应堆commercial fast breeder reactor
商用报文commercial message
商用指令集commercial instruction set
商用数据管理系统commercial data management system
商用材高merchantable height
商用标准commercial standard
商用电动机commercial motor
商用电台commercial station
商用符号commercial character
商用结构钢commercial structural steel
商用致冷装置commercial refrigerating plant
商用规格commercial size
商用计算机commercial computer
商用车身commercial body
商用轧制型钢commercial rolled section
商用重量commercial weight
商用锻钢坯open forging steel
商用长度commercial length
商用预应力构件commercial prestressing member
商用频率commercial frequency
商用飞机business aircraft
商船用反应堆merchant ship reactor
国际商用机器公司International Business Machine Corporation
国际电信卫星型商用卫星地球站INTELSAT-type commercial satellite earth station
多用商标机multipurpose trademark machine
妇女用品商店ladies' shop
妇女用品商店millinery store
妇女用品商店women's shop
学生用商品back-to-school goods
微商作用derivation action
批发商业费用wholesale commerce expenses
承包商的间接费用contractor's indirect cost
比例加微商作用proportional-plus-derivative action
爱克米商品及用语密码Acme Commodity and Phrase Code
电动承包商用electrical contractor's pump
电动承包商用electric contractor's pump
船用品商店marine store
船用商品店ship chandler
船用商品店marine store
贸易用商标纸trading stamp paper
商用通话non-commercial call
非耐用商品non-durable goods
高级用品商店luxury shop