
Terms for subject Economy containing 商标 | all forms | in specified order only
专利与商标美国Patent and Trademark Office
产品的标签上有该产品的商标The label of the product bears its trade mark
任何其他商号、协会、公司或其他实体都无权使用此商标No other firm, association, corporation or other entity has right to use the trademark
你方必须付给特许商标的注册费You must pay the registration fee of the licensed trademark
依照买家的设计和商标去制造的出口订单export order for manufactures after buyer's own design and brand
侵犯商标专用权trade mark infringement
侵犯商标权行为trade mark infringement
保护性商标a protective mark
保护性商标a defensive mark
其他制造商不得使用我方已在专利局正式登记注册的商标Our trademark which has been duly registered in the Patent Office shouldn't be used by other manufacturers
冒牌仿造商标imitate a trade-mark
冒用商标trade mark infringement
同一商标a blanket brand
向制造者提供的商标是个人的,不得转让他人The trademark granted to the manufacturer is personal and should not be transferred to another person
商品说明标签informative ticket
商标the brand royalty
商标shop mark
商标a brand name
商标merchandise marks
商标专用权trade mark
商标使用许可证trade mark licence
商标trade name
商标名称brand mark
商标名称已经成了产品身份极重要的组成部分A brand name has become a vital part of a product's identity
商标商品proprietary articles
商标国际注册的国际协定the Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
商标国际注册马德里公约Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks (1891年)
商标图案a pictorial trade mark
商标trademark right
商标权的侵犯infringement of trade mark
商标Merchandise Marks Acts
商标the trademarks act
商标法案Trade Mark Act
英国商标法案Merchandise Marks Act
商标注册处Registry of Business Names
商标注册条约Trademark Registration Treaty
商标注册条约trade register treaty
商标注册证trade-mark license
商标注册证书trade-mark registration certificate
商标牌号使用费the brand royalty
商标的图形要素figurative elements of trade marks
商标管理法规trade regulations
商用 【工业】标准Commercial Standard
国际贸易商品分类标准standard international trade classification
在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively
好的商标a good brand
如本许可证期满,被许可人必须立即停止使用本商标The license shall discontinue the use of the trade mark if the license lapses
我们必须在当地注册商标We must register trademarks locally
我们能够供应上述标题的商品We are in a position to supply the subject articles above
我们认为这种商品的质量合乎标准We acknowledged that the quality of the article were up to standard
所谓商标忠实性指的是一个顾客固定购买同一商标产品的现象Brand loyalty is the feeling of a customer who always buys the same brand of product
承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions
按注册先后决定商标所有权制度priority of registration
撕开的商品标签a tear tag
易混淆的商标confusing mark
商标货品branded goods
未得标商人an unsuccessful bidder
未得标的商人unsuccessful bidder
未贴商标的产品unidentified product
没有人可以盗用属于我方业务的商标或商品No one can usurp the trademark or trade names pertaining to our business
注册商标registered trade mark
立体商标three dimension marks
系列商标a family brand
统一商标a unified brand
美国商标协会United States Trademark Association
联合商标the united brand
英国标准出口商名录British Standard Exporters
该代理商已达到500万美元营业额的指标数字The agent has met the target figure of $5 million turnover
该商品有专利商标The commercial product has a proprietary name
贴有商标的产品branded product
转买的商标sale by brand
转卖的商标a reseller brand
这家工厂拥有极高的商标忠实性This factory enjoys a high brand loyalty
这种商品贴中性商标The product bears a neutral brand
非法使用他人商标构成商标侵权Illegally making use of others' brands constitutes infringement