
Terms containing 商标注册 | all forms | in specified order only
China, law伪造他人注册商标标识forge representation of the person's registered trademark
econ.你方必须付给特许商标的注册费You must pay the registration fee of the licensed trademark
China, law侵犯注册商标专用权infringe on the exclusive rights to the use of a registered trademark
China, law假冒注册商标counterfeit registered trademark
China, polit.关于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks
interntl.trade.1891 年关于商标国际注册的马德里协定Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark
commer.关于国际商标注册的马德里协定Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks (1891 年)
econ.其他制造商不得使用我方已在专利局正式登记注册的商标Our trademark which has been duly registered in the Patent Office shouldn't be used by other manufacturers
China, law冒充注册商标imitating a registered trademark
busin.商标国际注册international registration of trademark
busin.商标国际注册international registration of marks
econ., int. law.商标国际注册的国际协定the Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
interntl.trade.商标国际注册的马德里协定the Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
econ.商标国际注册马德里公约Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks (1891年)
China, polit.商标国际注册马德里协定斯德哥尔摩修订文本Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
org.name.商标国际注册马德里协定Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
busin.商标国际注册马德里协定Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark
China, polit.商标国际注册马德里协定有关议定书Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning International Registration of Marks
textile商标注册registration of trade mark
textile商标注册trade mark registration
tech.商标注册trademark registration
econ.商标注册Registry of Business Names
interntl.trade.商标注册trade mark registry
econ.商标注册条约Trademark Registration Treaty
econ.商标注册条约trade register treaty
shipb.商标注册核准approval of trademark registration
textile商标注册trade mark registration law
shipb.商标注册申请application for trademark registration
adv.商标注册registered (®)
textile商标注册管理trade mark registered administration
tech.商标注册管理trademark registration administration
textile商标注册trade mark license
econ.商标注册trade-mark license
busin.商标注册trademark registration certificate
econ.商标注册证书trade-mark registration certificate
textile商标注册trade mark registration fee
tech.商标注册trademark registration fee
busin.商标的国际注册international registration of marks
busin.国际商标注册制度international trade mark registering system
busin.国际商标注册手续international trade mark registering procedure
busin.国际商标注册机构international trade mark registering agency
busin.国际商标注册管理international trade mark registered administration
busin.国际商标注册international trade-mark license
busin.国际商标注册international trade mark registering fee
busin.国际商标注册international trade mark registering charge
busin.国际注册商标international trade mark registered
busin.必须使用注册商标的商品goods must bear a registered trademark
econ.我们必须在当地注册商标We must register trademarks locally
econ.按注册先后决定商标所有权制度priority of registration
busin.注册商标trademark registered
busin.注册商标注册商标 registered trade-mark 其符号为®,注册后商标拥有人即拥有一定期如40年的独占使用权,非经同意,任何人不得使用或仿冒,否则将被追究法律责任。商标属无形资产trade-mark
anim.husb.注册商标approved label
econ.注册商标registered trade mark
interntl.trade.注册商标register trade-marks
interntl.trade.注册商标registered trademark
interntl.trade.注册商标brand registered (trade mark)
textile注册商标trade mark registered
textile注册商标register mark
textile注册商标registered trade name
el.注册商标trade mark
market.注册商标registered brand
auto.注册商标registration brand
busin.注册商标registered design
China, law注册商标专用权right to exclusive use of registered trademarks
shipb.注册商标专用权的保护protection of the exclusive right to use registered trademarks
China, law注册商标所有人owner of a registered trademark
interntl.trade.注册商标所有权ownership of trade mark
China, law注册商标标识representation of registered trademark
shipb.注册商标的续展renewal of registered trademark
tech.注册商标示意图registered certification trade mark scheme
textile注册商标纤维licensed trademarked fiber
commer.注册商标续展trade mark renewal
shipb.注册商标转让assignment of registered trademark
China, law申请商标注册application for trademark registration
adv.美国商标法中的补充注册Supplemental Register
adv.美国联邦政府的主要商标注册簿Principal Register
busin.英国商业注册标号British Commercial Monomark
textile西南非洲产的卡拉库尔改良种羔羊的注册商标Swakara (South West African Karakul lamb)
textile西南非洲产的卡拉库尔改良种羔羊的注册商标South West African Karakul-lamb (Swakara)
shipb.许可使用注册商标licensing of registered trademark
China, law转让注册商标assign a registered trademark