
Terms containing 商标 | all forms | in specified order only
sport.一种羽毛球商标Reinforced Shuttlecocks Limited
China, polit.三方协商促进实施国际劳工标准公约Convention Concerning Triparties Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards
tech.不加标识的商品测验blind test
construct.不可预见指一个 有经验的承包商 在提交投标文件 那天还不能合理 预见的unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for the submission of the tender
busin.专利商标monopoly trademark
commer.美国专利商标Patent and Trademark Office
busin.专利商标patent and trademark office
econ.专利与商标美国Patent and Trademark Office
busin.专利与商标Patent and Trademark Office
tech.专利和商标公告patent and trademark notices
USA, space专利和商标Patent and Trademark Office
avia.专利和商标Patent and Trademark Office (美国)
busin.专利权与商标权摊销patent and trademark amortization
commer.专有商标proprietary trademark
busin.专用商标private brand
tech.专用商标proprietary name
multimed.世界商标评审world trademark review
sport.世界第二大体育用品制造商阿迪达斯是奥运会12个官方赞助商之一,拥有在全球范围内使用奥运标识的权力Adidas, the world's second-biggest sports goods maker, is one of the 12 official sponsors of the Games, with the right to use the Olympic logo globally
racingF1世界锦标赛厂商Formula One World Championship Constructor
racing世界锦标赛厂商冠名title of world champion for construction
tech.中标厂商winning bidder
expl.也是激波管的商标non electric
econ.产品的标签上有该产品的商标The label of the product bears its trade mark
econ.任何其他商号、协会、公司或其他实体都无权使用此商标No other firm, association, corporation or other entity has right to use the trademark
anim.husb.仿造商标imitate a trade-mark
China, law企业商标trademark of the sole proprietorship an enterprise
busin.伪造商标forged trade-mark
busin.伪造商标imitate a trade mark
busin.伪造商标forge a trade mark
China, law伪造他人注册商标标识forge representation of the person's registered trademark
econ.你方必须付给特许商标的注册费You must pay the registration fee of the licensed trademark
busin.使用商标许可licensing of trade mark
busin.使用商标许可证licensing of trade mark
avia.供应商质量保证标准quality assurance standards for suppliers
busin.供货商号的商标distributor's brand
adv.供货者商标distributor brand
econ.依照买家的设计和商标去制造的出口订单export order for manufactures after buyer's own design and brand
racing侧盖商标side cover emblem
busin.侵犯商标专用权trademark infringement
econ.侵犯商标专用权trade mark infringement
tech.侵犯商标专用权trademark infringement
commer.侵犯商标infringement of trademark
busin.侵犯商标trade mark infringement
tech.侵犯商标trademark infringement
busin.侵犯商标infringement of a trade mark
busin.侵犯商标infringement of trade mark
tech.侵犯商标专用infringement of trademark
econ.侵犯商标权行为trade mark infringement
China, law侵犯注册商标专用权infringe on the exclusive rights to the use of a registered trademark
busin.保护性商标defensive mark
econ.保护性商标a defensive mark
econ.保护性商标a protective mark
busin.保护性商标defensive marks
tech.信誉可靠最低标价的投标商lowest responsible bidder
tech.信誉可靠最低标价的投标商lowest qualified bidder
busin.商标false mark
commer.假冒商标counterfeit trade mark
anim.husb.假冒仿造商标counterfeit trade-marks
busin.假冒商标imitate a trade mark
China, law假冒注册商标counterfeit registered trademark
busin.全国性商标national brand
adv.兰哈姆商标Federal Trademark Act
China, polit.关于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks
commer.关于国际商标注册的马德里协定Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks (1891 年)
econ.其他制造商不得使用我方已在专利局正式登记注册的商标Our trademark which has been duly registered in the Patent Office shouldn't be used by other manufacturers
China, law冒充注册商标imitating a registered trademark
econ.冒牌仿造商标imitate a trade-mark
econ.冒用商标trade mark infringement
busin.商标售货sale by mark
tech.商标售货sale by trade mark
railw.商标或牌名买卖sales by trade mark or brand
busin.商标或牌记出售sale by trade mark of brand
commer.凭厂牌或商标买卖sale by brand or trade mark
commer.APA分级商标APA grade trademark
busin.制造厂商标manufacturer's brand
tech.制造厂商标maker's mark
tech.刷贴商标标签affixing trademark tags
commer.卖方专利与商标已予以应有保护Due protection should be provided for seller's patents and trade marks
busin.印上商标stamp the trade mark
anim.husb.印上规定的商标marking provisions
busin.商标manufacturer's standard
tech.商标manufacturer mark
busin.发明与商标law on invention and trademark
tech.可靠投标商responsible bidder
avia.合格投标商名录qualified bidders list
tech.合格标商selected bid
tech.合格标商名单selected list of bidders
econ.同一商标a blanket brand
busin.同一商标blanket brand
econ.向制造者提供的商标是个人的,不得转让他人The trademark granted to the manufacturer is personal and should not be transferred to another person
tech.商业区路标business route marker
tech.商业区路线指示标business route marker
avia.商业工艺标准手册commercial process standards manual
tech.商业投标不动产研究所Commercial Investment Real Estate Institute
commer.商业标准commercial standard
gen.商业标准Commercial Standard
tech.商业标准胶合板commercial standard plywood
busin.商业评价标准commercial criterion
China, law商品商标trademark for goods
adv.为某一商店特制的商品上印制的商店标志store brand
tech.商品个性标志trade character
adv.商品出售时贴商店商标own brand
busin.商品分类标准criterion for classification of commodities
busin.商品包装保护防伪标志protective mark
tech.商品包装保标志protective mark
tech.商品包装和标签规定packing and labelling regulation
busin.商品品级标记grade mark
adv.商品标价签shelf maker
food.serv.商品标准commodity standard
China, law商品标准commodity standards
food.serv.商品标准Codex commodity standard
chem.商品标准commercial standards
busin.商品标准分类normal classification of commodities
agric.商品标准品种commercial standard variety
brit., busin.商品标准检验处Trading Standard Department
tech.商品标志commercial designation
tech.商品标志certification mark
securit.商品渠道指标commodity channel index
busin.商品简介标签descriptive labelling
econ.商品说明标签informative ticket
busin.商品说明标签descriptive labeling
tech.商品质量的标签说明grade labelling
commer.商店标准化store standardization
adv.商店标识store identity
busin.商情指标business barometers
tech.商情指标business indicator
busin.商标identifiability mark
busin.商标brand mark
commer.商标marque de fabrique
econ.商标the brand royalty
econ.商标shop mark
econ.商标a brand name
econ.商标merchandise marks
anim.husb.商标trade label
tech.商标trade marks
tech.商标brand name (名称)
tech.商标brand mark (符号)
gen.商标符号brand mark
busin.商标专用权exclusive right to use trade-mark
econ.商标专用权trade mark
China, law商标专用权right to exclusive use of trademarks
busin.商标专用权trademark right
China, law商标争议trademark dispute
busin.商标争议裁定申请书application for determination of trademark dispute
tech.商标产品branded goods
shipb.商标使用管理administrative control of the use of trademarks
commer.商标使用许可合同trade mark licensing contract
China, law商标使用许可合同trademark licensing contract
econ.商标使用许可证trade mark licence
commer.商标使用许可证trade mark license
busin.商标使用费brand royalty
anim.husb.商标促销brand promotion
tech.商标保护trademark protection
China, law商标信誉credibility of trademarks
busin.商标信誉brand loyalty
tech.商标市场占有率brand share
busin.消费者形成某种商标商品的商标印象brand image
econ.商标trade name
tech.商标trade brand name
econ.商标名称brand mark
commer.商标名称trade name
agric.商标名称trade mark name
adv.商标名称基金会Brand Names Foundation, Inc.
econ.商标名称已经成了产品身份极重要的组成部分A brand name has become a vital part of a product's identity
econ.商标商品proprietary articles
busin.商标商品branded article
busin.商标国际注册international registration of trademark
busin.商标国际注册international registration of marks
econ., int. law.商标国际注册的国际协定the Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
econ.商标国际注册马德里公约Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks (1891年)
China, polit.商标国际注册马德里协定斯德哥尔摩修订文本Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
busin.商标国际注册马德里协定Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark
China, polit.商标国际注册马德里协定有关议定书Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning International Registration of Marks
tech.商标图式证certificate trade mark scheme
econ.商标图案a pictorial trade mark
commer.中国商标Trade marks Bureau
busin.商标异议复审申请书application for reexamination of trademark opposition
busin.商标忠实性brand loyalty
busin.商标忠实者brand loyal
busin.商标所有权ownership of trademark
busin.商标承认意谓消费者购买此商标商品brand acceptance
busin.商标摊销amortization on trademark
tech.商标方法trademark method
econ., int. law.商标trademark right
tech.商标trademark privileges
tech.商标ownership of trade mark
econ., int. law.商标权的侵犯infringement of trade mark
busin.商标权益trade-mark interest
gen.商标鉴别标志identification mark
commer.商标标牌name plate
busin.商标标签brand labeling
commer.商标标记brand mark
China, law商标标识representations of registered trademarks
tech.商标trademark act
tech.商标trademark law
busin.商标labeling act
busin.商标law of the trade-mark
commer.英国商标Merchandise Marks Act
commer.商标Act of Trade Marks
econ.商标the trademarks act
econ.商标Merchandise Marks Acts
earth.sc.商标merchandise marks act
China, polit.商标the Trademark Law
busin.商标law on trademark
tech.商标merchandise marks act
econ.商标法案Trade Mark Act
econ.英国商标法案Merchandise Marks Act
tech.商标注册trademark registration
econ.商标注册处Registry of Business Names
econ.商标注册条约Trademark Registration Treaty
econ.商标注册条约trade register treaty
shipb.商标注册核准approval of trademark registration
shipb.商标注册申请application for trademark registration
adv.商标注册的registered (®)
tech.商标注册管理trademark registration administration
econ.商标注册证trade-mark license
busin.商标注册证trademark registration certificate
econ.商标注册证书trade-mark registration certificate
tech.商标注册费trademark registration fee
econ.商标牌号使用费the brand royalty
busin.商标牌号使用费brand royalty
busin.商标特权trademark privileges
busin.商标特许权trade mark privileges
busin.商标特许权trade-mark license
busin.商标registration of trade mark
tech.商标登记法trademark registration law
busin.商标的国际注册international registration of marks
econ.商标的图形要素figurative elements of trade marks
commer.商标租让trade mark leasing
busin.商标管理administration of mark
commer.商标管理trade mark management
busin.商标管理法规trademark regulations
busin.商标管理机构administration of mark
busin.商标管理条例trade mark regulation
econ.商标管理法规trade regulations
tech.商标管理法规trademark regulations
tech.商标系统trademark system
tech.商标label paper
busin.商标经理brand manager
commer.商标许可证trade mark license
commer.商标许可证trade mark licence
busin.商标设计design of mark
tech.商标识另brand identification
tech.商标转换brand switching
tech.商标转让trademark leasing
busin.商标选择行为brand choice behavior
securit.商标零息政府证券trademark zero-coupon treasury securities
econ.商用 【工业】标准Commercial Standard
avia.商用飞机标准数字总线commercial standard digital bus
tech.商用标准commercial standard
avia.商用标准数据总线commercial standard data bus
busin.国家商标标记national mark
securit.国有商标national mark
busin.国际商标专用权international trademark right
busin.国际商标专用权international trade mark right
busin.国际商标侵权international trade mark infringement
multimed.国际商标协会International Trademark Association
busin.国际商标注册制度international trade mark registering system
busin.国际商标注册手续international trade mark registering procedure
busin.国际商标注册机构international trade mark registering agency
busin.国际商标注册管理international trade mark registered administration
busin.国际商标注册证international trade-mark license
busin.国际商标注册费international trade mark registering fee
busin.国际商标注册费international trade mark registering charge
shipb.国际专利与商标协会International and Trademark Association
busin.国际专利和商标守则international code on patents and trade marks
busin.国际商品与服务标准分类International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services
busin.国际商品标准分类normal classification of international commodities
gen.国际商用机器公司标准数据IBM standard data
drag.国际商行锦标赛Inter-Company Championship
busin.国际性商标international trademark
busin.国际注册商标international trade mark registered
econ.国际贸易商品分类标准standard international trade classification
busin.国际非专利商标International Nonproprietary Names
busin.图形商标figurative mark
econ.在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
commer.在每件商品上贴价格标签attach price tags on each article
econ.在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively
expl.塑料导爆管的商标non electric
busin.复合商标combined mark
busin.外国商标使用费cost of foreign-owner trade mark
tech.多用商标multipurpose trademark machine
busin.多种商标multiple branding
busin.商标any good brand
busin.商标a good brand
econ.好的商标a good brand
econ.如本许可证期满,被许可人必须立即停止使用本商标The license shall discontinue the use of the trade mark if the license lapses
anim.husb.屠畜肉胴体上带状商标ribbon branding
tech.工具商标tool mark
busin.工厂商标标号house brand
tech.工商统一标准评估表uniform commercial industrial appraisal report
tech.建筑商标peak sign
tech.影射商标imitation brand
tech.影射商标counterfeit trademark
busin.必须使用注册商标的商品goods must bear a registered trademark
econ.我们必须在当地注册商标We must register trademarks locally
econ.我们能够供应上述标题的商品We are in a position to supply the subject articles above
econ.我们认为这种商品的质量合乎标准We acknowledged that the quality of the article were up to standard
econ.所谓商标忠实性指的是一个顾客固定购买同一商标产品的现象Brand loyalty is the feeling of a customer who always buys the same brand of product
avia.承包商标识号码contractor's identification number
econ.承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions
tech.投标代理商agent for bidding
tech.投标厂商国籍bidders home country
tech.投标商业务收购人bid shopper
tech.投标商分项标价综合单bid summary
tech.投标商各项标价一览表bid tabulation
tech.投标商合约保证金bid security
tech.投标商名单tenderers sheet
tech.投标商名单bidders sheet
tech.投标商国籍bidders home country
consult.投标商通知notice bidders
tech.投标商附加标价additive alternate
tech.投标商须知notice to bidders
tech.投标承包商competitive contractor
anim.husb.挂的商标brand tag
auto.按欧洲汽车制造商协会标准的ACEA A3
econ.按注册先后决定商标所有权制度priority of registration
commer.控告商标侵权lodge a charge of infringement of trade mark
tech.推选标商名单restricted list of bidders
tech.搪瓷釉商标enamel label
tech.搪瓷釉商标enamel badge
econ.撕开的商品标签a tear tag
fin.政府主导的,以更为商业化的体系为目标的转型government-led transition towards a more commercially oriented system
busin.商标no marks
tech.商标no mark
anim.husb.商标产品generic product
tech.商标汽油unbranded gasoline
busin.易混淆商标confusing mark
econ.易混淆的商标confusing mark
busin.易混的商标confusing mark
tech.商标产品branded product
agric.商标的商品branded article
econ.商标货品branded goods
busin.商标货物branded goods
China, law服务商标trademarks for service
tech.服务商标service mark
tech.未得标商unsuccessful bidder
econ.未得标商人an unsuccessful bidder
econ.未得标的商人unsuccessful bidder
busin.未被邀请的投标商unsolicited bidder
commer.未贴商标产品unidentified products
econ.未贴商标的产品unidentified product
tech.材料商标peak sign
busin.标准商标牌子standard brand
tech.标准商品standard commodity
busin.标准商品分类Standard Commodity Classification
busin.标准商品分类normal commodity classification
tech.标准商载standard load
tech.标准国际贸易商品分类standard international trade classification
tech.标准市集商人standard market merchant
avia.标准旅客商载standard passenger payload
busin.标名商品name merchandise
fin.标普高盛商品指数S & P GSCI
busin.〈美〉标签上注明商品等级grade labeling
commer.标题商品subject article
econ.没有人可以盗用属于我方业务的商标或商品No one can usurp the trademark or trade names pertaining to our business
food.serv.法典商品标准commodity standard
food.serv.法典商品标准Codex commodity standard
econ.注册商标registered trade mark
anim.husb.注册商标approved label
busin.注册商标注册商标 registered trade-mark 其符号为®,注册后商标拥有人即拥有一定期如40年的独占使用权,非经同意,任何人不得使用或仿冒,否则将被追究法律责任。商标属无形资产trade-mark
busin.注册商标trademark registered
busin.注册商标registered design
China, law注册商标专用权right to exclusive use of registered trademarks
shipb.注册商标专用权的保护protection of the exclusive right to use registered trademarks
China, law注册商标所有人owner of a registered trademark
China, law注册商标标识representation of registered trademark
shipb.注册商标的续展renewal of registered trademark
tech.注册商标示意图registered certification trade mark scheme
commer.注册商标续展trade mark renewal
shipb.注册商标转让assignment of registered trademark
busin.消费者对商标的信任brand loyalty
anim.husb.瓶肩商标shoulder label
busin.用自己店名商标指用售货商店的店名,而非用制造厂商的厂名作为商标own brand
China, law申请商标注册application for trademark registration
anim.husb.破碎商标break release
anim.husb.破碎商标break chop
commer.私人商标private brand
econ.立体商标three dimension marks
busin.立体商标three dimensional mark
adv.竞争商标fighting brand
nautic., tech.ILO 第147号商船最低标准公约ILO147 Convention concerning minimum standards in merchant ships
econ.系列商标a family brand
busin.经销商商标distributor's brand
econ.统一商标a unified brand
shipb.维护商标信誉maintain the reputation of trademark
busin.综合商品标准composite commodity standard
tech.罐身商标body label
commer.美国商标公司American Brands Inc. (1890)
commer.美国商标公司American Brands Inc
econ.美国商标协会United States Trademark Association
adv.美国商标法中的补充注册Supplemental Register
adv.美国专利商标US Patent and Trademark Office
gen.美国专利与商标局公报: "专利部分"Official Gazette of the United States Patent & Trademark Office: "Patents"
adv.美国联邦商标Federal Trademark Act
adv.美国联邦政府的主要商标注册簿Principal Register
adv.美国联邦贸易商标法案Lanham Act (1946年颁布)
busin.联合商标combined trade-mark
busin.联合商标joint mark
busin.联合商标associated trade mark
econ.联合商标the united brand
commer.联合商标combined trade mark (技术引进方使用与转让方结合在一起的商标)
busin.联合商标combined trade mark
agric.肥料商标fertilizer brand
tech.自动贴商标automatic labeling machine
busin.自有商标dealer's brand
busin.自用商标independent trademark
adv.自营商标private label
busin.英国商业注册标号British Commercial Monomark
econ.英国标准出口商名录British Standard Exporters
agric.茶叶商标tea mark
commer.著名商标popular brand
shipb.著名商标famous brand
tech.商标pinning machine
shipb.许可使用注册商标licensing of registered trademark
tech.设备商标name plate
tech.设计商标registered design
China, law证明商标certification trademark
commer.商标已记入专利局的登记册The trade mark is registered on the books of the Patent Office
econ.该代理商已达到500万美元营业额的指标数字The agent has met the target figure of $5 million turnover
econ.该商品有专利商标The commercial product has a proprietary name
anim.husb.贴上规定的商标marking provisions
econ.贴有商标的产品branded product
tech.贸易用商标trading stamp paper
sport.赞助商标sponsor logo
econ.转买的商标sale by brand
econ.转卖的商标a reseller brand
China, law转让注册商标assign a registered trademark
commer.这些商品上的标签搞混了The price tags on these commodities are mixed
commer.这些商品与标准样品不符These articles don't assort with the type samples
econ.这家工厂拥有极高的商标忠实性This factory enjoys a high brand loyalty
econ.这种商品贴中性商标The product bears a neutral brand
busin.进出口商品招标inviting tenders for imports and exports
tech.进口商品的产地标记mark of origin
tech.选定的投标商selected bid
tech.选择标商阶段negotiation phase
busin.通用商标common mark
tech.邀请投标人商议invitation to treat
tech.酸蚀商标acid stamping
law集体商标collective mark
China, law集体商标collective trademark
econ.非法使用他人商标构成商标侵权Illegally making use of others' brands constitutes infringement
busin.领头商标brand leader
China, law驰名商标well-known trademark
tech.驰誉标商responsible bidder
tech.高速商标印刷机high-speed trade-mark printing machine
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