
Terms for subject International trade containing 商品 | all forms | in specified order only
一类商品class 1 goods
一般商品general merchandise
三种主要商品交易所three staples exchange
上场商品listed brand
不准进口商品negative list
不准进口商品货单negative list
个别商品运费率commodity rate
中国出口商品交易会Chinese Export Commodities Fair
商品做广告advertise the goods
主要商品staple trade
主要商品staple commodity
互补商品complementary goods
交换商品设计条款change in design clause
人工密集商品labour-intensive goods
代理商品交易公司clearing corporation
商品抵押的预付款advance secured on merchandise
以廉价吸引顾客的商品即特价商品price leader loss leader
优良的商品best possible merchandise
优质商品quality merchandise
传统商品traditional commodity
传统商品traditional commodities
传统出口商品traditional export commodity
伦敦商品交易所London Commodity Exchange
伪装的商品交易feigned commodity transaction
低质商品Giffen goods
供出口的中国商品Chinese commodities available for export
商品质量调整价格的协议quality discount agreement
保了险的商品货物goods insured
保证商品guaranteed wares
免税商品duty free goods
全部商品减价出售storewide sale
全部商品大减价storewide sale
共同基金和国际商品协议common Fund and International Commodity Agreements
关于棉花的国际商品协议ICA for cotton
关税税则商品分类公约convention on nomenclature for the classification on goods in customs tariff
内销商品commodity for the home market
农产商品agricultural commodity
准许免税输入商品admission of goods free of duty
减去商品及劳务的进口额less imports of goods and services
出 口商品export commodity
出口商品export commodities
出口商品保险export insurance
出口商品加工区manufacturing areas for export commodities
出口商品的口岸outlet for export produce
出口商品目录export list
出口商品结构composition of export commodity
出口商品通知单advice on production for export
出口寄销商品merchandise outward on consignment
分搁商品segmented goods
分类商品segregated goods
初级商品primary commodity
初级商品价格指数price index of primary commodities
制造商对产品所负的责任products liability
制造商生产的全部产品whole line of manufacturer's product
加工商品processed commodities
化妆品商dealer in toilet articles
半制成商品semi-manufactured commodity
半敏感性商品semi-sensitive products
单一品种商店single line store
单项商品大量采购single commodity bulk purchase agreement
单项商品大量采购协定single commodity bulk purchase agreement
卖底货由于企业关闭而抛售商品close out
厂商产品流动证券manufacturer’s output floater
发出商品goods shipped in transit
发出商品汇总表goods-delivered summary
受外国同业进口商品竞争的工业unsheltered industries
可互换商品fungible goods
可互换的商品fungible goods
可代替商品fungible goods
可以拆散零售的成套商品open stock
可供选择的各种商品alternative goods
西欧共同市场各国统一关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
合伙商品merchandise in company
合成商品composite commodity
合法商品lawful merchandise
向市场投放商品put goods on the market
吸引顾客的特别廉价商品leading article
商品articles of trade
商品commercial articles
商品与税率详细分类specialization of commodities and duty rates
商品专业化模式pattern of commodity specialization
商品专损merchandise deficit
商品主权的转移passing of title
商品之询价inquiry for merchandise
商品争夺commodity conflict
商品交换比例commodity terms of trade
商品交易exchange of commodity
商品交易commodity transaction
商品交易会trade fair
商品交易会总理事director general of fair trading
商品交易所commodity exchanges
商品住宅commercial residential buildings
商品供应supply of commodities
商品供应量commodity supply volume
商品信用公司commodity credit corporation
商品信贷公司commodity credit corporation
商品出口merchandise exports
商品出口总值total merchandise exports
商品分类运价commodity classification rate
商品coupon for goods
商品包装commodity packaging
商品包装保护标志protective mark
商品包装和标签规定packaging and labelling regulation
商品化的经济活动monetized economic activities
商品协定commodity agreements
商品及劳务交易current transaction
商品可供量commodity supply potential volume
商品启运许可证authorization for shipment of goods
商品周转merchandise turnover
商品周转金贷款self-liquidating loan
商品品种range of goods
商品品质quality of commodity
商品售出with all faults
商品commodity dollar
商品天然气commercial natural gas
商品套利commodity arbitrage
商品存货stock in trade
商品存货merchandise inventory
商品存货可供销售之日数number of day sales in merchandise inventory
商品安排总协定general agreement on commodity arrangements
商品定价merchandise valuation
商品定量政策模式系统system for quantitative policy models of commodities
商品实质流程physical flow of goods
商品展览trade show
商品展览会competitive exhibition
商品展览会commodity fair
商品差额merchandise balance
商品年鉴commodity yearbook
商品性初级能源供应supply of primary commercial energy
商品总目录consolidated trade catalog
商品总账merchandise ledger
商品成本merchandise cost
商品批发商general merchandise wholesaler
商品折扣merchandise discount
商品损耗commodity wastage
商品损耗率rate of damage to goods
商品损耗率rate of waste commodity
商品控制control of merchandise
商品推销局commodity marketing board
商品提单commodity draft
商品援助commodity aid
商品支票merchandise check
商品政策merchandise policy
商品期货交易commodity futures trading
商品本位commodity standard
商品标准化commodity standardization
商品样品commodity sample
商品检验inspection of goods
商品检验commodity inspection
商品检验局commodity inspection and testing bureau, commodity inspection bureau
商品检验局BOIQ bureau of commodity inspections and quarantine
商品检验局证明书commodity inspection bureau certificate
商品检验法规commodity inspection law
商品检验证inspection and testing certificate
商品流动分析commodity flow analysis
商品流通commodity turnover
商品流通circulation of commodities
商品流通法推算国内销售额的一种方法commodity flow method
商品流通渠道中的巨头channel captain
商品'渔业commercial fishery
商品滞销holdup in the sale of commodities
商品生产production for merchandise
商品的储藏保存;保管preservation of the goods
商品的有条件免税进口conditional duty-free importation
商品的需求demand for commodity
商品的需要demand for a commodity
商品盘存merchandise inventory
商品目录catalogue of articles for sale
商品目录commodity lists
商品目录list of articles
商品目录qualified products list
商品目录价格catalogue price
商品票据merchandise note
商品种类type of merchandise
商品commodity tax
商品稳定化协定commodity stabilization agreement
商品稳定协定commodity stabilization agreement
商品等级运价commodity classification rate
商品简介标签descriptive labeling
商品管制control of merchandise
商品marketable grain
商品精密调查merchandise examination
商品commercial grad
商品经济commodity economy
商品结构commodity composition
商品综合方案integrated programme for commodities
商品综合方案integrated commodity program
商品自然损耗率rate of natural loss
商品commodity list
商品装潢commodity decoration
商品装载commercial loading
商品merchandise account
商品货币commodity money
商品购进merchandise purchases
商品购进帐户merchandise purchases account
商品购销帐户merchandising trading account
商品购销帐户为结帐时之汇总帐户merchandise trading account
商品购销账merchandise trading account
商品贸易merchandise trade
商品贸易平衡merchandise trade balance
商品贸易的多边承诺multilateral trade commitments on individual commodities
商品贸易的补偿性资金供应compensatory financing
商品转移merchandise transfer
商品转让alienation of commodities
商品输出commodity export
商品运价commodity rate
商品进口税duties on imported goods
商品进货merchandise purchase
商品退回卖方goods returned to vendor
商品退换rejection of commodity
商品选择merchandise selection
商品采购获得成本merchandise procurement cost
商品鉴定sample survey
商品销售realization of goods
商品销售merchandise sales
商品销售局commodity marketing board
商品销售帐户merchandise sales account
商品陈列merchandise show
商品陈列所commercial museum
商品陈列馆commercial museum
商品sum of commodities
国内市场流通商品home market goods
国家出口商品质量检查state quality inspection of export goods
国际商品international merchandise
国际商品international commodity
国际商品储存international commodity stock
国际商品协定international commodity arrangement
国际商品协定international commodity agreement
国际商品协定临时协调委员会Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangement
国际商品输出公司International commodities Export Corporation
国际贸易商品结构international trade by commodities
国际贸易商品结构composition of world trade
国际间商品运输及保险费freight and insurance on international
国际间的商品交换实际比率real ratio of international exchange
国际间的商品交换比率real ratio of international exchange
地域内流通商品home market goods
地域贸易商品interregional goods
地域间贸易商品interregional goods
处理积压商品sell old stock at reduced prices
备售商品成本cost of goods available for sale
多种产品厂商multi-product firm
大宗商品staple commodity
大宗商品bulk commodity
大宗出产商品staple commodities
大量商品lot goods
大量买进股票、商品corner the soar market
套购商品commodity arbitrage
妇女帽、头饰用品商店millinery store
存放国外商品goods in foreign countries
定做的商品货物goods made to order
定量供应的商品goods on ration
寄销商品goods on consignment-out
商品询价inquiry for merchandise
对外贸易商品结构foreign trade structure
将一件商品开价为十元quote a commodity at ten dollars
商品杂货店ten-cent store
工业品批发商merchant wholesaler of industrial goods
布鲁塞尔统一关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
应纳税商品进口报单entry for dutiable goods
廉价或劣质商品经售者cheap Jack (John)
当场交货的商品prompt goods
征收商品进口税put a tax on imports
急需处理的商品如不贱卖即要倒赔仓库租金的商品cats and dogs
承销商品goods on consignment-in
商品硬塞给某人press goods on somebody
折扣商品discount house
报上的商品新闻commercial articles
指定的仓库可以用来交货的商品certificate stock
按国别分列商品制度commodity-by-country system
按国别列商品制度commodity by country system
挑选性商品shipping goods
挑选性商品需精心选购的高档耐用消费品,如服装、领带等shopping goods
损坏商品damaged merchandise
推销商品的信件call letter
搜购商品search goods
收购农产品.的批发商assembler of farm products
政府对商品和劳务的经常开支government current expenditure on goods and services
政府间商品专门组织specialized intergovernmental commodity organization
敏感商品sensitive goods
方便商品convenience goods
无形商品intangible goods
日用品杂货商general dealer
易损商品weak commodity
易腐商品perishable commodity
替代商品substitute goods
最终商品和劳务final goods and services
有销路的商品merchantable goods
有限品种商店limited-line store
期初商品存货merchandise inventory initial
期初商品盘存merchandise inventory initial
期末商品存货merchandise inventory final
期末商品盘存merchandise inventory final
未加工商品non-processed commodities
样品商人sample merchant
"核心"商品"corn" commodity
毒品走私商drug trafficker
燃料在商品贸易总值中所占的比重share of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade
特殊商品运价specific commodity rate
特种商品运费率commodity rate
现行实施检验商品种类表list of commodities by category subject to inspection currently in effect
珍贵优质的商品premium grade
畅销商品merchantable goods
相辅商品complementary goods
积极的进口商品positive list
稳定商品squeeze the price of commodity
稳定商品stabilize the price of commodities
竞争商品rival commodities
竞争商品competitive commodities
管制商品controlled commodity
管制性商品协定regulatory commodity agreement
组合商品goods of joint
经营低档商品以增加销售量trading down
经营高档商品以提高利润率trading up
经营高档商品以提高利润率trading up
给每一种商品加上标签tag every item in the store
综合商品指数composite merchandise index number
耐用商品durable goods
耗费资本的商品capital-intensive goods
联产商品goods of joint
芝加哥商品交易所Board of Trade
证明商品符合合同规格证书certificate of conformity
商品价格price charged for the article
财产商品分类帐general ledger for properties and commodities
货币商品money merchandise
货币商品money commodity
购进商品purchase commodity
贵重商品valuable merchandise
费城商品陈列所Philadelphia commercial museum
资本密集商品capital-intensive goods
路透社商品价格指数Reuter's Index of Commodity Prices
转口商品merchandise in transit
过境商品transit shipments
过境商品运价tariff for the transit of goods
过时商品obsolete merchandise
进 口商品结构composition of import commodity
进出口商品检验工作细则rules governing the inspection of export and import commodities
进出口商品比价指数index of terms of trade
进出口商品结构composition of exports and imports
进出口商品结构composition of import export commodities
进出口商品结构composition of import-export commodities
进出口商品结构commodity composition of import and export
进口商品import commodity
违禁商品list of contraband articles
适合商销品质merchantable quality
适应化工商品经营season in the chemical trade
逐个商品谈判article-by-artical bargaining
逐项商品办法commodity-by-commodity approach
逐项商品处理方法commodity-by-commodity approach
递价商品名单list of bidders
采取某种维持商品或证券价格的措施如大量抛售或购进jack up
采购商品purchase commodity
英国《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
销售局、商品管理所marketing boards
销售量极大的商品Cabbie Patch
附送赠券的商品推销法coupon system
陈旧商品obsolete merchandise
降价商品mark-down goods
限制进口商品negative list
集合商品或商品包composite bundles or bales of goods
零售商品库存retail stocks
零售商品标准retail standard
零售商品标准协会Retail Trading-Standard Association
零售商业的商品物资储备retailer’s stock
非传统出 口商品non-traditional exports
非传统出口商品non-traditional export
食品商人provisions merchant
高级商品quality merchandise