
Terms for subject Aviation containing 商品 | all forms | in specified order only
产品协同商务cooperation product commerce
产品协同商务collaborative product commerce
产品协同商务 CPC 平台collaborative product commerce
产品协同商务 CPC 平台协调单CPC platform coordination list
产品协同商务平台coordinate product commerce platform
供应商产品交付规范书supplier product specification
供应商产品交付规范书supplier's products delivery specification
供应商产品拒收及退回处置rejection and return of supplier's products
供应商产品支援协议supplier product support agreements
供应商产品数据管理supplier product data management
单位商品销售率specific commodity rate
商业货架产品commercial off the shelf
商业货架产品软件commercial off-the-shelf software
商品现货供应commercial off-the-shelf
商品装载法commodity loading (各类物资混装在一起但在卸载时又不致相互影响的装载方法)
商用航空产品commercial aviation products
国外商品产量预报foreign commodity production forecasting
国际商品安排临时协调委员会Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangement
按工业划分的商品分类classification of commodities by industrial origin
本迪克斯公司研制的全天候着陆辅助系统的商品Micro vision
英国化学产品厂商协会Association of British Chemical Manufacturers
货架商品commercial off-the-shelf
货架商品commercial off the shelf