
Terms for subject Environment containing 商品 | all forms | in specified order only
二手商品second-hand goods Goods or products that have been used previously (以前被使用过的商品或产品。)
商品果菜种植业market gardening The business of growing fruit and vegetables on a commercial scale (在商业规模的用以交易的水果和蔬菜种植。)
商品比较product comparison Comparison of products or processes to identify those having reduced environmental impacts (产品或过程的比较,以确定那些能减少对环境的影响。)
商品渔业commercial fishery Such fisheries belong to one of two groups: one catching demersal (bottom-living) fish, e.g. cod, haddock, plaice, sole; the other catching pelagic (surface-living) fish, e.g. anchovy, tuna, herring (这种渔业属于以下两个集团之一:一种捕捞底层(底层生活)的鱼类,如鳕鱼,黑线鳕,鲽鱼,可食用比目鱼;另一种捕捞中上层(表面生活)的鱼类,如鳀鱼,金枪鱼,鲱鱼。)
家用商品household goods Goods needed for living in a household (家常生活中所需要的商品)
非耐用商品non-durable goods A good bought by consumers that tends to last for less than a year. Common examples are food and clothing. The notable thing about nondurable goods is that consumers tend to continue buying them regardless of the ups and downs of the business cycle (消费者购买的往往使用不到一年的商品。常见的例子是食品和衣服。对于非耐用商品值得注意的是,消费者往往不顾商业周期的起伏而不断购买它们。)