
Terms for subject Technology containing 商品 | all forms | in specified order only
一定量的商品given commodity
一类商品first category of commodities
一般商品general goods
一般商品交付条件general conditions for the delivery of goods
指在交易所的上场商品listed brand
不加标识的商品测验blind test
不耐用商品soft goods
不耐用商品non-durable goods
专门用品商店specialty store
专门用品商店specialty shop
中国商品检验局China commodity inspection Bureau
中间商品intermediate goods
二类商品secondary category of commodities
亏损商品merchandise priced below cost
亏本出售的商品distress merchandise
亏本出售的商品loss leader
亏本出售的商品distressed goods
产品制造商product maker
优质商品selected merchantable
优质商品select merchantable
低级商品low-order goods
住房商品housing commercialization
使用物品的商品commodity considered as a use-value
倾销商品dumped goods
儿童用品商店children's shop
免税商品free commodities
免税商品articles free
免税商品目录free list
免税商品free list
免费商品free goods
全国商品混凝土协会National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (美国)
内销商品commodities for the home market
冒牌商品counterfeit articles
冷冻商品service refrigerator
凭票证供应的商品commodities used to be rationed
出口商品articles of export
出口商品价格管理price control of export commodities
出口商品单位价值指数export unit value index
出口商品换汇成本exchange-based cost for the export of products
出口商品收购计划plan for the purchase of export commodities
出口商品生产基地bases for producing export commodities
出口商品的熟练劳动密集程度skilled labor-intensiveness of export products
出口商品知书advice on production for export
出口商品稳定基金stable funds of export commodities
出口转内销商品export goods withdrawn for sale on home market
分散的商品市场decentralized commodity markets
分期收款发出商品merchandise shipped on instalment sales
分隔商品segregated goods
初级商品价格commodity price
初级商品价格的指数price index number of primary commodities
制造商品质证明书manufacturer's certificate of quality
制造木商品wood working
削价处理商品selling goods at reduced prices
劳动物化在商品labour realizes itself in commodities
劳动物化在商品labor realizes itself in commodities
包装商品规贝packaged goods regulations
包装与商品保护packing and commodity protection
医药用品商店drug and hospital equipment store
卖廉价商品的商人cheap John
危险商品hazardous commodity
发往分店商品shipment to branch
发明商品commercialize invention
取消商品经济abolish commodity economy
变换商品设计条款change in design clause
可供销售的商品成本cost of goods available for sale
可供销售的商品数量volume of marketable goods
可收集商品collectible goods
可进口的商品importable merchandise
合格商品conforming article
合格商品目录qualified products list
合格商品目录qualified parts list
名牌商品name merchandise
名牌商品name brand
呆滞商品drug in the market
呆滞商品dead stock
商业样品进口证export commercial sample carnet
商品commercial article
商品merchantable product
商品shop primed
商品commercial item
商品article of trade
商品三层玻璃commercial triplex
商品与税率的详细分类specialization of commodities and duty rates
商品个性标志trade character
商品交易merchandise trade
商品交易会commodity exchange
商品交易展览会trade exhibition
商品交易所Board of Trade (美国)
商品产值commodities output value
商品产出output of commodities
商品产出commodity output
商品产出矩阵commodity output matrix
商品产地证明书certificate of origin
商品作物money crop
商品作物commodity crop
商品供应充足abundance commodity supplies
商品供应线上的库存量pipeline inventory
商品供求比率ratio of commodities' supply and demand
商品供给commodity supply
商品信息commodity information
商品信赖度分析brand loyalty analysis
商品储蓄commodity supply
商品养禽业commercial poultry production
商品农场commercial holding
商品农场commercial farm
商品冷藏commercial cooling
商品出口许可证licence for the export of commodities
商品出口证明书certificate of origin
商品出口证明书certificate issue voucher
商品分类commodity classification
商品分类classification of goods
商品commodity bundle
商品包装保标志protective mark
商品包装和标签规定packing and labelling regulation
商品化住宅commercialized residence
商品化工业化房屋commercial industrial building
商品化的加工制剂commercial formulation
商品化计划merchandising plan
商品化过程commercialized process
商品协议commodity agreement
商品合金commercial alloy
商品trade brand name
商品proprietary name
商品名称name of commodity
商品周转turnover tax
商品周转merchandising turnover
商品品质commercial sort
商品回转率merchandising turnover
商品大理石commercial marble
商品屋面料ready roofing
商品展览会trade fair
商品展览馆commercial museum
商品展销会commodities for fair
商品差价price differentials between commodities
商品差别化commodity differentiation
商品干材merchantable bole
商品干污泥commercially dry sludge
商品平板玻璃commercial flat glass
商品形式commercial form
商品必备目录catalogue of necessary commodity item
商品必备目录catalog of necessary commodity item
商品总目录consolidated trade catalogue
商品成本cost of goods
商品房屋出卖selling of ready-built house
商品房屋出售selling of ready-built house
商品木材yard lumber
商品木材wood of commerce
商品木材merchantable timber
商品材料proprietary concentrate
商品材材积merchantable volume
商品材规格merchantability specification
商品条钢merchant steel
商品条钢merchant bar iron
商品构成commodity composition
商品标志commercial designation
商品标志certification mark
商品检验quality control
商品检验局commodity inspection bureau
商品概缆commodity survey
商品比价relative price of commodities
商品比价price ratios between commodities
商品比较法product comparison
商品水泥commercial cement
商品汽油merchantable gasoline
商品油漆commercial paint
商品流通circulation of commodity
商品流通业务中心区在法律承认的流通业务区中各种流通业务设施集中的地区distribution estate
商品流通业务中心区在法律承认的流通业务区中各种流通业务设施集中的地区complex distribution center
商品流通业务中心区distribution center
商品流通中心goods distribution center
商品流通中心distribution center
商品流通仓库distribution warehouse
商品涂料commercial paint
商品润滑油commercial lubricating oil
商品混凝土commodity concrete
商品混凝土ready mixed concrete
商品混凝土truck-mixed concrete
商品混凝土commercial concrete
商品混凝土拌运车ready-mix truck
商品混凝土摊铺机ready-mix distribution facility
商品混凝土站ready mixed concrete plant
商品混凝土运拌车transit-mixing truck
商品混合胶ready-mixed glue
商品混合饲料commercial mixed feed
商品渔业commercial fishery
商品滑石commodity talc
商品炉子trade furnace
商品煤样品salable coal sample
商品熟铁管commercial wrought iron pipe
商品燃料merchantable fuel
商品燃烧用具trade burning appliance
商品生产commercial manufacture
商品生产者producer of commodity
商品畜群commercial herd
商品的主观价值subjective value
商品的国内价值commodity's domestic value
商品的国际价值commodity's international value
商品的自然属性natural property of commodity
商品目录commodity catalogue
商品目录commodity catalog
商品目录价格catalog price
商品石棉commercial asbestos
商品石灰commercial lime
商品石蜡paraffine grade wax
商品矿石merchantable ore
商品票据commodity paper (指银行本票和跟票提单)
商品种子commercial variety
商品积累accumulation of commodities
商品等级order of goods
商品等级钢commercial grade steel
商品merchant pipe (材)
商品commercial pipe (材)
商品管子commercial pipe
商品红黄铜commercial red brass
商品commercial grade
商品组合grouping of commodities
商品经济small commodity economy
商品经纪人merchandise broker
商品经营者distributor of commodity
商品综合方案integrated program for commodities
商品编码commodity code
商品胶合板commercial plywood
商品自然损耗率rate of natural loss of commodity
商品色粉涂料commercial distemper
商品花岗岩commercial granite
商品菜园market garden
商品蔬菜栽培基地market gardening base
商品蔬菜栽培基地base for truck farming
商品虫胶commercial shellac
商品裁培者commercial grower
商品要求commercial requirement
商品试样commercial sample
商品说明书description of commodity
商品调拨计划commodity allocation plan
商品货币关系commodity-money relationship
商品货物跌价loss of market
商品质量的标签说明grade labelling
商品费用merchandise expense
商品软木commercial cork
商品进口税duty on imported goods
商品采购成本merchandise procurement cost
商品采购预算merchandise buying budget
商品merchant steel
商品钢材merchant shape
商品钢材commercial steel
商品钢板commercial sheet
商品钢管commercial steel pipe
商品merchant iron
商品commercial iron
商品铁条merchant bar
商品铸件commercial casting
商品销售区zone of merchandise
商品销售总差距gross merchandise margin
商品销售预算merchandise selling budget
商品门窗细工package trim
商品门窗细木工package trim
商品陈列室display room
商品陈列架store shelf
商品高度saleable height
商店辅助仓库的储存品back room stock
商标产品branded goods
商用品种commercial breed
国际商品交易所international commercial exchange
在一处购买多种多量商品one-stop shopping
在模拟的商品生产条件下under simulated commercial conditions
塑料商品plastic goods
备销商品成本cost of goods available for sale
复合商品composite commodity
外来商品foreign goods
外来商品commercial goods imported
妇女用品商店women's shop
妇女用品商店ladies' shop
妇女用品商店millinery store
学生用商品back-to-school goods
定尺商品钢材linear products
实体商品physical commodity
实物商品physical commodity
商品small commodities
商品价格prices of miscellaneous goods
商品批发wholesale of small articles
商品生产者small commodity producer
商品经济petty commodity economy
小件包装商品packed parcel
市售商品articles on free market
市场可供商品availability in market supplies
布鲁塞尔关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
带托销商品预付advance consignment-in
带销商品预付advance consignment-in
平价商品commodities at par
广告商品door buster
库存商品merchandise on hand
库存商品goods on hand
库存商品明细账subsidiary ledger of merchandise in store
库存商品销售sales of merchandise from stock
应征税商品dutiable article
应纳税商品tax articles
废品商scrap dealer
廉价商品cheap goods bargain
廉价商品dime store
美国廉价商品无人售货的百货店self-service discount department store
开列商品清单bill goods
开架商品陈列eye-level shelf location
成品商品finished market product
托销商品预收款advance consignment-out
批发商品价格水平level of commodity price at wholesale
技术商品technique goods
控制商品产销协定commodity agreement
控购商品merchandise subject to controlled purchases
提高商品质量improvement of commodity quality
敏感商品sensitive market
敏感商品价格sensitive goods price
新奇商品fancy goods
无形商品intangible merchandise
易腐烂商品putrescible goods
易腐烂商品perishable commodities
普通商品general goods
替代商品substitute products
最优化进出口商品结构optimal structure of imports and exports
有商标产品branded product
有形商品tangible goods
有计划商品经济计划商品经济planned commodity economy
未到商品账户goods to arrive account
标准商品standard commodity
标准国际贸易商品分类standard international trade classification
样品商sample merchant
样品商sample hunter
次等商品inferior goods
欧洲商品编号European Article Number
正常商品normal goods
残损变质商品damaged and spoiled commodities
每一商品价值value of every commodity
每一定量某种商品every definite quantity of a commodity
每种商品的产业部门总需求total industrial demand for each commodity
没有销路的商品unsalable product
法定出售商品official selling
浇筑制品制造商cast product manufacturer
浮动价格商品floating item
海关合作理会税则商品分类目录Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature
滞销商品unsalable goods
爱克米商品及用语密码Acme Commodity and Phrase Code
特别商品special goods
特定商品particular commodity
特殊商品specialty goods
特殊商品particular kind of commodity
特殊商品交换special form of commodity exchange
特殊的商品经济special kind of commodity economy
特许出口商品goods exported under special license
环境商品和服务业environmental design profession
现存资本商品existing capital goods
生产商品食糖commercial production of sugar
目录商品展室catalogue appliance showrooms
目录商品展室catalog appliance showrooms
相关商品related product
短缺商品commodity in short supply
石材商品分类trade grouping of rocks
社会商品价格总额total value of social commodities
社会商品可供量quantity of goods available for sale
稀缺商品bottleneck commodity
筛选进口商品screening of import commodities
紧缺商品commodities in short supply
纪念品商店souvenir shop
商品pure commodity table
纺织品百货商店textile department store
纺织品类商店dry goods stores
经济商品economic goods
经营低挡商品增加销售量trading down
美术品商店fine arts shop
耐火泥商品fireclay goods
船用商品ship chandler
船用商品marine store
船用品商店marine store
良好的商品质量good merchantable
英国商品混凝土协会British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
计划调拨商品planned allocation of commodities
证明商品符合合同中的规格的证书certificate of conformity
调节商品交换regulate the exchange of commodities
财产商品总分类账general ledger for property and commodities
贸易商品traded goods
超级名牌商品super-brand (被世界公认和使用的商品)
商品undurable goods
商品soft goods
运交不合格商品bad delivery
进出口商品平衡表merchandise balance
进出口商品检验inspection and testing of imports and exports
进出口商品检验import-export commodity inspection
进出口商品结构pattern of import and export merchandise
进口商品imported commercial goods
进口商品imported commodity
进口商品commercial goods imported
进口商品价格管理price control of import commodities
进口商品的产地标记mark of origin
进口商品的再出口reexports of imported goods
选定的商品selected merchantable
选购商品free choice of goods
选购商品selective purchase
选购商品commodities purchased by choice
配套商品closed stock
采掘业商品mining and quarrying commodity
销售国外的商品commodity sold overseas
门市商品goods sold over the counter
附件商品complementary product
附券商品coupon pack
附加商品tying products
零售商品场地retail sales area
商品定额资金norm-fund other than commodities
商品支出expenditure for not buying commodities
商品支出比例rate of non-commodity expenditures
商品服务业non-goods services
商品流量non-commodity flow
商品燃料non-commercial fuel
商品的产量交换non-commodity exchange of products
商品资金funds for non-commodity items
商品输入invisible import
商品输出invisible export
商品销售non-commodity sale
非传统出口商品non-traditional exports
非成套的零售商品open stock
非耐用商品non-durable goods
非贸易商品non-traded goods
非贸易商品non-traded commodities
食品商店provisions shop
高价商品big ticket items
高档商品first line
高级用品商店luxury shop