
Terms for subject Economy containing 商人 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去做生意的那个地方的当地情况A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business
为了人员和财产的安全承包商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect
人与人之间的关系商品化commercializing human relations
从事工商业的人口business population
代理人不得不与从东南亚国家进口的便宜商品竞争The Representative has to compete with cheap imports from Southeast Asian countries
代销人确实为商业信誉良好的人The consignee turned out to be of good credit and business standing
企业的商人enterprising merchant
光顾这家百货商店的人很多The department store has a large patronage
兑换商代办短期借款的经纪人money broker
出售船用杂货如绳索、帆布等 的商人ship chandler
向制造者提供的商标是个人的,不得转让他人The trademark granted to the manufacturer is personal and should not be transferred to another person
商业和服务业的工人a business and service worker
商会指定的接收人official receiver
善于经营的商人a prosperous merchant
善于经营的商人the prosperous merchant
基本守法的私人工商户basically law-abiding private industrial and commercial units
备有汽车零件出售的商人a stockist of auto parts
如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
富有的商人a substantial merchant
对外国人的日用品、食品贩卖商店S speciality shop
我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
我们是此次商品交易会的主办人之一We are one of the sponsors of this trade fair
承包商聘任王先生作为与本合同有关的中介人The contractor engages Mr. Wang as his mediator in connection with the contract
投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers
拥有一家商店的商人a unit retailer
拥有一家商店的商人a one-shop retailer
推测有战争的可能性,商人们纷纷退出那一地区Traders are withdrawing from that area speculating about the possibility of a war
旅馆专供商人会谈的房间commercial room
未得标的商人unsuccessful bidder
没有人可以盗用属于我方业务的商标或商品No one can usurp the trademark or trade names pertaining to our business
流动商店探索新路线的人advance salesman
与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来项目差额balance on current account
生意兴隆的商人a prosperous merchant
生意兴隆的的商人the prosperous merchant
由于承包商的破产,已指派了一名清算人,业主便终止了该承包The owner terminated the employment of the contractor because a receiver has been appointed on account of contractor's insolvency
约翰・史密斯先生做了一家商行的合伙人Mr. John Smith became partner in a firm
股东将讨论一位增补的新合伙人加入该商号的问题The shareholders will discuss the entry of a new additional partner in the firm
这家公司是一个美国商人的唯一财产This company is the sole property of an American merchant
非承运人的联运商a non-carrier MTO
骗人的空头商行bogus company
骗样品的商人sample merchant