
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 商业 | all forms | in specified order only
不具备商业价值的样本sample of no commercial value
例行商业做法customary business practices
商业GDPcommercialized GDP
商业GDPcommercial GDP
商业会计business accounting
商业债务bank debt
商业债权人commercial creditor
商业周期boom-bust cycle
商业周期trade cycle
商业周期economic cycle
商业周期business cycle
商业惯例customary business practices
商业抵押贷款支持证券commercial mortgage-backed security
商业拖欠commercial arrears
商业服务business services
商业条款commercial terms
商业条款conventional market terms
商业条款conventional terms
商业条款hard terms
商业条款market terms
商业气候business climate
商业活动business activity
商业票据commercial paper
商业贷款nonconcessional loan
商业贷款commercial loan
商业贷款commercial credit Paris Club
商业贷款commercial lending
商业贷款人commercial lender
商业贷款参考利率commercial interest reference rate
商业银行commercial bank
国际农业研究磋商小组Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
新注入的商业银行资金new commercial bank money
普通商业关系arm's length trade
欧洲商业票据Eurocommercial paper
资产支持商业票据asset-backed commercial paper
限制性商业做法restrictive business practices
商业性交易noncommercial transaction
非洲商业法统一组织Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law