
Terms for subject International trade containing 商业票据 | all forms | in specified order only
三等商业票据third-class commercial paper
不合格商业票据non-eligible commercial paper
合格商业票据eligible commercial paper
商业票据trade paper
商业票据mercantile bill
商业票据trade bill
商业票据commercial instrument
商业票据mercantile paper
商业票据commercial bill
商业票据business papers
商业票据商业汇票commercial bill (notes)
商业票据市场commercial notes market
商业票据市场commercial paper market
商业票据托收collection of commercial paper
商业票据托收统一规则1955年国际商会颁订uniform rules for the collection of commercial paper
商业票据托收统一规则uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers
商业票据承销公司commercial paper house
普通商业票据bill drawn in the regular course of business
最佳商业票据prime commercial paper