
Terms for subject International trade containing 售出 | all forms | in specified order only
不公开出售证券private offering
不准出售stales forbidden
不准出售sales forbidden
不出售的not for sale
为出售出租建房speculative building
亏本出售sell at a loss
亏本出售sacrifice sale
亏本出售订价loss-leader pricing
以单据出售货物sale by documents
以单据出售货物sale based on documents
以我货未售出为准subject to unsold
以未出售为有效subject to being unsold
以未出售为有效的报价offer subject to being unsold
优良公馆住宅出售desirable family residence for sale
供出售的零件resale parts
停业削价出售close business sales
停止出售证券suspension of the sale of securities
全部商品减价出售storewide sale
全部购买或出售否则即取消的指示fill-or-kill order
公开出售处理disposition by public sale
再出售价格resale price
再出售货物权right of resale
减价出售sell at a reduced price
减价出售的商店half-price store
凭单据出售sale by documents
凭单据出售sale based on documents
凭商标或牌记出售sale by trade mark or brand
凭标准成品级出售交易sale by standard or type
凭样品出售sale by sample
凭样本出售sale of goods by sample
凭规格书出售sale by specification
出 口商销售价exporter’s sales price
出售place on the market
出售put place on the market
出售bring to market
出售中的on the block
出售买方"所要求货物"的合同"requirements" contract
出售交钥匙工厂sale of turnkey plants
出售价格offering price
出售债券offering of bonds
出售凭单sales note
出售后再租回sale and leaseback
出售后租回sale and lease back
出售品编号Sales No.
出售回租sale and leaseback
出售外汇selling exchange
出售存货make one’s market
出售存货make one's market
出售投资证券sales of investment securities
出售担保品sale of securities
出售有价证券sales form portfolio
出售有价证券sales from the portfolio
出售期货sell forward
出售查封货物distress selling
出售查封货物distress sale
股票出售法put and call
出售清单bill of sale
出售点系统point-of-sale system
出售的on sale
出售的for sale
出售盈亏gains or losses on sales
出售证券sale of securities
出售证券协议negotiated offering
出售证券收入securities proceeds
出售货物单offer sheet
出售货物所得价金proceeds of sale
出售货物的所有权property in the goods sold
出售赝品put off a fake
出售选择权put option
分期分批出售sales by instalment
分期分批出售sale by installments
制订出售条件setting of sales term
半价出售sell at half price
半价出售selling at half price
即时出售prompt sale
向消费者出售sales to consumers
售出sell out to
售出sell off to
售出与回租式租赁sale and lease-back lease
售出者套购保值seller's hedging
售出远期sold forward
售出逾额汇兑用语amount oversold
商品售出with all faults
在交易所出售sale at an exchange
在出售中under offer
在出售中on offer
大宗出售sell in bulk
委托出售commission sale
存货出售sales of stock of goods
售出口保险consignment export insurance
售出口信贷credit for export on a consignment basis
对出售货物享有的物权real right in the goods sold
尽量出售best effort offering
售出sld sold
廉价出售sell at a low price
廉价出售bargain sale
廉价出售be disposed of at a low valuation
廉价出售sell at a loss
廉价出售bargain away
强制出售compulsory sales
强制出售compulsory sale
强制执行判决中的出售sale in execution
强制执行判决中的出售sale on execution
强制执行判决中的出售sale by way of execution
强迫出售compulsory sale
售出gross proceeds of sales
成批出售小job lot
执行判决的出售sale in execution
折价出售sell at a discount
担保品的出售sale of securities
按市价出售sell at the current price
按码出售的织物yard goods
按种类出售sale on type
按"路货"出售的货物goods sold "floating"
提供的出售报价offered price
搭配出售的安排tying arrangement
收回已出售之货物repossessed goods
放盘出售close out sale
整批出售sell in bulk
整批出售sell by wholesale
无限制的出售拍卖sales without reserve
售出的证券undigested security
根据法院命令出售sale by authority of law
根据法院裁定的出售sale upon judicial order
法定出售价格official selling price (osp)
照标价出售sale on type
照样价出售sale on type
特价出售on sales
现场出售job offer
盈利出售sell at a profit
看货出售sale by inspection
种类出售sale on type
股权出售rights offering
自动饮食出售机coin-operated food and drink dispensing machine
蚀本出售selling at less than cost
计价过高失去出售的良机overstand one's market
计重出售sell by weight
议价出售negotiated offering
议价出售bargain away
议定再出售而买入的证券securities purchased under agreement to resell
论吨〔码,打〕出售sell by the dozen
论打出售sell by the dozen
论码出售sell by the yard
货物分类出售sale by description
赠券商品中有相当数量赔券可换赠品,出售礼券gift coupons
附加购买义务的出售tie-in sale
除税售出tax selling
零售后进先出法retail LIFO last in first out method
需搭卖才出售的产品tying product