
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
中断interrupt response
中间包滑动水口自动automatic response of tundish slide gate
二次燃烧对炉况的影effect of post-combustion on furnace performance
二次燃烧对能耗的影effect of post-combustion on energy consumption
仪器应时间instrument response time
仿真emulation response
保护渣类型对振痕的影effect of powder type on oscillation mark
动态应特性dynamic response
单独影separate influence
受热影的基体金属heat affected base metal (焊件的)
受热影的基本金属heat affected base metal
应函数response function
应器response device
应因数response factor
应滞后response lag
应特性曲线response characteristic
音高温计noise thermometer
塞棒自动automatic response of stopper rod
探测器aural detector
检验aural test
锤敲检验acoustic test
火警系统fire alarm sounding system
多重应函数multiple response function
尺寸影dimensional effect
保护渣卷人的因素factors affecting powder entrapment (Factors affecting powder entrapment include asymmetric flow in the mold caused by clogging or eccentricity of the submerged entry nozzle (SEN). 影响保护渣卷人的因素包括由于浸人式水口 (SEN) 堵塞或偏置所引起的结晶器内非对称流动。)
affected zone
affected area
板坯质量的因素factors influencing slab quality
线line of influence
范围domain of influence
快速split-second response
快速应传感器fast-response transducer
快速应热电偶rapid-response thermocouple
快速应调节quick response regulation
快速应轻压下控制fast-response soft reduction control
快速应辊隙控制fast-response roll gap control
手动manual response (Often it is found that while the system successfully predicted the breakout, the manual response was inadequate, and a breakout occurred despite the alarm. 人们常常发现:当该系统成功预报出漏钢的时候,手动响应却未作出适当反应,尽管发出了警报,漏钢还是发生了。)
拉坯速度自动automatic response of cast speed
拉坯速度自动automatic response of casting speed
振幅频率应曲线amplitude frequency response
摩擦对带材冷轧的影effect of friction on cold strip rolling
检验aural test
无序化影disordering effect
有害影detrimental effect
有害影adverse effect
未受unaffected zone
未受的基体金属unaffected base metal
N 次循环下的应曲线response curve for N cycles
比例影scale effect
氢对钢性能的影effect of hydrogen on steel property (【技】降低钢的塑性和韧性,使钢产生氢脆;使钢产生白点缺陷,破坏钢的连续性;钢中氢含量高的地方会出现气泡,热加工时被拉长,不能焊合,形成石板断口;在高温高压下,钢中的氢会使钢产生网状裂纹。)
泡沫渣操作对炉衬寿命的影effect of slag foaming on lining life
泡沫渣操作对炉衬寿命的影effect of foaming slag operation on lining life
渣量影slag volume effect
渣量的影slag volume effect
温度temperature response
漏钢报警response to breakout alarm
漏钢报警的拉坯速度response of casting speed to breakout alarm
漏钢报警的拉坯速度casting speed response to breakout alarm
热影heat affected zone
热影heat affected area
热影区开裂heat affected zone cracking
热影区破裂hard cracking
热电偶对粘结漏钢的thermocouple response to sticker breakout
环境影研究environmental impact study
电磁搅拌对冷隔的影influence of electromagnetic stirring on cold shut
相对光谱relative spectral response
相对频谱relative spectral response
瞬时transient response
瞬时split-second response
硅对钢性能的影effect of silicon on steel property (【技】钢中的一部分硅使钢脱氧形成氧化硅,其余的硅元素溶于铁素体中,使之成为含硅的合金铁素体。溶解于铁素体中的硅能使铁的晶格歪扭,提高铁素体的硬度和强度。但硅含量大于1%时,将显著降低钢的塑性、冲击韧性、耐锈蚀性和焊接性能,对钢材产生有害影响。)
硫对钢性能的影effect of sulphur on steel property (【技】硫是钢中的有害元素。当钢的热加工或焊接温度达到 800 ~ 985°C 时,晶界趋脆,易于断裂。当钢在 985°C 以上温度加热或热加工时,由于硫化物共晶体熔化破坏晶粒之间的结合,使钢在985 - 1200°热加工时沿晶界产生破裂。在轧制过程中,硫化铁将沿轧制方向呈条状伸长,不仅使钢材起层,而且在硫化物夹杂尖端处引起应力集中,降低钢材的冲击韧性、疲劳强度和耐腐蚀能力。同时,硫是钢中偏析最严重的杂质之一,其危害性随偏析的严重程度增大而增大。)
碳对钢性能的影effect of carbon on steel property (【技】含碳量的多少对钢材性能影响很大。含碳量增加,钢材强度和硬度增加,而钢材的塑性、韧性、冷弯性能和耐蚀能力下降,制作加工困难,冷脆性增加,焊接性能下降。)
磷对钢性能的影effect of phosphorus on steel property (【技】钢中的磷既是有害元素,同时也是能利用的合金元素。钢中磷的存在会使钢的脆性增加,低温时更为严重,即会产生通常所说的冷脆性,降低钢的塑性、韧性和焊接性。但经过合适的冶金工艺处理,磷作为钢的合金元素亦可得到良好的耐蚀性和延展性钢材。)
示踪剂应曲线tracer response curve
示踪剂应预测曲线predicted tracer response curve (In addition to studying RTD theoretically, predicted tracer response curves at the tundish nozzles have been compared with corresponding experimental measurements in order to assess the reliability of the turbulent flow model. 除了从理论上对停留时间分布进行研究外,还完成了中间包水口处示踪剂响应预测曲线与相应的实验测量值的比较,以便对湍流模型的可靠性做出评估。)
度曲线图loudness level contour
粒度影size effect
粘结response to sticker
结垢影scale effect
结晶器热mold thermal response
结晶器锥度对振痕的影influence of mold taper on oscillation marks
综合影combined influence
负面影negative influence
超声波反应ultrasonic response
逆磁影diamagnetic contribution
造价影因素cost factor
邻线影proximity effect
锰对钢性能的影effect of manganese on steel property (【技】从总体上来说,只要将锰含量控制在适当的范围内,他对钢的性能会产生良好影响。锰能在钢的塑性和冲击韧性略微降低的情况下,显著提高钢的强度。锰作为弱脱氧剂能与硫化合生成硫化锰,消除硫的有害作用。但钢的含锰量过低时,会导致钢的强度降低,热脆性及冷脆性增加。锰含量过高,又易形成冷裂纹,使钢的焊接性变差。)
镍对钢性能的影effect of nickel on steel property (【技】钢中镍含量较少时,作用微弱。当含量达到一定量值时,能明显提高钢的强度、淬硬性、冲击韧性和抗腐蚀能力。镍是不锈钢的主要合金元素。)
阶跃输入时间time response to step input
非水质环境影nonwater-quality environmental impact
信号audible indication
信号audible signal
信号sonic signal
信号acoustical signal
反射率acoustic reflection coefficient
报警设备audible alarm
指示audible indication
材料acoustic material
泄漏指示计audible leak indicator
试验sound test
频率应特性曲线frequency response characteristic
频谱spectral response