
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
价格的影price impact
假定影hypothetical effect
停牌造成的影impact of trade suspension
公司重组的影impact of corporate restructuring
出现影公司债券还本付息的重大事件significant events that have influence on corporate bonds'repayment of principal and payment of interest
创新机制的影influence of creation mechanism
受传闻影的交易把噪音、谣传当成信息而进行的交易noise trade
受情绪影的股市market influenced by sentiment
受股市影的风险Beta risk
可能的影potential exposure
喊得最的分析师loudest analyst
泡沫市场上大泡沫破后的小泡沫echo bubble
国家风险影银行对于目前或潜在的风险资产按国别计算而得的各国总债权country risk exposure
在铃at the bell
对……声誉产生不良影响的事件incidents attracting adverse publicity to
对风险程度和债务的影impact on risk levels and debt
市场影market impact
价格的因素factors affecting price
分配的稳定作用stabilizing to effect a distribution
因素factors affecting
市场effect the market
impact day
正常证券交易的突发事件sudden event affecting normal securities trade
滞后impact lag
微小影marginal effect
投机者对价格的影speculator's impact on price
摆脱金融业危机的影escape the woes of financial sector
收盘钟after the bell
收购影effect on acquisition
明显的影appreciable impact
有影力的股东significant shareholder
有效影新股发行对市场上股价所造成的影响effective spread
有限影modest impact
期货交易对价格的影impact of futures trading on price
未受影的投资调整规则investment adjustment rules unaffected
未抵消影的干预unsterilized intervention
熊市影bearish effects
确定优先权的影effect of structuring priority
税收影tax effect
索赔权及留置权不受影claims and liens not affected
货币供给对股票价格的影money supply effects on stock prices
跌价影bearish effects (on the market)
边际影marginal effect
通过影股价获利gaining profit by affecting the share price
重大不良影material adverse impact
重大影拥有20%以上股权的股东一般具有重大影响力significant influence
霸王条款影的范围Area of Dominant Influence
非正当影undue influence
风险影risk exposure
风险影分析risk impact analysis