
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
丧失政治影lose political clout
产生系统性影have systemic implications
价格上涨的翘尾影carry-over effect of the CPI increase
企业和家庭信心下滑的影effect of falling business and household confidence
估计通货膨胀影estimated effects of inflation
spectral response
全世界最具影力的金融市场world's most influential financial markets
减轻危机的影mitigate the impact of the crisis
受到危机影的国家recession-hit countries
国际地位和影international prestige and influence
国际金融危机深层次影deeper impact of the international financial crisis
地缘政治影geopolitical clout
处理金融危机影deal with the fall-out from the financial crisis
处理金融危机影respond to the global financial crisis
宏观经济方面的净影net macroeconomic effect
对…产生负面影响have a dampening impact on...
对全球经济的健康有重要影have a significant impact on the health of the global economy
增长jeopardize growth
深远have far-reaching effects
经济增长weigh on growth
成本与市价的法则对毛利的影effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
抵消财政紧缩带来的衰退影offset the recessionary impact of the fiscal tightening
提升国际影increase the international influence
摆脱金融危机的影shake off the impact of the financial crisis
日益受到…所带来的不利影响be adversely impacted by...
正面影positive repercussions
汇率变动对现金的影effect of change in exchange rate on cash
消除输人性、结构性通胀因素的不利影overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation
深层次影deep-seated impact
滞后影lagged effect
潜在系统性影potential systemic effects
潜在负面影possible adverse implications
潜在通缩影potential deflationary impact
直接影direct effects
经济影economic muscle
给世界经济带来负面影exert negative impact on the world economy
美国金融危机对我国的影impact of the US financial crisis on China
负面影negative repercussions
负面影negative impact
赔偿受影的交易商compensate affected traders
遭受危机严重影国家countries seriously affected by the crisis
避免产生可能的不利影avoid potentially adverse impacts
重要影significant influence
长期影long-term effects