
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一旦签定合同,将严格遵守,不受价格波动的影Once a contract is signed, it must be strictly abided by and not influenced by price fluctuation
一种使股票下跌的影a bearish effect on the stock market
不受价格影的商品需求inelastic demand
不受外国竞争影的行业a sheltered trade
不受影without prejudice
不受…影响rise superior to
产品价格产生连锁提价的影spillover effect onto price of goods
他们担心交货期延误一周有可能严重影业务They fear that a week delay in shipment may seriously affect the business
他们认为价格不会受这种倾向的影They do not think the prices will be affected by this tendency
以粮代工项目影研究food-for-work impact study
仿效影imitation effect
信贷对生产的影production impact of the credit
其余各方的权利和义务并不因某一方撤回本协议而受到影The rights and obligations of the remaining parties will not be affected by the withdrawal of a certain party from this agreement
内货有content rattling
利润影的转移profit impact shift
利率影的决策interest rate affecting decision
利用"价格变动"条款可使卖方经营成本不受意外变化的影Utilizing an escalator clause may protect sellers from unforeseen changes in their costs of doing business
双重交互影two-factor interaction
双重交互影double interaction
replicable replication
效果feedback effect
石油危机最大的国家most seriously affected countries
受 …影响be tainted with
市场、 价格等消息、政策等的影而波动market, price, etc. rebound on (the news, policy, etc.)
受影人总数gross audience
受影affected country
受影最严重的国家缩写为MSA国家MSA countries
受影最严重的国家缩写为MSA国家MSA country
受影最严重的国家缩写为MSA国家most seriously affected country
后来的影after effect
应管理系统response management system
回顾影投入影响backward effects
在这次机构调整中你的各项权利将不受任何权利转移的影Your rights will not be affected by any devolution of the right in this adjustment of the organizational structure
外国的反foreign repercussion
外部消费影external consumption effects
多种影理论multiple influence approach
失常影conjunctural effect
实际影tangible impact
审查和评价影世界经济的主要因素review and assessment of principal factors affecting the world economy
食品价格产生影react on (food prices)
食品价格产生影react upon (food prices)
对价格的影an effect on the price
对…有影响bear on
对长期产量有影的项目long-term yield project
市场不振影业务的进展The inactivity of the market has influenced further business
市场策略的利润影profit impact o£ market strategy
延迟产生的影lagged effort
开发的影impact of developemnt
前景impact forecast
前景impact outlook
力管理impact management (指通过管理人员个人的影响对企业职工实施管理)
形势affect the situation
技术the influence technique
技术influence technique
的范围magnitude of the effects
监测impact monitoring
经济使用寿命的因素forces affecting economic life (力量)
股票行情ring the market
销售的要素marketing mix
预期的因素factors affecting expectations
预测impact forecast
预测impact outlook
感情影法则law of effect
成熟和影扩大阶段maturity and expansion of influence
我们希望此次延误不会影你方安装机器We hope that this delay will not influence your installing the machines
我们必须采取可以影施工效率的措施We have to adopt the measures that may affect the efficiency of the project
我们期望从电视广告中得到良好反We are counting on getting a good response from TV advertising
我们认为这不会影发货期限We knew it would not affect the delivery limit
战后的影impacts of postwar
战后的影impact of postwar
所得影income effect
所有这些情况自然对工厂的可操作性和安全有影All these circumstances will certainly affect the operability and safety of the works
收入影income effects
收入水平对进口需求的弹性影income elasticity of demand for imports
收益增殖影spending/income multiplier effect
收益增殖影income multiplier effect
新合同既不会影第一方的义务也不会削弱它的权利The new contract neither affects the obligation nor diminishes the right of the first party
新调整的价格对市场有很大的影The newly adjusted prices will have a great effect on the market
从利害关系出发施加影于某人make interest with (sb.)
替换影substitution effect
最直接影impact effect
有影makea difference
有影make difference
此协议的到期不影我方权利The expiry of the agreement shall be without prejudice to the right of us
此项决定不致影或改变双方的义务Such decision will not affect or alter the obligation of the both parties
特别受到影的成员member especially affected
现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent
生产要素价格变化的影effect of factor price changes
生态的影ecological consequences
生活费用影cost of living effects
由于供货体系中的不畅,业务受到很大影Business suffered greatly from the bottleneck in the supply system
由于通货膨胀,公司在该地区的销售受到了严重影The company's sales in the area were seriously affected by the inflation
直接影direct effect
相对价格影relative price effect (效应)
石油价格的下降对石油组织国家的经济造成了显著的影The decrease of petrol price has a marked influence on the economy of OPEC countries
积极所得影positive income effect
税收影the repercussion of tax
税负影tax effect
粮食影评估food impact assessment
经济周期太阳黑子影sunspot theory of business cycle
经济影economic impact
经济影economic effect
经济影economic leverage
经济影之初步分析preliminary assessment of economic impacts
经理们的备忘录影了董事会对这项计划的决定The managers' memo has influenced the board's decision on this project
结合的影effects of integration
老是迟到会影你提升的机会Always being late would jeopardize your chances of promotion
膨胀的影expansionary impact
营养影研究nutrition impact study
该公司的资产不受不动产负债的影The assets of the company are free from encumbrances
货币影monetary effects
错误估计此种发展对市场的影misestimate the impact of this development on the market
间接影损失the sympathetic damage
韦布-费克纳边际影递减规律Webb-Fechner law of decreasing marginal effect
预期影expected impact
食品价格飞涨的影impact of soaring food prices
高粮价的​​影impact of high food prices