
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
健康影评价health impact assessment
德士古公司全球应急Worldwide Emergency Response
农业环境影environmental impact of agriculture Agricultural activities have significant impacts on water quality, including increases in stream sedimentation from erosion, and increases in nutrients, pesticides, and salt concentrations in runoff. In certain regions, the misuse of pesticides has led to the development of pesticide-resistant strains of pests, destroyed natural predators, killed local wildlife, and contaminated human water supplies. Improper application of fertilizers has changed the types of vegetation and fish types inhabiting nearby waterways and rivers (农业活动对水质的显著影响,包含因侵蚀而增加溪流的沉降,径流中营养盐、农药和盐类浓度的增加。某些特定地区,因杀虫剂的不当使用,已产生具有抗药性的昆虫、毁害自然捕食者、造成当地野生动物死亡,并污染人类的水源供给。不当的使用肥料已经改变了栖息在邻近水道与河川的鱼类和植物型态。)
loudness The magnitude of the physiological sensation produced by a sound, which varies directly with the physical intensity of sound but also depends on frequency of sound and waveform (声音引起的生理感觉的幅度,它直接区分于声音的物理强度,而且依赖于声音的波形和频率。)
噪音对的健康影health effect of noise Noise consequences on human health consist in loss of hearing and psychological effects (导致人类听力损失与心理影响的噪音影响。)
外界影防护environmental protection
对人的影effect on man No definition needed (无需定义。)
对健康的影effect on health
effect Effects include: 1. direct effects, which are caused by the action and occur at the same time and place, 2. indirect effects, which are caused by the action and are later in time or farther removed in distance, that are still reasonably foreseeable (影响包括:1.直接影响,经由同时或同地发生的行为所引起的 b.间接影响,经由较晚时间或在较远地方发生的某种行为所引起的,它可以被合理的预测。)
冲击最小化impact minimisation Actions, procedures or installations undertaken to reduce the extent or degree of negative effects on human health and the ecosystem introduced by human design or interaction with the environment (为降低因为人为影响及与环境交互作用所致的人类健康及生态体系的负面影响所采取的行动、手段或装置。)
冲击消除impact reversal The counteracting or undoing of negative effects or influences on the environment (抵消或消除对环境的负面影响。)
冲击impact source Elements of an action which cause damage to the surrounding environment (导致周围环境破坏的行为元素。)
冲击评估impact assessment Evaluation of the effect of a project upon the environment (项目对环境影响的评估。)
冲击预防impact prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert negative effects on the environment (避免对于环境的负面影响所实施的预防措施、行动或所安装的设备。)
美国得克萨斯紧急应中心Texas Emergency Response Center
最终环境影报告final environmental impact report
最终环境影说明final environmental impact statement
标准石油应管理系统standard oil response management system
气候影climatic effect Climate has a central influence on many human needs and activities, such as agriculture, housing, human health, water resources, and energy use. The influence of climate on vegetation and soil type is so strong that the earliest climate classification schemes where often based more on these factors than on the meteorological variables. While technology can be used to mitigate the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, climate fluctuations that result in significant departures from normal cause serious problems for modern industrialized societies as much as for primitive ones. The goals of climatology are to provide a comprehensive description of the Earth's climate, to understand its features in terms of fundamental physical principles, and to develop models of the Earth's climate that will allow the prediction of future changes that may result from natural and human causes (气候对人类的需要和活动有中心影响,例如农业、居住、人类健康、水资源和能源的使用。气候对蔬菜和土壤类型的影响那么强烈以至于最早的气候分类模式常常更多地基于这些因素而不是气象变量。虽然可以使用科技来减轻不利的气候条件的影响,但是背离正常的气候控制,引起现代工业化社会的问题和以前一样严重。气象学的目标是,提供一个对地球气候的可理解的描述,理解它在基本物理原理方面的特征,开发能够预测那些自然和人类所引起的未来变化的地球气候模型。)
水产养殖环境影environmental impact of aquaculture Fish farming pollutes the water with nutrients, methane and hydrogen sulphide which threaten both farmed fish and other marine life. Dangerous pesticides have been used to treat infestations of sea lice (鱼类养殖所产生的营养盐、甲烷与硫化氢污染了水体,对养殖鱼类与其它水中生物造成的威胁。危害性的杀虫剂已经被用于处理海虱的侵扰。)
泄漏应自动管理系统automated spill response management system
泄漏影成图spill impact mapping
灾害及其影管理程序 方法hazards and effects management process
环境健康影评估environmental health impact assessment Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a population (人类行为对于特定族群健康状况的影响评估。)
环境影单位environmental impact unit
环境影声明environment impact statement
美国环境影报告Environment Impact Report
环境影效果effect on the environment Resultant of natural or manmade perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environment (自然或者人为的扰动对构成环境的物理、化学或生物组件的影响结果。)
环境影数据指标environmental data index
环境影评价environmental impact assessments
环境影评估environmental impact assessment Analysis and judgement of the effects upon the environment, both temporary and permanent, of a significant development or project. It must also consider the social consequences and alternative actions (对环境的重大进展或方案的临时性和永久性分析与判断。必须考虑社会因果关系和可选行为。)
环境影评估EIA The identification, evaluation and appraisal of the ecological consequences of a proposed project or development in a city, town or region, and the measures needed to minimize adverse effects; local (对都市、城镇、区域所提议的项目或者开发的生态影响,以及将不良后果的影响最小化的方法进行辨别、评估和评定。)
环境影评估指令EIA directive Council Directive of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (85/337/EEC). The Directive applies to projects which are likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of their nature, size or location (1985年7月27日议会指令,用来评估某公共和私人项目对环境的影响(85/37/EEC)。 该指令应用于对环境可能有显著影响的计划,环境影响则依据公共和私人项目的自然价值、规模或位置。)
环境影评估法EIA law Law concerning the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, based on the EC Directive n. 85/337 (基于EC(欧洲共同体)指令85、337,关于公共或者私人计划对环境影响的评估法规。)
环境影说明书environmental impact statement A detailed statement which, to the fullest extent possible, identifies and analyses, among other things, the anticipated environmental impact of a proposed action and discusses how the adverse effects will be mitigated (一份详细的说明,最大程度的鉴别和分析提出的行动预案对环境的预期影响,并讨论如何减轻不利的影响。)
环境影调查environmental impact study Survey conducted to ascertain the conditions of a site prior to the realization of a project, to analyze its possible impacts and compensative measures (计划专案展开前对确定的场所状况所进行的调查,用以分析计划可能带来的冲击和可采取的补救措施。)
生物技术的社会经济影socioeconomic impact of biotechnologies Biotechnology is the application of biological and technical solutions to problems, and often refers to the industrial use of microorganisms (perhaps genetically altered) to perform chemical processing, for example of waste or water, or to manufacture hormones or enzymes for medicinal and commercial purposes. Biotechnology offers great potential to increase farm production and food processing efficiency, to lower food costs, to enhance food quality and safety and to increase international competitiveness (生物技术是应用生物学和技术的办法以解决问题,往往指的是用微生物工业(也许是转基因)进行的废弃物或水的化学处理,或制造荷尔蒙或酵素医药作为商业用途。生物技术提供了巨大的潜力,增加农业生产和粮食加工效率,降低粮食成本,提高食品质量和安全,并提高国际竞争力。)
石油泄漏防止与Oil Spill Prevention and Response
空气质量影分析air quality impact analysis
紧急应査找泄漏小组Emergency Response Strike Team
美国综合性环境应补偿与责任条例Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
贸易对环境的影trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructures (贸易对环境的影响可以是直接的,如濒危特种、自然资源、自然产品(如热带木材)的贸易。也可以是间接的,如森林砍伐、栖息地丧失和因采矿、能源生产、石油泄漏、全球气候变暖等而引起的污染,以及交通运输基础设施的增加。)
阿拉斯加波弗特海原油泄漏应船Alaska Beaufort sea oil spill res ponse body
零环境影zero environmental impact