
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
世界气候影研究计划World Climate Impact Study Programme
中华人民共和国环境影评价法P. R. China Act on Environmental Impact Assessment
井影半径radius of influence of well
人类活动影模型human activity influence model
光合-光photosynthesis-light response
净影net impact
减少对环境影的森林采伐reduced impact logging
刺激stimulus response
区域性非点源流域环境应模拟模型areal non-point source watershed environment response simulation
压力-状态-应模型press-state-response model
压力-状态-应模型model of driving force-state-response
受影锥体cone of influence
土壤环境影评价impact assessment of soil environment
土壤生态环境response of soil ecological environment
地下水环境影评价ground water environmental impact assessment
大气环境影评价environmental capacity of air
大气环境影评价atmospheric environmental capacity
季节影方式,程度seasonal incidence
对健康不利的影adverse health effect
对环境不利的影adverse environment effect
年度影annual incidence
建设项目环境影评价construction environmental impact assessment
分析impact analysis
因子function factor
因子对比预测法prediction method by contrast of influence factor
因素impact factor
机制influence mechanism
气候的活动climate-sensitive activity
路径法impact pathway approach
预测effect prediction
径流runoff response
恶劣影baneful influence
收缩影effect of contraction
施工影construction impact
无环境影zero environmental impact
景观影landscape impact degree
气候变化影评价-伴随矩阵方法climate change impact assessment-ajoint matrix method
气候对人类影研究计划的行动计划action plan for the programme of studies
气候对人类影研究计划的行动计划action plan for the program of studies
气候影评价climatic impact assessment
氨挥发影因子factors affecting ammonia volatilization
深远影far-reaching impacts
reverberation room
环境environment responding
环境影environmental influence
环境影报告environmental impact statement
环境影评价environment influence assessment
生化biochemical response
生态环境影ecological environmental influence
生物多样性影评估biodiversity impact assessment
生理physiological response
相对摩尔relative molar response
空气质量影评估air quality impact assessment
等声曲线equal loudness curve
经济活动对环境的影environmental externalities (of economic activities)
综合气象影因子comprehensive meteorological affecting factor
辐射对免疫反应的影effect of radiation on the immune response
辐射对遗传的影genetic effect of radiation
函数frequency response function