
Terms for subject Business containing 品种 | all forms | in specified order only
品种type of product
产品品种指标indicator of product variety
产品价值、量和种类value, volume and range of product
产品的价值,数量和种类value, volume and range of product
再接受数量与品种acceptance of repeating quantities and items
各种商品goods of all kinds
各种商品系统several commodity system
品种range of variety
品种和规格varieties and specifications
品种更新creation of new species
品种有限商店limited-line store
品种索引表key to the variety
商品流通中各种购销活动如签订合同、买卖商品、结算,又称商流commercial distribution
商品花色品种article mix
培养优良品种breed improved seeds
多种产品multiple products
多种产品分析multiproduct analysis
多种产品分析法multiproduct approach
多种产品定价法multiple product pricing
多种产品成本制multiple product cost system
多种产品综合生产multiple producing
多种商品multitude of lines
对此种商品的连续询盘continual enquiry for this commodity
我们生产这种产品That is just under our line of business
我方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的产品在国际市场很受欢迎We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market
品种分的类classified by kind
最佳品种best of breed
最新品种last word
有限品种商店指专售某类或几类商品的商店limited-line store
特种特色商品speciality goods
特种商品一览表special cargo list
生产各种品质的货物produce goods in various qualities
花色品种designs and varieties
花色品种stypes and designs
高产品种high-yield variety