
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 品位 | all forms | in specified order only
中等品位medium grade
中间产物品位cascade grade
人炉铁矿品位iron content of charged iron ore (【技】人炉铁矿(包括烧结矿、球团矿和天然铁矿石)的平均含铁量。)
人炉铁矿品位charged iron ore grade
品位poor in quality
品位冰铜low-grade matte
品位原矿low-grade run-of-mine
品位烧结矿low-Fe sinter
品位poor ore
品位low-metal content ore
品位矿石poor ore
品位矿石low-grade ore
品位精矿low-grade concentrate
品位精矿lean concentrate
品位自熔性烧结矿low-grade fluxed sinter
品位赤铁矿low-grade hematite
品位金属low-grade metal
品位金属low-grade antimony metal
品位low-grade copper
品位铝土矿poor-quality bauxite
品位铝土矿low-grade bauxite
品位铬铁矿low-grade chromite
品位low-grade matte
品位锰矿浸滤提锰法dithionate process
冰铜品位matte grade
化学纯品位chemical-pure grade
单位产品劳动成本labor cost per unit of output
单位产品劳动成本指数index of labor cost per unit of output
单位产品缺陷数defect per unit
原矿品位raw ore grade
反应堆品位reactor grade
品位tenor (矿石的)
品位下限lower limit of grade
品位下限cutoff grade
品位下限cut-off grade
品位合格的矿石pay dirt
品位降低downgrade (【技】将因化学成分、表面质量等问题达不到预定质量级别的产品降低级别的处理方法。)
国产品位domestic grade
国产级品位domestic grade
工业品位technical grade
工业品位production grade
工业品位等级industrial grade
工业品位commercial grade
工业品位的四氟化铀production-grade green salt
工业品位production-grade uranium
工业纯品位technical-pure grade
截止品位cut-off grade
提高品位grading up
最低可获利品位minimum payable grade
核燃料级品位fuel grade
炉渣品位slag grade
烧结矿品位sinter grade
矿石品位metal content of ore
矿石品位ore grade
矿石品位grade of ore
矿石最低工业品位limiting grade of ore
矿石边界品位limiting grade of ore (【技】矿石中有用组分的最低工业品位。)
精矿品位concentrate grade (【技】精矿产品中所含金属量占精矿数量的百分比。它反映了精矿的质量指标。)
自然品位natural grade
品位铁矿conventional-grade iron ore
—般品位铁矿conventional-grade iron ore
要求品位desired grade
试剂级品位reagent grade
金属级品位纯度metal-grade purity
铁矿石品位iron ore grade
铁矿石品位grade of iron ore
铁矿石品位iron content of iron ore
铁矿石品位iron content of ore
品位matte grade
难选低品位矿石submill-grade ore
难选低品位矿石sub-mill-grade ore
预定品位desired grade
品位high grade
品位冰铜high grade matte
品位冰铜high grade copper matte
品位烧结矿high-grade sinter
品位烧结矿high-Fe sinter (The studies confirmed the excellent reduction behavior of high-Fe sinter at high temperatures. 研究确认了高含铁烧结矿良好的高温还原性。)
品位球团high-grade pellet
品位球团iron-rich pellets
品位球团high grade pellet
品位valuable ore
品位矿石valuable ore
品位矿石rich ore
品位矿石high-grade ore
品位矿石high grade ore
品位矿石浸出high grade ore leaching
品位精矿high-grade concentrate
品位精矿high grade concentrate
品位赤铁矿high-grade hematite
品位赤铁矿high grade hematite
品位金属锑high grade antimony metal
品位铁矿high grade iron ore
品位铁矿石high-grade iron ore
品位铜锍high grade copper matte
品位铝土矿high quality bauxite
品位铪精矿high hafnium concentrate
品位high grade matte
品位higher grade matte
品位锍连续吹炼continuous converting of high grade matte
品位镍锍high grade nickel matte