
Terms containing 品位 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.世界制成品出口单位价值指数unit value index of world exports of manufactured goods
econ.世界制成品出口单位价值指数index of unit value of global exports of manufactured goods
busin.中位构成商品commodity of average composition
econ.中位构成的商品commodity of average composition
tech.顶棚的中央部位之装饰品center piece
tech.中矿品位middles grade
met.中等品位medium grade
tech.中级品位medium grade
met.中间产物品位cascade grade
eng.geol.临界品位boundary value
busin.主要产品单位成本表statement of unit cost of major products
adv.云丝顿香烟、"云丝顿、好烟好品位" 、Wm.Esty 广告公司、1954Winston cigarettes, "Winston tastes good-like a cigarette should" (Wm. Esty & Co.)
proj.manag.品位product space
textile产品单位unit of product
interntl.trade.产品单位output unit
commer.产品单位成本unit cost of product
tech.产品单位成本unit cost of products
busin.产品单位成本升降分析analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product
econ.产品单位法折旧depreciation by unit-of-product method
proj.manag.产品定位product positioning
textile产品定位strategy of product location
avia.产品定位表product allocation list
busin.产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place
tech.产品计量单位units for calculating products
tech.产品计量单位unit of measurement of product
manag.产品责任单位product center
manag.产品领先地位product leadership
met.人炉铁矿品位iron content of charged iron ore (【技】人炉铁矿(包括烧结矿、球团矿和天然铁矿石)的平均含铁量。)
met.人炉铁矿品位charged iron ore grade
sport.他觉得他最不想做的就是在他父亲位于克利夫兰的体育用品商店里干活。他希望能逃离那里He supposed he mostly wanted to escape a career in his father's sporting-goods store in Cleveland
tech.伴生矿经济临界品位break-even point of economic grade by mineral
auto.品位质量,等级low grade
auto.品位light grade
econ.品位矿石low grade
met.品位poor in quality
gen.品位low grade
met.品位冰铜low-grade matte
tech.品位原料low-grade material
met.品位原矿low-grade run-of-mine
tech.品位炉渣棉low-grade silicate cotton
tech.品位炉渣绒low-grade silicate wool
met.品位烧结矿low-Fe sinter
tech.品位low-grade coal
interntl.trade.品位燃料low grade fuel
tech.品位燃料low-grade fuel
tech.品位瓷土mica clay
gen.品位矿石low grade
met.品位low-metal content ore
met.品位poor ore
busin.品位low grade ore
tech.品位矿床low-grade deposit
tech.品位矿渣棉low-grade silicate cotton
tech.品位矿渣绒low-grade silicate wool
tech.品位矿石poor value
met.品位矿石low-grade ore
steel.品位矿石low grade ore
met.品位矿石poor ore
tech.品位矿石low-grade mineral
agric.品位磷矿low-grade phosphate rock
met.品位精矿low-grade concentrate
met.品位精矿lean concentrate
construct.品位耐火材料low-heat-duty clay
tech.品位耐火黏土low heat duty clay
met.品位自熔性烧结矿low-grade fluxed sinter
met.品位赤铁矿low-grade hematite
met.品位金属low-grade metal
met.品位金属low-grade antimony metal
tech.品位金属锑low-grade antimony metal
tech.品位钨矿low-grade wolfram
met.品位low-grade copper
met.品位铝土矿poor-quality bauxite
met.品位铝土矿low-grade bauxite
met.品位铬铁矿low-grade chromite
met.品位low-grade matte
met.品位锰矿浸滤提锰法dithionate process
tech.入选矿石品位milling ore grade
met.冰铜品位matte grade
busin.冶炼品位metallurgical grade
tech.出口商品单位价值指数export unit value index
tech.出矿品位grade of crude ore
tech.出矿极限品位limiting grade of ore drawn
expl.分析品位assay grade
tech.分选品位separation grade
tech.分选品位separating grade
stat.制成品出口单位价值指数Manufactures Unit Value Index
stat.制成品出口单位价值指数manufactures export unit value index pl. indices
securit.前三位抵押品top 3 collateral
tech.加权平均品位weighted average grade
met.化学纯品位chemical-pure grade
tech.品位钢丝single grade wire
interntl.trade.单一物品本位single commodity standard
auto.单位产品材料,工时消耗量unit requirement
busin.单位产品人力消耗量manpower needed per unit of product
busin.单位产品人工成本labor cost per unit of product
textile单位产品价格price per unit
busin.单位产品价格piecework price
fin.单位产品劳动成本unit labor cost
met.单位产品劳动成本labor cost per unit of output
fin.单位产品劳动成本labour cost per unit of output
met.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labor cost per unit of output
econ.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of output
busin.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
econ.单位产品原料消耗consumption per unit product of raw materials
busin.单位产品原材料消耗量consumption of raw materials per unit of product
busin.单位产品固定价值fixed value per product unit
econ.单位产品平均价格unit value
busin.单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
econ.单位产品得益边际unit contribution margin
econ.单位产品必要的劳动消耗量unit manpower need
auto.单位产品成本unit requirement
textile单位产品成本unit product costs
fin.单位产品成本cost per unit product
oil单位产品成本unit product cost
tech.单位产品成本unit cost
tech.单位产品成本的审计audit of cost per product
commer.单位产品投资费用volume of investment costs per unit of production
busin.单位产品投资额investment per unit product
tech.单位产品投资额unit investment quota
busin.单位产品折旧法depreciation-unit-of-product method
busin.单位产品收益边际unit contribution margin
busin.单位产品材料消耗consumption of materials per unit of product
busin.单位产品每月营运成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
ecol.单位产品污染物产生系数pollutant generation coefficient for unit production
oil单位产品燃料消耗fuel consumption for unit products
busin.单位产品瑕疵率defects per unit
oil单位产品电力消耗power consumption for unit products
tech.单位产品疵点数defects per unit
econ.单位产品的价值per unit value of a product
tech.单位产品的必要劳动消耗量manpower needed per unit of product
busin.单位产品维修费用maintenance expense per unit of product
oil单位产品综合能耗full energy consumption for unit products
busin.单位产品缺陷demerit per unit
busin.单位产品缺陷分布distribution of defects per unit
met.单位产品缺陷数defect per unit
tech.单位产品耗水量water consumption per unit product
oil单位产品耗电electricity consumption per unit product
busin.单位产品耗费劳动时间labor time spent in producing one unit of products
China, law单位产品能耗限额标准norm set for energy consumption per unit product
proj.manag.单位产品销售额unit sales
avia.单位商品销售率specific commodity rate
busin.单位工程优良品率rate of superior single project
econ.单位工程合格品率rate of qualified single project
tech.单位成品回收unitary product
tech.单位成品推销费salable expenses by unit product
busin.单位样品unit sample
busin.单位社会产品平均资金占用量average amount of funds spent per unit of social product
tech.历史产量品位historical product-grade method
tech.历史产量品位historic product-grade method
met.原矿品位raw ore grade
expl.原矿品位uncut value
met.反应堆品位reactor grade
tech.可回采平均品位recoverable mean grade
expl.可采品位pay grade
tech.可采矿石的最低品位minimum grade of ore
tech.各层位样品all level sample
tech.同位素分析样品sample for isotopic analysis
tech.同位素年龄测定样品sample for isotopic age determination
tech.同位素标准样品isotopic standard samples
commer.向一位客户寄送一包样品send a parcel of samples to a customer
tech.吨一品位曲线tonnage-grade curve
gen.品位grade (种)
geol.矿石品位metal content
met.品位tenor (矿石的)
met.品位下限lower limit of grade
met.品位下限cutoff grade
met.品位下限cut-off grade
tech.品位中和tensor neutralization
tech.品位中和quality neutralization
textile品位价值esteem value
earth.sc.品位保证quality assurance
tech.品位分级ranking of grade
oil品位功能functions of grade
tech.品位变化曲线图variation chart in grade
tech.品位变化系数variation coefficient of grade
met.品位合格的矿石pay dirt
tech.品位控制grade control
adv.品位文化taste culture
anim.husb.品位检验quality test
anim.husb.品位、等级检验quality classification test
met.品位降低downgrade (【技】将因化学成分、表面质量等问题达不到预定质量级别的产品降低级别的处理方法。)
tech.品位降低down grading
adv.品牌于心目中的地位share of mind
proj.manag.品牌定位brand positioning
busin.商业品位commercial grade
interntl.trade.商品本位commodity standard
IMF.商品本位制commodity standard
agric., construct.商品生产单位commercial production unit
agric., construct.商品生产单位commercial farm
met.国产品位domestic grade
met.国产级品位domestic grade
el.在应用和开发方面的领先地位及精品leadership and excellence in the application and development
tech.块段平均品位average grade of ore block
oil品位润滑油multigrade lubricating oil
dril.品位润滑油冬夏都能用multigrade lubricating oil
busin.多产品基层单位multiproduct establishment
econ.多数物品本位multiple commodity standard
econ.多种物品本位multiple commodity standard
desert.大气品位air quality
space大气品位指数atmospheric quality index
securit.头三位抵押品top 3 collateral
tech.富集品位grade of concentration
tech.尾矿品位tailings grade
tech.尾矿品位refuse ore grade
met.工业品位production grade
manag.工业生产的品位production grade
met.工业品位等级industrial grade
met.工业品位commercial grade
tech.工业品位industrial grade
met.工业品位technical grade
met.工业品位的四氟化铀production-grade green salt
tech.工业品位金刚石industrial grade diamond
met.工业品位production-grade uranium
commer.工业技术品位technical grade
busin.工业生产品位production grade
met.工业纯品位technical-pure grade
tech.平均品位average grade of ore
cosmet.当你的品牌占据了市场优势时,它就会拥有异常强大的地位When your brand dominates a market, it will be in an exceptionally strong position
proj.manag.感知产品定位perceptual product positioning
commer.我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国纺织品的大订单One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles
met.截止品位cut-off grade
anim.husb.抗性基因品位quality of resistance gene
fin.折旧产品单位法depreciation unit-of-product method
econ.按单位产品计算的生产费用per-yield-per-unit production cost
met.提高品位grading up
textile文化品位cultured taste
libr.文化品位cultural taste
tech.无亏损品位下限break-even cut-off ore grade
tech.无亏损最低品位break-even cut-off ore grade
tech.最低品位minimum grade
tech.最低品位marginal grade
met.最低可获利品位minimum payable grade
expl.最低可采品位pay limit
tech.最低可采平均品位admissible minimum of average grade
gen.本店的自助餐,大众化的价格,让您得到高品位的享受The buffet, just at a popular price, is a high-grade enjoyment for you
busin.本期单位产品占用基金额amount of funds per unit during the current period
textile标准品位standard quality
tech.样品中位数sample median
busin.样品单位sample unit
agric.样品定位sample allocation
oil样品定位法sample ordination method
met.核燃料级品位fuel grade
busin.每百单位产品不合格率defects per hundred units
textile消费品位consumer taste
met.炉渣品位slag grade
met.烧结矿品位sinter grade
busin.物品名称及计算单位description of stores and their unit
proj.manag.物理产品定位physical product positioning
tech.特高品位extra-high grade
tech.特高品位storm grade
tech.特高品位erratic high-grade
tech.特高品位样品处理treating of erratic high-grade sample
busin.生产单位产品平均必要劳动时间average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity
wind.监界品位boundary value
tech.目测品位visual estimated grade
tech.石棉矿石的地质品位geological tenor of asbestos ore
tech.石棉矿石的地质品位geologic tenor of asbestos ore
tech.石棉矿石矿山品位mine tenor of asbestos ore
tech.矿产经济临界品位break-even economic grade of mineral commodity
commer.矿产边际品位cutoff grade
tech.矿体品位ore-body grade
tech.矿体平均品位average grade of orebody
tech.矿床平均品位average grade of ore deposit
tech.矿床平均品位average grade of mineral deposit
met.矿石品位metal content of ore
met.矿石品位ore grade
tech.矿石品位tenor of ore
met.矿石品位grade of ore
tech.矿石品位ore content
tech.矿石品位低或有害组分高ore low grade or ore of tall harmful constituent
tech.矿石品位分级ore grade
tech.矿石品位变化variation of ore grade
tech.矿石品位校正系数rectifying coefficient of ore grade
tech.矿石工业品位industrial grade of ore
tech.矿石最低品位limiting grade of ores
met.矿石最低工业品位limiting grade of ore
tech.矿石极限品位limiting grade of ores
met.矿石边界品位limiting grade of ore (【技】矿石中有用组分的最低工业品位。)
earth.sc.空气品位应力指数air quality stress index
earth.sc.空气品位指数air quality index
earth.sc.空气品位模拟模式air quality simulation model
earth.sc.空气品位目标air quality objective
earth.sc.空气品位相关值air quality-related value
earth.sc.空气品位管理系统air quality management system
earth.sc.空气品位自动监测系统air quality automatic monitoring systems
earth.sc.空气品位评价模式air quality assessment model
tech.算术平均品位arithmetical average grade
tech.算术平均品位arithmetic average grade
ecol.品位grade of crude ore
met.精矿品位concentrate grade (【技】精矿产品中所含金属量占精矿数量的百分比。它反映了精矿的质量指标。)
tech.精矿品位concentrate ore grade
tech.累计矿石平均品位accumulated average grade of ore
busin.纺织品单位产量per unit yield of textile product
tech.综合经济临界品位break-even point of composite economic grade
earth.sc.肥料品位fertilizer grade
refrig.能量品位降低energy breakdown
met.自然品位natural grade
met.品位铁矿conventional-grade iron ore
met.—般品位铁矿conventional-grade iron ore
gen.药品质量单位1克拉=1.0296 克carat
met.要求品位desired grade
met.试剂级品位reagent grade
commer.采矿试样品位sampled grade
tech.试样品位sampled grade
tech.路面品位混凝土pavement quality concrete (PQ 混凝土)
tech.边界品位cut-off grade
expl.边界品位limiting grade
tech.边界品位marginal grade
tech.边界品位boundary tensor
expl.边缘品位marginal grade
tech.边际品位marginal grade (矿业)
busin.边际品位cut-off grade
tech.边际品位cut-off grade (矿业)
geol.边际品位储层marginal quality reservoir
gen.过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature
econ.这位商家确信,我方产品可以同别家产品公平合理地竞争The dealer is certain that our products are in competition with rival ones openly and fairly
exhib.追求品位的与会者high-end group
ecol.采矿品位grade of mined ore
commer.金属品位metal grade
busin.金属品位metallic composition
commer.金属品位级纯度metal-grade purity
shipb.金属品位纯度metal-grade purity
met.金属级品位纯度metal-grade purity
securit.金融衍生产品全方位创新all directional innovations covered derivative products
met.铁矿石品位grade of iron ore
met.铁矿石品位iron content of iron ore
met.铁矿石品位iron ore grade
met.铁矿石品位iron content of ore
met.品位matte grade
met.难选低品位矿石submill-grade ore
met.难选低品位矿石sub-mill-grade ore
met.预定品位desired grade
fin.首三位抵押品top 3 collateral
met.品位high grade
textile品位good taste
tech.品位high grade (的)
commer.品位产品high grade product
tech.品位产量high grade product
el.品位信函打印letter quality
el.品位信函打印机letter quality printer
met.品位冰铜high grade matte
met.品位冰铜high grade copper matte
tech.品位废金属high grade melting scrap
tech.品位放射性废液high-level radioactive liquid waste
tech.品位测量high-quality measuring
met.品位烧结矿high-grade sinter
met.品位烧结矿high-Fe sinter (The studies confirmed the excellent reduction behavior of high-Fe sinter at high temperatures. 研究确认了高含铁烧结矿良好的高温还原性。)
met.品位球团high-grade pellet
met.品位球团iron-rich pellets
met.品位球团high grade pellet
met.品位valuable ore
tech.品位矿床higher grade deposit
tech.品位矿物high grade mineral
met.品位矿石rich ore
met.品位矿石valuable ore
met.品位矿石high-grade ore
met.品位矿石high grade ore
met.品位矿石浸出high grade ore leaching
tech.品位矿石选矿厂high grade mill
met.品位精矿high-grade concentrate
met.品位精矿high grade concentrate
met.品位赤铁矿high-grade hematite
met.品位赤铁矿high grade hematite
met.品位金属锑high grade antimony metal
met.品位铁矿high grade iron ore
met.品位铁矿石high-grade iron ore
met.品位铜锍high grade copper matte
met.品位铝土矿high quality bauxite
met.品位铪精矿high hafnium concentrate
met.品位high grade matte
met.品位higher grade matte
met.品位锍连续吹炼continuous converting of high grade matte
geophys.品位纯度锗晶体high-purity germanium crystal
met.品位镍锍high grade nickel matte
econ.高商品单位值high unit value