
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 和132kV | all forms
一氧化碳carbon monoxide and sulfur
一氧化碳硫的化合物compound of carbon monoxide and sulfur
上部下部钢水池界面upper/lower pool boundary level (复合钢板坯连铸的)
上部下部钢水池界面boundary level between upper and lower pools (复合钢板坯连铸的)
不饱溶液unsaturated solution
不饱unsaturated acid
不饱unsaturated alcohol
与氧亲力大的金属oxygen hungry metal
neutralization number
neutralizing agent
neutralization agent
反应neutralization reaction
reclaiming machine
堆场blending field
堆场bedding field
工段neutralization section
过的废水neutralised waste water
效应neutralizing effect
料场bedding facilities
料场bedding system
料场blending yard
料场blending field
料场bedding plant
料场bedding pile
料场bedding field
料场bed blending system
料场bed blending plant
料场homogenization plant
料场blending yard
料堆bedded pile
料堆blended pile
料堆bedding pile
料堆homogenization pile
料堆blending pile
方法neutralizing method
neutralizing period
neutralization vessel
neutralizing tank
blending tank
blending ratio
mode of averaging
溶液neutralized solution
neutralization heat
装置neutralization plant
设备neutralization plant
试验neutralization test
zero line
过的废水neutralised waste water
中速高速铸造区medium/ fast range of casting speeds
中速高速铸造范围medium/ fast range of casting speeds
中间顶层联合浇铸combined intermediate-and-top pouring
中间包结晶器错位misalignment between tundish and mold
人口工业excessive concentration of population and industry
优先亲selective affinity
信息情报存储检索information storage and retrieval
氯化焙烧法Kowa process
内聚亲cohesive affinity
冷却时间烧结时间比cooling/sintering time ratio
冷却水量冷却水质cooling water quantity and quality (Parameters which have a strong influence on panel life include cooling water quantity and quality, water flow rate and velocity, inlet water pressure and water pressure drop across the panel, pipe/panel construction material, and pipe diameter. 严重影响水冷炉壁寿命的技术参数包括冷却水量和冷却水质、水流量和水流速、人口水压和穿越水冷炉壁的水压降、水管/水冷炉壁的结构材料以及管径等。)
冷态热态试验cold-and-hot test
凸度凹度crown and concavity
切头切尾top and bottom crops
切头切尾head and tail end crops
切头切尾cropped ends
刷式冷却液调brush type coolant dispenser
刻痕堆焊bossing (轧辊表面的)
剪切捏合作用shearing-kneading action
剪切掀板shear and opened (叠轧薄板的)
剪切捏作用shearing-kneading action
定则additivity principle
定律additivity law
性函数additive function
加硫酸钙的糠锯屑混合粉料pink meal
化学清理加工生产线chemical treating line (板带材的)
化学清理加工生产线chemical cleaning and working line (板带材的)
卷端检测卷取机自动停车coil end detection and automatic reel stop
厚度形状自动控制系统automatic gage and shape control system (A hot strip mill improvement program in progress includes the installation of an automatic gage and shape control system. 目前正在付诸实施的带钢热轧机改造计划包括安装一套厚度和形状的自动控制系统。)
原料燃料平衡balance between material and fuel
原料中blending of materials
原料中bed blending
原料中blending materials
原料中系统bedding system
原料中系统bed blending system
原料中设备bedding facilities (施)
原料中设备 blending facilities
原料中设备blending facilities
双孔无孔检测double-punch and blank column detection
双机架平整二次冷轧机two-stand temper and d•c•r•double cold rolling mill
双机架平整二次冷轧机twin-stand temper and D.C.R mill
双机架平整二次冷轧机two-stand temper and double cold rolling mill
双机架平整二次冷轧机two-stand temper and d•c•r•mill
合金钢碳钢混合浇铸法Stroh steel hardening process
含一价铜二价铜的化合物cupro-cupric compound
含二价铁三价铁的化合物ferroferric compound
含锂镁的保护渣Li-and-Mg-containing powder
含锂镁的保护渣Li-and-Mg-bearing flux
含锂镁的保护渣flux with Li and Mg
…垂直at right angles with (正交,成直角)
应反应sympathetic reaction
数校验位sum check digit
林茨 Donawitz 多纳维兹的首字母。Linz
…相一致consistent with... (This is consistent with the fact that higher casting speeds give less flux consumption and shallower oscillation marks. 这 一 点与较高的拉坯速度导致较少的保护渣消耗和较浅的振痕这一事实相一致。)
哈里森熔融态下铸造随后模锻制造零件法Harrison process
回收锌铁的技术technology to recover zinc and iron
固溶solid solution saturation ratio
坯壳结晶器界面处气隙gap at shell/mold boundary
坯壳结晶器界面处气隙air-gap at shell/mold interface
基体过饱matrix supersaturation
多段式中multistage neutralization section
"大"铅或锡基轴承合金Yamato metal
天然气燃油复合喷吹co-injection of natural gas and fuel coil
孪生基面滑移的交替alternation of twinning and basal glide
对碳的亲affinity for carbon (Since chromium has a fairly great affinity for carbon, it is classed as a carbide-forming element. 由于铬对碳具有相当大的亲和力,故铬被归类为碳化物形成元素。)
工程概算预算budgetary estimate and budget of project
市政工业废料municipal and industrial refuse
带扁头滑块的联轴节palm and slipper coupling
连续式带材焊管坯轧机strip and skelp mill
干油稀油润滑系统grease and oil lubrication system
干油稀油润滑系统grease and oil system
平衡饱equilibrium saturation
废钢/或铁水scrap and/or hot metal
开渣口铁口iron and slag taphole opening
快速慢速连铸法fast and slow method of continuous casting
快速慢速连铸法fast and slow method of casting
急冷风冷盘管式冷却系统chiller and fan-coil type cooling system
您如何看待钢铁联合工厂小钢厂之间的关系?How do you view the relationship between integrated mill and mini mill?
扩散饱diffusion saturation
抛光浸蚀技术polish-and-etch technique
拉、停反推pull, pause and push back
拉、停反推阶段pull, pause and push back phases
拉拔退火的drawn and annealed
挡墙weir and dam
挡墙dam and weir
挡墙坝的水模试验water model experiment of dam and weir
挡墙坝的相对位置relative location of dam and weir
挡墙坝的组合combination of dam and weir
挡墙坝的设计design of dam and weir
kneading machine
kneading mill
试验pugging test
控制过程信号转换器control and process signal converter
撕开焊合模型tearing and healing model (一种解释连俦坯振痕形成的模型)
撕开焊合模型tear and heal model (一种解释连铸坯振痕形成的模型)
撕开焊合理论tear and heal theory (一种解释连铸坯振痕形成的理论)
撕裂焊合作用tear and heal action
撕裂焊合机理tearing and healing mechanism (一种关于连铸坯振痕形成的机理)
撕裂焊合机理tear and heal mechanism (一种关于连铸坯振痕形成的机理)
料钟料斗bell and hopper (Bell and hopper is a charging apparatus at the top of a blast furnace and so devised that the raw materials can be fed into the furnace while the escape of gas is prevented. 料钟和料斗是一种高炉炉顶装料设施,如此设计可将炉料装人炉中,而又能避免炉顶煤气逸出。)
料钟炉料下降前的接触面charge surface
料钟炉料的接触面charge surface (指炉料下降前的)
新厂房设备工商业支出额business expenditures for new plant and equipment
无用数据总gibberish total
最后中final neutralization tank
最终退火绝缘涂层作业线final annealing and insulation coating line
易性混凝土workable concrete
未饱合金unsaturated alloy
板形、凸度平面度控制profile, crown and flatness control
树脂亲resin affinity
棋盘式烧成铬铬镁砖镁砖炉顶fired chrome-magnesite/ magnesite checkerboard roof
棋盘式烧成铬镁砖镁砖炉顶fired chrome-magnesite/magnesite checkerboard roof
欠饱金属液undersaturated melt
残余钢水熔渣molten steel and slag heel
残余钢水熔渣molten heel of steel and slag
比较打印compare and print
气体饱gas pickup
气体饱熔体gassy melt
—氧化碳COS (Sulfur enters the blast furnace mainly in the coke and is released into the blast furnace gas stream as H₂S or a gaseous compound of carbon monoxide and sulfur (COS) when the coke is burned. 高炉中的硫主要是焦炭带入的。焦炭燃烧时,硫以 H₂S 或气态一氧化碳和硫 (COS) 的化合物形式释放出并进人高炉煤气流。)
氧气钢水间的反应表面积reaction surface area between oxygen and liquid steel
氧气顶吹斜吹转炉双联炼钢法LD-Kaldo process
校验sum check
水密封限制开关oil and water tight limit switch
油漆清漆涂层保护protection by paint and lacquer
浇余钢水熔渣molten steel and slag heel
浇余钢水熔渣molten heel of steel and slag
浇钢水口塞棒装置pouring nozzle and stopper rod mechanism
作用slaking effect
slaking property
slaking tank
试验slaking test
熔渣的界面liquid steel/molten flux interface (Continuous casting fluxes must be able to absorb and dissolve nonmetallic inclusions, especially alumina, that rise to the liquid steel/ molten flux interface. 连铸保护渣必须能够吸收和溶解上浮到液(态)钢和熔渣界面的非金属夹杂物,特别是 Al₂O₃。)
淬火回火的hardened and tempered
混凝土钢筋的握裹力grip between concrete and steel
湿wet saturator
漏钢检测预防breakout detection and prevention
激光饱光谱学laser saturation spectroscopy
激冷风冷盘管式冷却系统chiller and fan-coil type cooling system
炉顶煤气导出管下降管温度记录仪top and downcorner temperature recorder
炉顶煤气导出管下降管温度记录仪top-and-downcomer temperature recorder
烟气排出净化系统fume exhaust and cleaning system
焊接顺序规范welding schedule
焦炉高炉混合煤气mixed coke-oven and blast-furnace gas
煤屑烧结返矿运输机breeze and sinter fines conveyer
燃料空气比fuel air ratio
生铁废钢的平衡balance between pig iron and scrap steel
用酸拌的矿石acid-pugged ore
电中原理principle of electroneutrality
电子亲electron affinity
电荷中用电子枪charge neutralizer gun
白云石氧化镁加焦油混合料dolomagnesia-tar mix
直接投资的费用特许权费fees and royalties from direct investment
直流饱电抗器direct-current saturable reactor
石灰氧一起喷吹injection of lime with oxygen (Some years ago, it was discovered by French and Luxemburg steel-makers that injection of lime with the oxygen permitted the use of iron of much higher phosphorus content -up to nearly 2 per cent in steelmaking. 若干年前,法国和卢森堡的炼钢工作者发现:将石灰和氧气一起喷吹就可以在炼钢中使用含磷量高达近2%的高磷生铁。)
石灰饱lime-saturated slag
矿石中ore blending (【技】一种矿石原料加工处理工艺。在一定的场地或设施上用专门的设备对矿石原料进行预先混合,使其粒度和成分均匀,以提高矿石原料的质量,为下一步矿石加工创造条件。)
矿石中ore blend
矿石中作业bedding practice
矿石中料场ore-blending yard
矿石中设备ore-blending equipment
silicon and aluminium
硫酸钙与糠锯末的混合粉料pink meal (用于清理镀锡薄钢板)
碰撞点料面的垂直距离vertical distance between impact point and burden surface
磁饱曲线magnetic saturation curve
磁饱铁心saturated core
磷酸盐抗锈蚀拉拔用表面处理法atrament process
离位就位out of and into position
空气砂混合物air-sand mixture
穿带甩带操作threading and unthreading operation
穿带甩带操作threading and unthreading operation
立柱电极装置mast-and-electrode assembly (电弧炉的)
端装料端出料的直通式加热炉end-charged end-discharged furnace
端进料端出料的加热炉end-charged end-discharged furnace
箍圈分离器折弯器hoop separator and bender
算术arithmetic sum
粉碎-拌工段grinding-mixing section
粉碎拌工段grinding-mixing section
粗糙云状花纹表面curtains (镀锌钢板的)
粘土捏loam kneader masticator
糊状捏pasty pug mixture
经常项目长期资本往来平衡balance on current account and long term capital
结晶器二冷区组合电磁搅拌M + S-electromagnetic stirring
结晶器二冷区组合电磁搅拌combination stirring of M + S (Moreover, by the combination stirring of M + S, the widest equiaxed crystal zone can be obtained with the least negative segregation. 此外,如果采用结晶器+二冷区组合式电磁搅拌,则可获得最宽的等轴晶区和最轻的负偏析。)
结晶器二次冷区组合mold + secondary cooling zone
结晶器铸坯壳间的界面mold/strand shell interface
结晶器铸坯壳间的界面mold/shell interface
结晶器铸坯间的传热heat transfer between mold and strand
结晶器铸坯间的接触面积mold/strand contact area
结晶器铸坯间的接触面积contact area between mold and strand
结晶器铸坯间的润滑lubrication between mold and strand
结晶器铸坯间的间隙mold/strand gap
结晶器铸坯间间隙gap between mold and strand (A gap between the mold and strand causes the local rate of heat flow to diminish dramatically. The extent of this gap depends on the shrinkage of the shell. 结晶器和铸坯间的间隙引起局部热流速度急剧下降。该间隙的大小取决于坯壳的收缩量。)
维莱拉贝茵淬硬钢奥氏体晶粒度显示法Villela and Baines method
维莱拉贝茵淬硬钢奥氏体晶粒度显示法Villela and Bain's method
moderating material
渗碳剂milder carburizer
热应力材料thermal stress relaxing material
缺口缓系数notch alleviation factor
考克斯钢制零件除锈涂镀法Cox process
耐腐蚀抗变形能力 性能resistance to corrosion and deformation (The stainless steels have an excellent combination of resistance to corrosion and deformation, and maintenance of high strength at elevated temperatures. 这些不锈钢具有卓越的耐腐蚀和抗变形综合性能,在高温下仍能保持高强度。)
自动干油稀油压力润滑系统automatic pressure-grease and oil lubrication system
自由亲free affinity
航海渔业用钢丝绳wire-rope for shipping and fishery
航海渔业用钢丝绳wire rope for shipping and fishery
蒸汽饱气氛steam-saturated atmosphere
薄板叠板加热炉sheet and pair furnace
薄板板坯加热炉sheet and pair furnace
行政薪金津贴executive salaries and bonuses
tempering (Steel that has been hardened by rapid quenching is brittle and not suitable for most uses. By tempering, its hardness and brittleness may be reduced to the desired point for service conditions. 钢快速淬火硬化后发脆,使用范围较窄。通过回火,可将其硬度和脆性降低到使用条件所要求的水平。)
中项harmonical mean
中项harmonic mean
分析Fourier analysis
平均值harmonical mean
平均值harmonic mean
方法harmonic mean (计算平均轧机小时产量的一种方法)
方法harmonic mean
水量amount of tempering water
空气tempering air
振动harmonic vibrations
质子亲proton affinity
车轮凸缘踏面的辊轧辊 主轧辊tread roll
车轮凸缘踏面的辗轧辊tread roll
轧机运行中的延误故障mill delay
轧材冷拔产品总称wrought products
轧辊的冷却润滑系统roll cooling and lubricating system
转炉底吹氮蒸气nitrogen and vapour blowing into converter bottom
转炉底吹氮蒸气blowing nitrogen and vapour into converter bottom
软化熔化温度softening and melting temperature (The cohesive zone shape, elevation and coke slit thickness are determined by the charging practice, the ore/coke ratio (or the coke rate), and the softening and melting temperatures of the ferrous materials. 软熔带的形状、高度以及焦窗厚度取决于装料实践、矿焦比(或焦比)和含铁炉料的软化和熔化温度。)
低控制器over-and-under controller
过饱合金supersaturated alloy
过饱固溶体supersaturated solid solution
过饱固溶体状态supersaturated solid solution state
过饱奥氏体supersaturated austenite
过饱degree of supersaturation
过饱极限supersaturation limit
过饱溶液supersaturated solution
过饱溶液supersaturated liquor
过饱β-相supersaturated beta
过饱supersaturated phase
过饱铁素体supersaturated ferrite
运输过程中搅mixed in transit
进口出口护板entry and delivery aprons
连续中continuous neutralization section
连续中continuous neutralisation section
连续式板坯叠板加热炉continuous pack-and-pair heating furnace
连续式板坯迭板加热炉continuous pack-and-pair heating furnace
连续式薄板坯小方坯轧机continuous sheet-bar and billet mill
连续式薄板坯钢坯轧机continuous sheet-bar and billet mill
连铸直接轧制continuous casting and direct rolling
连铸连轧continuous casting and direct rolling
连铸坯拉、停反推pull, pause and push-back of strand (【技】水平连铸时,结晶器固定,铸坯以拉、停、反推的方式运动。)
逆流快速拌counterflow rapid action mixer
选择亲selective affinity
选择性亲elective affinity
逻辑logical sum
逻辑logic sum
部分中partial neutralization
金属铸型相互作用metal-mould reaction
金属材料喂人传递机械手mechanical finger for feeding and transferring the metal
钢丝破断拉力总钢丝绳内的aggregate breaking force
钢丝破断拉力总aggregate breaking force
钢包中间包间注流保护shrouding between ladle and tundish (In addition to the operation of a ladle metallurgy unit, a high level of steel cleanliness will be achieved through the use of a large capacity tundish to facilitate inclusion removal; shrouding between the ladle and tundish, and tundish and mold; an argon atmosphere in the tundish ; mold powders; and the straight-sided mold. 除了使用钢包冶金设备外,获得钢的高纯净度还将有赖于使用便于清除夹杂物的大容量中间包、钢包和中间包之间及中间包和结晶器之间(注流)的保护、中间包内的氩气氛、结晶器保护渣及直结晶器。)
钢包结晶器间的钢水分配器distributor of steel between ladle and tundish (Initially the tundish was a distributor of steel between ladle and mold. 起初,中间包是钢包和结晶器间的钢水分配器。)
钢水包中间罐加热:创新与革命Ladle and Tundish Heating: Innovation and Revolution
钢锭缓冷退火retarded cooling and annealing of ingot (【技】一种钢锭冷却工艺,适用于不采用热送的优质钢和合金钢钢锭,特别是那些冷却时容易变硬,热应力和组织应力大的某些钢种的钢锭。其目的是消除或减缓钢锭的热应力和组织应力;改善钢锭内部粗大和不均匀的铸态组织;降低钢锭的硬度,便于钢锭的表面精整处理。)
铁心磁性core saturation
铁水废钢价格差price differential between liquid iron and cold scrap (Price differentials between liquid iron and cold scrap have motivated steel-makers to provide extra heat to melt more scrap than the process could handle under normal operating conditions. 铁水和废钢的价格差,驱使炼钢生产者提供更多的热量,去熔化比正常生产条件下更多的废钢。)
铁水废钢的相对费用relative cost of hot metal and scrap
铂-饱甘汞电池platinum-saturated calomel cell
玻璃焊封copper-glass seal
铬基钼基耐热合金a alloy
铸坯结晶器间的传热heat transfer between strand and mold
铸坯结晶器间的热通量heat flux between strand and mold
铸坯壳结晶器之间的相对运动relative movement between shell and mold
铸坯壳结晶器间的摩擦力friction force between shell and mold (Studies of initial sticking, based upon analysis of the friction force between the shell and the mold, indicate that a large friction force results in a shell rupture near the meniscus, and the ruptured shell sticks to the mold. 以铸坯壳和结晶器之间摩擦力分析为基础所做的初始粘结研究表明:摩擦力过大导致金属弯月面附近的坯壳破裂,破裂的坯壳会粘结到结晶器上。)
铸态小方坯大方坯as cast billets and blooms (Electromagnetic stirring in the mould, (M/ EMS), improves the surface, subsurface and internal quality of the as cast billets and blooms. 结晶器电磁搅拌改善了铸态方坯的表面质量、皮下质量和内在质量)
356铸造压铸铝合金356 alloy (7Si, 0.3Mg,余量 Al)
铁的回收技术technology to recover zinc and iron
锻件、轧材拉制产品的总称wrought products
镍饱溶液nickel-saturated liquor
间断操作中discontinuously operating neutralisation basin
限定屈服强度的套管油管restricted yield strength casing and tubing
霍耶拉塔拉米纳海绵铁直接制取法HYL process
霍耶拉塔拉米纳海绵铁直接制取法Hojalata y Lamina process
霍耶拉塔拉米纳直接还原法Hojalata y Lamina process
非倾倒式拌bantam mixer
顶吹氧气石灰粉的托马斯生铁转炉炼钢法Oxygene-Chauh Pulverisee process
顶吹氧气石灰粉的托马斯生铁转炉炼钢法OCP process
OCP 顶吹氧气石灰粉的托马氏生铁转炉炼钢法OCP process
OCP 顶吹氧气石灰粉的托马氏生铁转炉炼钢法Oxygene-Chauh Pulverisee process
预中系统preblending system
预中设施preblending equipment
预留钢水熔渣molten steel and slag heel
预留钢水熔渣molten heel of steel and slag
风力中air blending
风力中air blending silo
风力中料仓air blending silo
风力中air blending silo
吸收saturated absorption
器煤气分配伞saturator bell
因数saturation factor
saturator tower
saturation chamber
saturated layer
感应saturation induction
极限saturation limit
极限limit of saturation
离子交换柱能力saturation column capacity
气体saturated gas
saturated oil
活化saturation activation
浓度saturated concentration
溶解氧量saturated dissolved oxygen
特性曲线saturation characteristic
状态saturation state
saturation ratio
甘汞电极saturated calomel electrode
电子枪saturated gun
电流saturation current
磁化saturated magnetization
磁感应saturation induction
磁矩saturation magnetic moment
磁通量密度saturation magnetic flux density
空气saturated air
组态saturated configuration
绝热过程saturation adiabatic process
蒸汽saturated vapour
蒸汽saturated steam
蒸汽表saturation steam table
通量密度saturation flux density
saturated acid
重量saturated weight
铁心saturated core
set copper
saturated bond
陷阱saturating trap
静电荷saturation charge
驱动传动设备drive and transmission equipment
高温低温联合形变热处理combined thermomechanical treatment
高炉改造扩建transformation and expansion of BF
高炉渣炼钢渣混合设备blended steel and blast furnace slag plant