
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing 和132kV | all forms
一次二次呼叫first and second calling
一阶高阶马尔柯夫过程first-order and higher-order Markov processes
两人零two person zero-sum
两人零既定竞赛strictly determined two-person zero-sum games
两人非固定two-person non-constant sum
个人家庭用品personal and household effects
中期长期投资medium and long-term investment
中期财务报告报表interim financial report and statements
付款的规则薪金限额rules and salary limits of payment
任用晋升appointment and promotion
会计方针程序accounting policies and procedures
住房家庭服务费用housing and domestic service costs
体制改革振兴restructuring and revitalization ECOSOC
信息技术的生产运营应用production and operations use of information technology
信息系统专业人员协会社团associations and societies for information systems professionals
假设风险分析assumption and risk analysis
假设风险声明statement of assumptions and risks
健康保障医疗保险计划health protection and medical insurance plan
全球政策一致性管理框架global policy coherence and regulatory framework
全组织交流政策战略Corporate Communication Policy and Strategy
全组织职工发展培训计划corporate staff development and training programme
内置监测评估计划built-in monitoring and evaluation scheme
内部外部竞争性考试internal and external competitive examinations
分项标准扣除itemized and standard deductions
创新信息技术innovation and information technology
名义收人名义价格nominal income and price
后台行政业务处理工作back-office administrative and processing activities
员工管理层的关系staff-management relations
员工管理层的关系management-staff relations
国家及国家间计划项目country and intercountry programmes and projects
国际人才培训开发联合会International federation of training and development organization
地形水文测量topographic and hydrographic survey
外出往返旅行费用travel costs outward and return journey
安排程序arrangements and procedures
工作人员更替填补延迟调整数adjustment for staff turnover and delays
工作计划预算Programme of Work and Budget
工作计划预算概要Summary PWB
工作计划预算概要Summary Programme of Work and Budget
《工作计划预算要点》Outline Programme of Work and Budget
工厂家具装修设备和装置factory furniture and fixtures
年战略计划评价的示意性滚动工作计划indicative rolling work plan of strategic and programme evaluation
库存管理系统程序inventory control systems and procedures
征聘留用recruitment and retention
总体政策方向general policy and direction
技术合作非技术合作缩写为NT/TCnon-technical and technical cooperation
提前延迟leads and lags
文化道德相对主义cultural and moral relativism
显性职能隐性职能manifest and latent functions
晋升调动promotion and transfer
权力下放管理过程deconcentration and managerial process
每日生活津贴的特殊缩减数额special and reduced rates daily subsistence allowances
治理方面的节约效率savings and efficiencies in governance
泛美发明、专利、设计模型协定Inter American Convention on Invention, Patents, Designs and Models
活动式特殊用途起重机gantry and special purpose crane
流动轮岗政策mobility and rotation policy
涉及财务行政方面的问题financial and administrative implications
特权豁免权privilege and immunity
环境环境伦理environment and environmental ethics
环境自然资源管理environment and natural resources management
监测评价系统M&E system
监测评价系统monitoring and evaluation system
直线、职能参谋委员会组织line functional staff and committee organization
简化的项目计划simplified project and programme
管理支持administration and support
管理学院研究院国际联合会International association of schools and institutes of administration
管理方法技术managerial methods and techniques
系统分析设计systems analysis and design
紧急恢复项目emergency and rehabilitation project
组织方法分析O and M analysis
组织方法分析organization and methods analysis
经纪佣金其他佣金brokerage and commission
给予享用年假granting and taking of annual leave
给成员国其他伙伴提供的支持服务缩写为SPssupport services to Members and other partners
职位职工的分类classification of posts and staff
自然资源评价保护natural resource assessment and conservation
薪金有关津贴salary and related remuneration
薪金有关津贴salary and related allowances
薪金津贴salaries and emoluments
薪金比额津贴salary scale and allowances
行政业务活动费用administrative and operational services costs
行政业务规划administrative and operational planning
表彰奖励recognition and rewards
表彰奖励reward and recognition
规则标准联合国rules and standards UN
计划预算转拨programme and budgetary transfer
计划制定预算编制programme planning and budgeting
计划支持行政平衡帐户PSA Equalization Account
计划支持行政平衡帐户Programme Support and Administrative Equalization Account
计划支持行政预算programme support and administrative budget
计算机辅助行政财务信息系统computer-assisted AFI system
认知科学信息系统cognitive science and information systems
记帐核算系统recording and accounting system
评价规范标准Norms and Standards for Evaluation in the UN System
评价规范标准Norms and Standards for Evaluation
调查审查工作组survey and review mission
财务合规性审计financial and compliance audit
财务行政管理financial administration and management
购股权选择权stock right and options
资源筹措管理战略Resources Mobilization Strategy
资源筹措管理战略Resource Mobilization and Management Strategy
资源筹措管理战略Resource Mobilization Strategy
迁居定位relocation and orientation
陆地运输、贮存搬运landside transport, storage and handling
零散化筒仓分割fragmentation and silos
非零对策non-zero sum game
非零竞局non-zero sum game
面向对象的程序系统object oriented programs and systems
预期的最终受益人效益intended end beneficiaries and benefits
预算监测预测系统budget monitoring and forecasting system