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琥珀色的缎子白色的饰带正是她所想要的Amber satin and white lace are exactly what she desires
这款用进口不锈钢木材制成的哈哈镜深受孩子们喜爱The distorting mirror made of imported stainless steel and wood is popular with the kids
这款镀金佛教卡片可用作俱乐部卡、优惠卡、贵宾卡、酒店宿卡会员卡The gold plated card for Buddhism applies to club cards, loyalty cards, VIP cards, hotel cards, and membership cards
这种人造球心花饰仿真度高,价格合理。它能提供一个美丽的环境,可用于节日、婚礼、家庭、办公室酒店装饰等The artificial ball-flower has high simulation and a reasonable price. It offers a beautiful environment and can be used to festival, wedding, home, office, hotel decoration and so on
那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装床上用品The plants are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets