
Terms for subject International trade containing 和132kV | all forms
一之本利compound amount of 1
不受其他人权利债权限制的货物goods free from all rights and claims
不受第三人权利债权限制的货物goods free from the rights or claims of third persons
不同经济社会制度国家间的贸易trade among countries having different economic and social system
不能靠近易燃品,氧化物爆炸品装载包装标志do not load near inflammables, oxidizers and explosive
专卖税无形财产税条例franchise and intangibles tax
世界旅游汽车组织World Touring and Automobile Organization
世界银行国际开发协会按部门分配承诺款项一览表distribution of Bank and IDA commitments by sector-amounts
中华人民共国制造made in People’s Republic of China
中华人民共国商检局Commodity Inspection Bureau of the People’s Republic of China
中华人民共国海关Maritime Customs of PRC
中期长期信贷medium-term and long-term credit
中止终止suspension and termination
买价卖价purchasing and selling price
交付包装装货用品delivery packing and shipping supplies
交货品质样品大体相符quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample
从价税从量税ad valorem and specific duties
代表本船船长船东on behalf of the master and the owners of the vessel
解解决settle by compromise
仲裁与解条例rules of conciliation and arbitration
仲裁裁决的不可撤回性具有强制执行力irrevocability and enforceability of the award
优惠性非优惠性资金流入concessional and nonconcessional flows
优惠贷款赠款的净值net concessional loans and grants
低收入国家地区low-income countries and territories
作为共同海损得到补偿的灭失、损害费用loss made good as general average
供给市场调查资料各行业务报告giving market surveys and industry reports
保证担保物guarantees and securities
信件邮包mail and postal packages
债务偿还占货物劳务出口额的%debt service as a % of exports of goods and services
先令便士l.s.d (= pounds, shillings and pence)
光票跟单汇票clean bill and documentary bill
共同基金国际商品协议common Fund and International Commodity Agreements
共同所有权共同管理权co-ownership and co-management
1958 年纽约关于承认执行外国仲裁裁决的公约1958. 6. 10Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958
关于有国际利害关系的通航水道制度公约规则Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern (1921.4.20)
关于汇票支票的法律law of bills of exchange and cheques
关于海关手续简化统一的国际公约及其有关海关过境的附件 E. 1Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Annex E. 1 concerning Customs Transit
关于海洋科学的非正式协商谈判小组informal consultation and negotiating group on marine scientific research
关于简化及调关务手续的国际公约即:京都公约;亦称"国际关务手续简化及一致化公约"International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Kyoto Convention
关于解决各国其他国家的国民之间的投资争端的公约Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
关于防止从船舶飞机上倾卸垃圾污染海洋的公约1972.2.15Convention for the Prohibition of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ship and Aircraft
关税国内消费税customs and excise duties
关联商标联合商标associated and combined trademarks
农产品贸易的结构趋向structure and trend in agricultural trade
冻结物价收入price and income freeze
减少转移风险reduce or transfer risks
减少低工资者老年人的财产税措施circuit breaker
凭厂牌说明售货sale by brand &/or description
凭厂牌说明售货sale by brand and/or description
出价报价利率bid-and-offered rates
出口结构的稳定性多样化stability and diversification of the export structure
利率股息委员会committee on interest and dividends
制定票价运价率fixing fares and rates
动物产品检疫食品卫生检验animal products quarantine-and sanitary inspection of foodstuffs
劳务支助费service-and-support fee
劳资industrial harmony
包括第一天最后一天both dates inclusive
协商谈判程序procedure for consultations and negotiations
单位数量指数unit value and quantum index number
占已生效未生效的开发信贷总额的百分比percent of total effective and noneffective development credit
印刷费杂费printing and incidentals
厂房设备投资plant and equipment investment
厂房设备的赠予gift of plant and equipment
制造业在原料供应产品销售方面的一体化backward and forward integration
原材料备件采购buying of raw materials and spare parts
双边多边经济合作bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation
双边谈判协定bilateral negotiations and agreements
受载通知待卸通知notice of loading readiness
口头书面声明oral and written statement
可转让的可分割的信用证transferable and divisible L/C
可转让的可分割的信用证transferable and divisible credits
各种权利免责rights and immunities
各级负责职员负责混合式的销售组织line and staff type of sales organization
合并联合抵押consolidate and blanket mortgage
含金量纯度weight and fineness
周期性上升下降cyclical upturn and downturn
... 一致in accordance with
... 光明正大地竞争hold sticks with
... 同价on a par with
平时期体制peace time system
平时期经济peace time economy
... 有关bear on (upon)
contract of compromise
... 结清前帐quit score with
amiable settlement
按国际商会和解规定作成的解办法tenns of settlement (under to ICC Rules of Conciliation)
解办法tenns of settlement
解条款compromise clause
解法庭court of conciliation
解清算liquidation by compromise
解解决compromise solution
谐的样丰concordant sample
商业承兑汇票银行承兑汇票commercial acceptance bill and bankers acceptance bill
商品包装标签规定packaging and labelling regulation
国家区域中心点网network of national and regional focal points
国民收入国民生产核算账national income and product accounts
国民生产总值人口实际增长率的估计数estimates of the real rates of growth of GNP and population
国际批发外贸中心international wholesale and foreign trade center
国际海港制度公约规则1923年Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports
国际贸易的法律实务the law & practice of international trade
国际运输贸易界international transport and trade community
国际金融公司偿付的劳务支助费用IFC service and support fee
地毯、联接件铁器类carpets & joiner & ironmongery
基金之间政府内部转拨interfund and intergovernmental transactions
外交特权豁免权diplomatic privilege and immunity
外交邮袋外交信使行李物品的放行the release of diplomatic mail-bags and luggage of diplomatic courtiers
外国国际债券市场foreign and international bond markets
外汇汇率foreign exchanged exchange rate
多国计划拟订业务中心Multinational Programming and Operation Centre
多式联运人的职能业务MTO's functions and operations
大宗货物杂货装载bulk*and general cargo loading
失业通货膨胀的两难困境unemployment-inflation dilemma
子母船海蜂船lighters aboard ship & seabee ships
安全工业标准safety and industrial standards
宏观经济方面部门方面macro-economic and sectoral levels
实务行政支助substantive and administrative support
审查评价review and appraisal
对外贸易支付法令foreign trade and payment ordinance
小型微型工厂mini and micro plant
小心扫除消除破碎包件中的东西sweep up and remove carefully the contents of broken package
小心扫除消除破碎包件中的东西sweep up and remove carefully the contents of broken packages
履行/或促成履行performs and/or procures the performance
工业协调industrial harmony
工业贸易司industry and trade division
工业投资信贷银行土耳其Sinai Yatirim ve Kredi Bankasi Turkey
工厂效率组织能力plant efficiency and the institutional capability
工资物价管制wage and price control
巴黎统筹委员会对中华人民共国列的禁运货单Chincon list
布鲁塞尔卢森僅欧洲投资银行the European Investment Bank of Brussels and Luxembourg
带股息不带股息cum dividend and ex dividend
平等互利互通有无的原则principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other needs
平行分散方式指谈判parallel and decentralized manner
1930 年日内瓦统一汇票本票法Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 1930 (ULC)
1966 年联合国亚洲与远东经济委员会国际商事仲裁规则调解准则Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 1966
异论索赔条款discrepancy and claim clause
强制性非强制性mandatory or optional
当事各方的权利义务rights and duties of parties
grand total
价值aggregate value
房屋设备维修maintenance of premises and equipment
所有权控制权的分离separation of ownership and control
打包装框packing and crating
扣除豁免deductions and exemptions
承认及执行外国民事商务判决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
技术设备technology and equipment
技术引进发展technology acquiring and development
技术引进发展technology acquisition and development
技术援助技术咨询协议technical assistance or technical consulting agreement
技术转让发展transfer and development of technology
抛弃浪击落海jettison and washing overboard
货物被抛弃浪击落海jettison and washing overboard
拟订机器设备技术条件specifying machines amd equipment
指同一产品按不同牌号或包装/或按不同销售途径分别订价split pricing
按国别贷款人类别划分by country and type of creditor
按国际商会解规则的和解条件terms of settlement under the ICC International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Conciliation
捕获扣留capture and seizure
排水量载重量deadweight tonnage
排水量载重量displacement tonnage & carrying tonnage
推销宣传promotion and publicity
提供蓝图零件单providing blueprints and parts lists
搜寻营救费用search and rescue expenses
收入支出federal funds, receipts and outlays
收入盈余账户income and surplus accounts
收费账务制度tariff and accounting systems
政府对商品劳务的经常开支government current expenditure on goods and services
政府承包采办的制度system of government contracting and procurement
政府资金私人资金public and private capital
数据储存检索data storage and retrieval
斯坦达德与普尔的混指数Standard and Poor's Composite Index
无形出口无形进口invisible exports and imports
无追索权的代融有追索权的代融non-recourse and recourse factoring
1980日历年的外国国际债券foreign and international bonds calendar year (1980)
旧的不平等的国际经济秩序old and unequal international economic order
星期天假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
星期日假日在内sundays and holidays included
星期日假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
星期日假日除外,但已使用者应予计算租船用语sundays and holidays excepted, unless used
星期日假日除外,即使已经便用sundays and holidays excepted, even if used
关于普遍优惠制的咨询服务训练advisory service and training on the generalized system of preferences
最终商品劳务final goods and services
有价证券交易所委员会Securities and Exchange Commission
有价证券交易所法securities and exchange law
有追索权信用证无追索权信用证with recourse L/C & without recourse L/C
未来各期偿付本金利息的折现值discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest
机器设备machinery and equipment
权利义务rights and liabilities
核定认服数应缴股款通知书letter of allotment
根据解作出的仲裁裁决award upon settlement
欧洲经济共同体关于司法管辖权承认及执行判决的公约Convention relating to Judicial Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements of the EEC
每期一之本利compound amount of 1 per period
水电站有关工程hydroelectric power facility and related works
汇款手续费汇率差额bank charges & difference in rates of exchange
沉没、搁浅、失火碰撞sinking, stranding, burning and collision
法官仲裁员的审判权jurisdiction of a judge or arbitrator
海关单据的简化一致化simplification and harmonization of customs documents
海关手续准则customs procedures and norms
海关手续规定customs formalities and requirements
海牙平会议Hague Conference
海运码头与海港港湾开发marine terminals & harbor and port development
清洁提单不洁提单clean B/L and foul B/L or claused B/L
清理程序中债权证据的采纳驳回liquidation: admission and rejection proofs
港口水道ports and waterways
满载重量体积fully loaded weight and capacity (f. w. c.)
灭失损坏loss and damage
熟练半熟练劳动skilled and semi-skilled labor
特别提款权按美元的贬值升值depreciation and appreciations of the SDR in terms of the Unites State doUar
独立自主自力更生的方针policy of independence and self reliance
现行硬币钞票current coin and currency
理舱费平舱费在内的船上交货价free on board stowed and trimmed
琼斯法案海运作业中发生死亡事故法案Jones Act and High seas Death Act
生锈氧化rust and oxidation
甲板下甲板上under deck and/or on deck
畸形单一经济lopsided and single-product economy
短期中期计划short and medium-term plans
石油开发销售计划petroleum development and distribution project
码头工人港口工人法案longshore men and harbor workers act
码头捐码头费dockage & wharfage
社会成本效益social cost and benefit
禁运限制prohibitions and restriction
离岸重量到岸重量shipping weight and landing weight
租船代理租船经纪人chartering agent & ship broker
租金维修费rental and maintenance
简化统一海关手续simplification and harmonization of customs procedures
管理经营management and operations
纵向集团合并vertical and conglomerate merger
经济技术交流economic and technical interchange
经济货币同盟economic and monetary union
结关装卸clearing and handling
统一海事抵押权留置权的若干规定的公约1926 年Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Maritime Mortgages and Liens
统一运价率票价standardization of rates and fares
继续技术援助技术追馈权continuing assistance and grant-back rights
维修运营maintenance and operations
罢工,暴动内乱不赔条款FSR &CC clause free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause
罢工,暴动民变strike, riot and civil commotion
罢工、暴动民变险risk of strikes, riots and civil commotions
罢工、暴动民变风险risk of strikes, riots and civil commotions
联合国亚洲太平洋经济社会委员会亚太经社会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia & the Pacific Escap
联合国发展规划、预测政策中心United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies
联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条件标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
联合国科学技术应用于发展咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
联合国自然资源、能源运输中心United Nations Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport
联合签字单独签字joint and several signature
背对背关键信用证back-to-back and overriding credits
自由过境公约法规巴塞罗那公约1921年Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit Barcelona Convention
航空铁路联运托运单air-rail consignment
—般空勤机动服务aeronautical mobile service
舱内甲板条款in and over clause
船上交货理舱费平舱费在内价FOB stowed & trimmed
船东代表船东管理人shipowner's superintendent & representative
船主不负担装卸船理舱费用free in and free out and stowed
船方不负担装卸理舱费用free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装货费用税款free in and free taxes
船舶在港口自港开航时at and from
船边交货提货brought to and taken from alongside
船运海洋运费率工作队Working Party on shipping and Ocean Freight Rates
薪资津贴salaries and allowances
融资安排补偿贸易the financing and arranging of compensation trade
装箱单重量单packing list and weight memo
装载储存时切勿靠近蒸汽管或其他热源this package must not be loaded or stowed near steam pipes or other sources of heat
要求request for conciliation
要求进行request for conciliation
规则惯例rules and practices
PPBS计划、规划预算系统Planning, Programming, and Budgetary System
订货确认order and confirmation
认股捐助subscriptions and contribution
认股捐助subscription and contribution
设备用品equipment and supplies
诉权抗辩claims and defenses
诉讼施救条款sue and labor clause
课税除额tax deduction
级数harmonic progression
货币银行经济学economics of money and banking
货币贬值货币升值currency devaluation and currency revaluation
货物劳务出口额exports of goods and services
货物服务的平衡balance on goods and services
货物成交书交运确认书confirmation of purchase and shipping instruction
货物的搬运操作manipulation of goods
货物的数量说明quantity and description of the goods
贴补抵销关税分组group on subsidies and countervailing duties
贸发会议总协定合办的国际贸易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Center
贸发会议无形贸易贸易资金委员会UNCTAD Committee on Invisibles and Financing Related to Trade
贸易发展理事会Trade and Development Board (of UNCTAD)
贸易支付协定trade and payment agreement
贸易支付自由化trade and payment liberalization
贸易支付问题工作队Working Party on Trade and Payments
贸易经济协定trade and economic agreement
贸易手续单据的简化facilitation of trade procedures and documentation
贸易条约协定commercial treaties and agreements
各种费用许可证执照fees and permits
资本流入偿还债务付款capital flows and service payments
资本输出国资本接受国capital exporting and recipient countries
赔偿责任的时效地效temporal and geographical limits of liability
跟单信用证光票信用证documentary L/C and dear L/C
路标讯号公约1949.9.19Convention on Road Signs and Signals
车辆船艇vehicles and vessels
车辆船艇vehicle and vessel
运费保险付至……freight/carriage and insurance paid to...
运费预付运费到付freight prepaid and freight payable at destination
运输贮藏设施transport and storage
运输业务的管理监督regulation and control of transport operation
还本付息额占货物劳务出口额的百分比service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services
进口劳务费,税金保险费imported labor, tax and insurance
连续的买方successive buyers and sellers
适当调just compromise
选择卸货港附加费optional destination and option fees
通过邮政报价接受offer and acceptance by post
采矿其他采掘业mining, other extractive
采购存储预算purchasing and stock budget
重量容积表list of weight and measurement
金币金块gold coin and bullion
金融缓政策easy-money policy
金额确定保单未确定保单valued policy and unvalued policy
银行的收益,支出储备bank income, expenditures, and reserves
销售行销sale and marketing
销售组织销售力量organization and sale force
防止减轻损失的义务duty of averting or minimizing losses
附带责任费用incidental liabilities and expenses
集装箱集装箱船container & container ship
雇佣解雇水手的契约signing on or off of crews
零售饮食业retail and catering outlets
非法秘密贩运illicit and clandestine trafficking
非阿拉伯的金融货币机构non-Arab financial and monetary institutions
项目后评价后继行动postproject evaluation and follow-up
顾客的合约应诺书customer’s agreement and consent
预购预销future purchases and sales
价格satiety price