
Terms for subject Cryptography containing 和132kV | all forms
三次四次的cubic and quartic
三轮费尔德曼佩德森 VSS 方案three-round Feldman and Pedersen VSS scheme
两平方数之定理sum of two squares theorem
数对amicable pair
人侵检测预防体系intrusion detection and prevention system
健康保险便利责任法案health insurance portability and accountability act
偶数奇数even and odd
克林格科恩法案1996clinger-Cohen act of 1996
分割统治攻击divide-and-conquer attack
分割选择协议cut-and-choose protocol
Paillier加密签名Paillier encryption and signature
加、循环移位异或结构addition, rotation and XOR
Blum Goldwasser 公钥密码体制Blum-Goldwasser public key encryption system
MDC-2 MDC-4 哈希函数MDC-2 and MDC-4
Solovay Strassen 的素性测试Solovay & Strassen's primality test
Adleman、Pomerance Rumely 的素性测试Adleman-Pomerance-Rumely primality
哈希签名hash and sign
哈希总hash total
因特网安全关联密钥Internet security association and key
套叠求telescoping sum
子集subset sum
子集算法subset sum algorithm
子集问题subset sum problem
安全连接密钥管理协议Internet security association and key management protocol
定理sum of powers theorem
平方乘法算法square-and-multiply algorithm
平方指示器sum-of-squares indicator
幺半群群的基本定理fundamental theorem for monoids and groups
广义子集generalized subset sum
攻击监测警告attack sensing and warning
救助恢复salvage & restoration
新欧洲签名、完整性加密研究计划new European schemes for signature, integrity and encryption
木马计算机病毒蠕虫Trojan horses computer virus and worm
机密性、完整性可靠性confidentiality, integrity and availability
模的直direct sum of modules
正交辛群orthogonal and symplectic group
构造sum construction
生成器summation generator
环境benign environment
漏洞威胁管理团队vulnerability and threat management team
监控数据采集系统supervisory control and data acquisition
盖尔范德施耐德定理Gelfond-schneider theorem
第一第二同构定理first and second isomorphism theorems
组成交替替换换位pastry dough mixing
统计饱攻击statistical saturation attack
自由的交换的free Abelian
fiat-Shamir 菲亚特沙米尔识别协议法伊格、菲亚特、沙米尔签名方案fiat-Shamir identification protocol and Feige signature scheme
行动里程碑计划plan of action and milestones
表成两平方数之representation as sum of two squares
覆盖分解指标计算cover and decomposition index calculus
覆盖分解攻击cover and decomposition attack
软件系统测试评价过程software system test and evaluation process
防篡改性防泄漏性tamper and leakage resilience
雅可比验证Jacobi sum test
攻击saturation attack
验证、授权记账authentication, authorization, accounting
高斯gauss sum