
Terms for subject Management containing 和132kV | all forms
个人组织的结合integrating the individual and the organization
主要产品副产品生产main and by-product production
事业上的协harmonious order of events
交易的分类归属classification and imputation of transaction
产品材料的命名product and material nomenclature
享受中等公正待遇的权利right to equal and far treatment
享受休息闲暇的权利right to rest and leisure
享受公正合适工作条件的权利right to equitable and satisfactory working conditions
仓库货栈storage and warehousing
企业事业单位enterprises and establishments
体育医学科学协会Sports Medicine and Science Association
机器作业集中,制度程序分散centralized operations, decentralized system and programming
保养维修服务services and maintenance
储存检索storage and retrieval
制冷空调压缩机refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors
制图产品规格drawing and specification
厂房设备改造工程improvements to plant and equipment
厂房设备改造工程improvement to plant and equipment
…有关take a hand at
睦共处harmonious synthesis
谐与自动rhythm and automaticity
城市乡村人口rural and urban population
委员会的决议报告commission decisions and reports
安装机器设备install machinery and equipment
家具、固定装置设备Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E)
对加工方法的建议suggestion on processing and method
寻求安排员工舒适服务事项looking after employee comfort and services in layout
工业事务机构司industrial service and institutions division
联合国工业政策方案制订司Industrial Policies and Programming Division
工人的权力义务status of worker
工作的性质条件nature and conditions of work
工具分类编号classification and numbering of tools
工厂设备facility and equipment
工程设计部门engineering and drafting department
工艺工业生产流程technological and industrial process
工资附加费薪金补充额supplement to wage and salaries
干旱半干旱地区arid and semi-arid lands
年金国民保险部ministry of pensions and national insurance
废料的处理利用treatment and recycling of waste
废水废气wastes and effluents
废水废气waste and effluents
强制compulsory conciliation
想象力创见imagination and ingenuity
手段目的分析means ends analysis
扩大企业的自主权企业职工参加管理的权力expand the decision-making power of enterprises and the power of their workers to participate in management
技术研究发展准备reserve for technical research and development
把理论实践结合起来integrate theory with practice
教育、研究、试验推广美国高等教育模型teaching, research, experiment & extension
时间空间time and space
有关员工舒适服务的布置安排employee comfort and services in layout
本国外国出生人口native and foreign born population
机车车辆利用率rate of utilization of locomotive and rolling stock
材料工作的日程安排material and work schedule
材料设备material and appliances
材料的数量尺寸quantity or size of material
材料的装卸处理material handling and treatment
样板模型template and model
核对有关资料其他情报checking references and other information
正确的方法方案right methods and setups
汽油油料gasoline and oil
测定机器能力决定所需机器数量determining machine capacities and number of machines needed
消耗工具设备consumable tool and equipment
特许经营纪念品销售licencing and merchandising
x 理论 y 理论theory x and theory y
电气磁力性能electrical and magnetic properties
登记甄别程序registration and screening procedures
目的手段的关系end mean relationship
目的手段的联系end mean relationship
直线式职能组织line and functional staff organization
研究的评价追踪research evaluation and follow-up
竞赛报名资格审查sport entry and qualification
管理分析组织设计management analysis and organization design
管理战略目标strategics and objectives of management
管理研究综合management research and synthesis
约翰森贝尔曼定律Johnson and Bellman rule
组织参加工会的权利right to form and join trade unions
经理人发展manager performance & developments
行政总务部门administrative and general services division
行政财务处administrative and financial services
行政.预算委员会administrative and budgetary committee
表格设计管理forms design and control form letter
表格设计管理form design and control form letter
观众媒体限制区spectator and media restrictions
计时计分系统timing and scoring
设备分类编号classification and numbering of equipment
设施设备installation and equipments
设计特殊工具设备design of special tools and equipment
评定调整leveling and rating
误差总sum of the deviations
财务管理监督制度financial management and control system
资本经营管理的分离separation between capital and administration
资源分配多项工程时序安排resources allocation and multi-project scheduling
资源分配多项工程时序安排resource allocation and multi-project scheduling
迁移机械设备move machinery and equipment
选定的职员类别人数selected type and size of staff
通道起重机通道aisles and craneways
采暖冷却成本heating and cooling cost
问题解决目标设立方法problem-solving-goal-setting approach
防酸毒烟protection against acid and fumes
非洲行政企业管理协会African association for public administration and management
预计开始完成日期predicted starting and finishing dates