
Terms for subject Nursing containing 和132kV | all forms
毒素neutralized toxin
复合性胃十二指肠溃疡combined gastric and duodenal ulcers
抗 SM 抗体抗 RNP 抗体测定smooth muscle antibody assay and ribonucleoprotein antibody assay
月经违menstrual molimina
标记亲素-生物素系统labeled avidin-biotin system
桥联亲素-生物素法bridged avidin-biotin
步态姿势检查gait and posturing
毒素中试验toxin neutralization test
生物素-亲素系统biotin-avidin system
细菌培养敏感测定culture and sensitivity
耶韦尔朗格-尼尔森综合征Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
肺动脉瓣区柔舒张期杂音Graham-Steell murmur
胺与胺前体摄取脱羧细胞系统APUD system
血氧饱degree of blood oxygen saturation (SO₂)
血氧饱度 50% 时氧分压oxygen half-saturation pressure of hemoglobin
血氧饱度计pulse oximeter
血液中血红蛋白饱saturation of Hb in the blood phase
盐水漂浮集卵法floatation test