
Terms containing 和...同时 | all forms | in specified order only
mech.eng.为了安全,在钻孔的同时,台虎钳和夹钳牢牢地固定住工件,防止材料不小心移位For safety reasons, vises and clamps securely hold the work piece as the hole is bored in order to prevent material from shifting unexpectedly
UN, tech.作战弹药指联合国和部队/警察部队派遣国同意部署到任务地区,以便需要时可立即加以使用的弹药包括飞机自卫系统,如雷达干扰金属箔片或红外线照明弹operational ammunition means ammunition including aircraft self-defence systems such as chaff or infrared flares that the united nations and troop/police contributors agree to deploy to the mission area so that it is readily available for use in the event of need
proj.manag.出口和进口同时下降、 至少部分由于去年同期基数较高The slowdown in both exports and imports is at least partly due to a higher comparison base in the year-earlier period
gen.动量和电离的同一时间测量momentum-ionization compromise
telecom.同时带有 EISA 和 VL 总线扩充槽的结构VESA/EISA
bridg.constr.同时承受端弯矩和横向荷载的桥墩pier subjected simultaneously to end moments and transverse loads
tech.同时烘干和粉磨simultaneous drying and grinding
tech.同时烘干和粉磨combined drying and grinding
plast.同时热失重分析和差热分析法simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis
refrig.同时进行的换热和传质过程simultaneous heat and mass transfer
space同时遥测和制图simultaneous telemetry and graphics
multimed.声音和数据同时传输simultaneous voice and data
tech.声音和数据同时传输协议digital simultaneous voice and data
earth.sc.多容器定时和数据同步机multi-vessel timing and data synchronizer
econ.如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land
space工时和材料合同time and materials contract
bridg.constr.建于荷载同时发生的统计和概率基础之上的求算evaluation based on statistics and probability of simultaneous occurrence of loads
proj.manag.所有价格指出厂价、不包括包装和保险、同时也不包括法定营业税All prices are deemed to be ex-works, excluding packaging and insurance, and excluding the applicable statutory turnover tax
econ.根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时给我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
gen.正像对长度和重量要有个标准一样,同样也需要一个时间标准just as with lengths and weights, so also do we need a standard of time
gen.汽车电子制动力分配系统在直接制动和转弯制动时,可实现不同的控制策略,具有较高的制动性能和制动稳定性The Electronic Braking Force Distribution EBD system can realize the various control strategies according to braking in line and in turn, and raise the braking efficiency and stability of automobiles under hard braking
cosmet.虽然我们的兰蔻香水具有高质量和与众不同的香型,但是它的价格比普通香水高很多,我认为广告应该针对时尚人群Although our Lancome perfume is of high quality and of different flavors, it is much more expensive than ordinary perfume. I think the advertising should aim at fashionable people
cloth.还可指各种活动和不同时令、条件穿的衣服clothes (如 school)
auto.防抱制动系统和主动式四轮转向装置同时釆用的综合控制方式ABS+active 4WS