
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
中感应深感应测井削峰处理状态medium investigation induction log &ILD deep investigation induction log despiking processing status
中感应深感应测井削峰处理状态ILM &ILD deep investigation induction log despiking processing status
中频甚高频测向器medium and VHF direction finder
中频甚高频测向站medium and VHF direction finding station
井口自动增益控制允许不允许标志uphole automatic gain control allow/disallow
井口自动增益控制允许不允许标志uphole AGC allow/disallow
井场解释软件设备wellsite interpretation software and equipment
井眼几何形状偏差borehole geometry and deviation
交流直流alternating current/ and direct current
传导率、温度深度conductivity, temperature and depth
伽马衰减饱度监测gamma attenuation saturation monitoring
低输入电压变换调节low input voltage conversion and regulation
低频中频low and medium frequency
侵入带饱saturation of invaded zone
储层中的地震波速度声波速度seismic and acoustic velocity in reservoir rocks
储层饱测井reservoir saturation tool
储层饱度测井reservoir saturation logging
光学定向测距optical direction and ranging
光学测距探测系统optical ranging and detection system
光探测光测距light detection and ranging
共振饱毫米波放大millimeter-wave amplification by resonance saturation
出油定位成像计算机flow locating and imaging computer
剩余油饱residual oil saturation
剩余油饱remaining oil saturation
化学仪表测试评价chemical instrument test and evaluation
区域待选地层剖面地层点regional candidate stratigraphic section and point
单指令多数据single instruction stream and multiple data stream
卫星定位跟踪satellite positioning and tracking
卫星综合式多普勒轨道图示法无线电定位Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning integrated by satellite
原生水饱saturation, connate water
双曲线多普勒测速测位仪hypergraphic Dappler velocity and position finder
双曲线多普勒测速测位仪hypergraphic Dovap
发射机接收机之间的间距transmitter receiver spacing
叠前频率一波数域成像偏移prestack F-K imaging and migration
可动油饱movable oil saturation
可视 近红外visible and near infrared
台卡跟踪测距decca tracking and ranging
含水饱度比saturation water ratio
含烃饱hydrocarbon saturation
噪声数值指数noise and number indexes
国际理论力学应用力学联合会International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
地球物理调査勘探合同geophysical survey and exploration contract
地质学家地震学家用的基本重磁法elementary gravity and magnetics for geologists and seismologists
英国地质调查博物馆Geological Survey and Museum
地面记录监控系统ground recording and monitoring system
均匀各向同性线弹性homogeneous isotropic and linear elastic
增强型计算机测井解释处理系统enhanced computerized logging and interpretive processing system
信号数据分析转换系统acoustic signal data analysis and conversion system
声波定位测距sound fixing and ranging
声波探测测距系统sound detection and ranging
多元异常的快速评价分类rapid evaluation and sorting of multielement anomalies
多功能数据采集成像系统multitask acqusition and imaging system
多用途采集控制系统multi-purpose acquisition and control system
套管井分析油藏模拟cased hole analysis and reservoir modeling
套管井含水饱cased hole water saturation
孔隙度渗透率porosity and permeability
定向测距direction-finding and ranging
定向测距determination of direction and range
定向、导航大地测量用卫星satellite for orientation, navigation and geodesy
定向频率分析测距directional-frequency analysis and ranging
实时存储real-time and memory
宽视野行星式摄影机wide-field and planetary camera
局部饱涡流探伤测试partial saturation eddy current testing
已放大识别的amplified and discriminated
帯有时间缓冲粗细标度的测量系统time-buffered coarse-fine
广角反射折射wide angle reflection and refraction
弹性、粘性触变性elasticity viscosity and thixotropy
归一化的加权误差平方总normalized Weighted sum of square of the errors
归一化的加权误差平方总normalized WSSE
惯性参考控制系统inertial reference and control system
振动噪声测试器vibration and noise tester
振幅与炮检距方位的关系amplitude versus offset and azimuth
振幅、相位频率与炮检距amplitude, phase, frequency versus offset
振幅随偏移距方位的变化amplitude variation with offset and azimuth
探测跟踪detection and tracking
接收机发送机receiver and transmitter
控制数据采集control and data acquisition
数字式数据采集控制系统digital data acquisition and control system
数字式流入流体成像测井digital entry and fluid imaging tool
数字式记录测量digital recording and measurement
数字式记录测量系统digital recording and measuring system
数字数据自动采集记录系统automatic digital data acquisition and recording system
数据传输控制系统data transmission and control system
数据分析处理data analysis and processing
数据分析综合date analysis and synthesis
数据压缩分析子系统data reduction and analysis subsystem
数据压缩处理设备data reduction and processing equipment
数据收集分配装置data collection and distribution unit
数据汇集整理压缩data collection and reduction
数据采集传输系统data acquisition and transmission system
数据采集处理data acquisition and processing
数据采集解释系统data acquisition and interpretation system
数据采集记录系统data-acquisition and recording system
斯伦贝谢公司射孔测试中心Schlumberger Perforating and Testing Centre
斯通莱波反射率裂缝宽度Stoneley wave and fracture width
方向距离探测系统direction and range acquisition system
无源探测测距passive detection and ranging
最佳调幅调相optimal amplitude and phase modulation
最佳速度估算叠加偏移migration for optimum velocity evaluation and stacking
最大束缚水饱bond water saturation maximum
有效含水饱saturation, effective water
有效含水饱effective water saturation
束缚水饱度标志flag for bond water saturation
束缚水饱度标志flag for SWB
束缚流体饱bound fluid Saturation
标准温度脉冲normal temperature and pulse
校准的光学近红外成像系统calibrated optical and near infrared imaging system
校验储存check and store
校验读出check and read
正交偏振魔角旋转cross polarization and magic angle spinning
正交调相调幅quadrature phase and amplitude modulation
残余平方residual sum of square
残余气饱saturation, residual gas
残余气饱residual gas saturation
残余油饱irreducible oil saturation
残余烃饱saturation, residual hydrocarbon
残余烃饱residual hydrocarbon saturation
油藏含油饱reservoir oil saturation
流体密度、涡流计温度组合测井combination fluid density, spinner and temperature log
流量记录器压力记录器flow recorder and pressure recorder
测量调节站measuring and regulating station
深度 、距离时间depth, distance and time
激光定位测距laser detection and ranging
爆炸饱温度blast saturation temperature
球冠调分析spheric cap harmonic analysis
用电磁波传播测井仪求冲洗带含水饱度的标志flag of use electromagnetic propagation log tool-water saturation in flushed zone
用电磁波传播测井仪求冲洗带含水饱度的标志flag of use EPT-SXO
由中子寿命测井计算出的含水饱water saturation from neutron lifetime log
由中子寿命测井计算出的含水饱water saturation from NLL
由碳氧比测井曲线得出的含水饱water saturation from carbon/oxygen log
由碳氧比测井曲线得出的含水饱water saturation from C/O
由远程温度测量装置得出的含水饱water saturation from remote temperature device
由远程温度测量装置得出的含水饱water saturation from RTD
电磁波传播时间测井求得的冲洗带含水饱Electro-magnetic propagation time log Sxo Water saturation in flush zone
电磁波传播时间测井求得的冲洗带含水饱EPT Sxo Water saturation in flush zone
电离层等离子体电动仪表ionospheric plasma and electrodynamics instrument
电缆观测援救装置cable observation and rescue device
石油天然气调查图表Oil and Gas Investigations Charts
美国矿产岩土工程测井学会Mineral and Geotechnical Logging Society
磁化强度密度比magnetization-to-density ratios
示波图扫描记录器oscillogram scan and recorder
约束阻尼迭代重构技术constrained damped simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique
薄膜绝缘电容器film and paper condenser
美国 X 射线电子衍射学会American Society for X-ray and Electron Diffraction
脉冲宽度幅度调制pulse width and amplitude modulation
脉冲幅度相位调制pulse amplitude and phase modulation
自动数据采集控制系统automatic data acquisition and control system
自动线路跟踪处理设备automatic line tracking and processing equipment
自差检测测距autodyne detection and ranging
航空矿产测量勘探airborne mineral surveys and exploration
视含水饱apparent water saturation
计算机自动测量控制computer automated measurement and control
计算机辅助测量控制computer-aided measurement and
读出 、计算写入read, compute, write
级数harmonical progression
超声波测距数据系统ultrasonic ranging and data system
跟踪制导tracking and guidance
跟踪遥测指令站tracking telemetry and command station
转子流量计流体密度组合测井combination spinner and fluid density
转移设置模式branch and set mode
输送交换transportation and exchange
远程数据采集控制系统remote data acquisition and control system
速度衰减评价evaluation of velocity and attenuation
遥测图像数据处理telemetry and image data processing
量重测量设备weight and measure device
错误检查校正error checking and correction
阵列感应成像测井仪探测器温度压力误差校正Array Induction Imager Tool enable sonde error temperature & pressure correction
阵列感应成像测井仪探测器温度压力误差校正AIT enable sonde error temperature & pressure correction
雷达电视辅助导航radar and television aid to navigation
频率相位自动控制automatic frequency and phase control
频率分析控制frequency analysis and control
频率分配使用frequency allocation and uses
频率监测干扰控制frequency monitoring and interference control
剩余磁化强度saturation remanent magnetization
噪声saturation noise
度指数saturation index
式磁力仪saturable reactor
铁心扼流圈saturable reactor
甘汞标准电极saturated calomel reference electrodes
等温剩余磁化saturation isothermal remanent magnetization