
Terms for subject Genetics containing | all forms
不亲基因S gene
不亲性负荷incompatibility load
不亲incompatible group
不亲incompatibility group
不等亲differential affinity
binding affinity
性条件compatibility condition
杂种细胞affinity hybrid cell
标记物affinity tag
洗脱affinity elution
纯化affinity purification
低亲性受体low-affinity receptor
体外受精胚胎转移in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
信息素受体转录因子pheromone and receptor transcription factor
克罗恩病溃疡性结肠炎Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis
受威胁品种预警应对系统early warning and response systems for breeds at risk
合子不亲zygotic incompatibility
同态不亲homomorphic incompatibility
同源性分析结构analysis of homology and structure
λ 噬菌体裂解生长溶源生长的调节λ splitting growth and lysogenic growth regulation
固定化金属离子亲层析immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography
基因的表达功能expression and function of gene
家族性染色体断裂易位familial hot spot of chromosome breakage and translocation
寄主控制的限制修饰作用host-controlled restriction and modification
富含腺苷尿苷的 DNAAU-rich DNA
寡核苷酸位点特异的诱变oligonucleotide and site-specific mutagenesis
平均亲average affinity
异形不亲heteromorphic incompatibility
异质基因不亲heterogenic incompatibility
循环式转录逆转录cyclical transcription and reverse transcription
杂交不亲cross incompatible
染色体不亲Chromosomal incompatibility
核-质不亲nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibility
周期temperate cycle
病毒temperate virus
现场农场收集品网network for in situ and on-farm collections
着丝粒着丝粒周染色体重排centric and pericentric chromosome rearrangements
染色体端部亲terminal affinity
粮食农业植物遗传资源plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
细胞亲cell affinity
聚合酶连接酶链式反应polymerase and ligase chain reaction
T₄RNA 聚合酶修饰 σ 亚基更迭T₄RNA polymerase modification and a subunit change
自交不亲系统self-incompatibility system
自交亲self compatibility
自交亲self compatible
获取利益共享access and benefit sharing
获取利益共享access and benefit-sharing
蛋白质的转运分泌transfer and secreting of protein
转录的信号传导因子活化因子signal transduser and activator of transcription
远缘杂交不亲distant crossing incompatibility
逃避中突变株neutralization escape mutant
遗传性运动感觉性神经病hereditary motor sensory neuropathy
鉴定生产特别证书special certificate of identification and production
链霉亲素蛋白磁珠streptavidin coated bead
限制修饰restriction and modification
saturation T-DNA tagging
RNA-DNA 饱杂交实验RNA-DNA saturation hybridization experiment
杂交试验saturation hybridization experiment
RNA 饱杂交试验RNA saturation hybridization
HPAC高效亲层析high-performance affinity chromatography