
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
标记法affinity labelling
素-生物素过氧化物酶复合物法avidin-biotin peroxidase complex
代谢性碱中毒低血钾metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia
外科洗手抗菌法surgical hand scrub and applications of skin antiseptics
先天性尺侧指掌骨缺如ulnar ray defect
拇长展肌拇短伸肌腱鞘tendinous sheath of abductor longus and extensor brevis pollicis
指伸肌示指伸肌腱鞘tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum and extensor indices
早期冷灌流低温保存simple hypothermic storage with initial cold perfusion
标记亲素一生物素系统labeled avidin-biotin system
桥联亲素一生物素法bridged avidin-biotin
气体掺gas admixture
氧饱oxygen saturation
甲状舌管囊肿thyroglossal cyst and fistula
纵隔囊肿肿瘤mediastinal cysts and tumors
股骨大粗隆小粗隆撕脱骨折avulsion fracture of great and lesser trochanter
胆囊胆管穿孔perforation of gallbladder and biliary duct
胺与胺前体摄取脱羧细胞系统amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation system
胺与胺前体摄取脱羧细胞amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation cells
胺与胺前体摄取脱羧细胞瘤APUD cells tumor
胺与胺前体摄取脱羧细胞瘤amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation cells tumor
脉搏氧饱度仪pulse oximeter
腭肌咽门肌muscles of palate and fauces
腹壁皮肤脂肪切除术abdominal dermolipectomy
膀胱压力尿流率膀胱尿道排尿期电视的同步检查synchronous cine/pressure/flow cystography
血型配血试验blood groups and matching of blood test
过饱结晶学说theory of supersaturation and nucleation
重复肾盂输尿管double pelvis and ureters
鳃裂囊肿branchial cyst and fistula