
Terms for subject China containing 和集 | all forms | in specified order only
中华人民共和国集会游行示威法the Law of the People's Republic of China on Assembly, Procession and Demonstration
中华人民共和国集会游行示威法the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Assembly, Procession and Demonstration
凝聚了全国人大代表、常委会组成人员、地方各级人大和专家学者的集体智慧reflect the collective wisdom of the NPC deputies, members of the Standing Committee, the deputies to local people's congresses at all levels, experts and scholars
召集和主持convene and preside over
召集和主持国务院常务会议和国务院全体会议convene and preside over the executive meetings and plenary meetings of the State Council
召集和主持部务会议或者委员会会议、委务会议convene and preside over ministerial meetings or general and executive meetings of the commissions
国家和集体财产state or collective property
定期采集和更新regularly collect and update
收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information
更好地发挥集体参谋助手和服务保障作用more fully play their role as a collective adviser and assistant to the Standing Committee and their role in providing services to deputies
进行爱国主义、集体主义和国际主义、共产主义的教育conduct education in patriotism and collectivism, in internationalism and communism
重大问题集体决策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公示和社会听证制度、决策责任制度systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearings, and for accountability in policymaking
集体所有的不动产和动产immovables and movables property owned by the collective
高度稳定和集中统一a high degree of stability, centralization and unity (in)