
Terms for subject Commerce containing 吨:公吨 | all forms
上述货物报价为每公吨200美元The above mentioned article is quoted at USD 200 per M/T CIF London
为了缩小差距我方将把价格降至每公吨1,000美元To lessen the difference, we'll reduce the price to US $1,000 per M/T
公吨Tonne Metrique
法语公吨tonne (等于1, 000 公斤)
公吨metric ton (等于1, 000公斤)
100 公吨余数the balance of 100 M/T
公吨公里tonne kilometer
10,000公吨级排水量的船舶a ship of 10,000 M/T displacement
关于所发1,000公吨大豆,兹附寄发票额外副本二份We attach hereto two extra copies of invoice covering the shipment of 1,000 M/T soybean
兹确认我方七月二十日电报实盘,1,000公吨花生,1993 年产大路货We confirm our firm offer by cable of the 20th July regarding 1,000 M/T peanuts F.A.Q. 1993 crop
卖方在"巨人号"轮上订妥150公吨余数的舱位The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T
向某人买进1,000公吨book with sb. 1,000 M/r
向某公司订购1,000公吨水泥contract with a firm for 1,000 M/T cement
售予某人1,000公吨book sb's order for 1,000 M/T
大于100公吨above 100 M/T
大约1,000 公吨abt 1,000 M/T
大约500公吨about 500 M/T
大约500公吨circa 500 M/T
如报1,000 公吨华北花生实盘,我方将不胜感激We shall appreciate it if you make us a firm offer for 1,000 M/T Northeast China Peanut
将数量减至二百五十公吨decrease the quantity to 250 M/T
差不多1,000公吨close on to 1,000 M/T
1983年中国核桃的最后产量估计为带壳重量20,000公吨The final outturn of the 1983 walnut crop in China is estimated at 20,000M/T in shell
我们目前最多只能供应1,000公吨One thousand M/T is the extreme limit we can supply at present
我方已为你方保留100公吨货物We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
我方已将1,000公吨花生装王子号货轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认书In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince
我方很高兴接受你方1,000公吨花生的订货We're pleased to have booked your order for 1,000 M/T peanut
承载十万公吨bear the weight of 100,000 M/T
政府现在实施的每公吨5,000铢的出口加价是大米的出口障碍The existing premium of 5,000 baht per metric ton imposed by the government was a hindrance to rice export
数量由1,000公吨减为500公吨The quantity is reduced from 1,000 to 500 M/T
月平均产量1,000公吨The monthly average output stands at 1,000 metric tons
此船载重20,000公吨The ship carries 20,000 M/T freight
此船载重量为50,000 公吨The capacity of the vessel is 50,000 metric tons
每公吨价格在100美元与105美元之间变动The price is hovering between US $100 and US $105 per M/T
毛重达10,000 公吨The gross weight adds up to 10,000 M/T
生产50,000公吨钢put out 50,000 M/T of steel
目前我方只能向你方报盘1,000公吨At present, we can only offer you 1,000 metric tons
2240 磅,1.016 公吨long ton (= 2240 磅,1.016 公吨)
约重50公吨some 50 metric tons in weight
纱线干燥公吨bone-dry metric ton
要求把重量改为100公吨ask for alteration to 100 M/T
计算出的事量为2,000公吨The weight figures out at 2,000M/T
请即报1,000公吨花生的实盘,汉堡到岸价格Please immediately make us a firm offer CIF Hamburg for 1,000 M/T peanut
请电报报盘1,000公吨花生Please cable us an offer for 1,000 M/T peanut
这批货包括花生和葵花籽各1,000公吨The shipment is composed of 1,000 M/T each peanuts and sunflower seeds