
Terms containing 吞吐量 | all forms | in specified order only
oil作业吞吐量job throughput
tech.作业吞吐能量job throughput
tech.信息吞吐量rate of information throughput
tech.典型吞吐量typical throughput
space同时吞吐量simultaneous throughput
space吞吐通过thruput throughput
space吞吐容量throughput capacity
avia.吞吐量thruput throughput
tech.吞吐量handling capacity
econ.港口吞吐量cargoes inward and outward
textile吞吐量turn value
tech.吞吐量loading and unloading capacity
tech.吞吐量cargo-handling capacity
tech.吞吐量volume of freight handled
tech.吞吐量volume of incoming and outcoming freights
busin.吞吐量volume of incoming and outgoing freights
manag.吞吐量turn volume
textile吞吐量volume of port freight
avia.吞吐量throughput capacity
tech.吞吐量不平衡系数unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port
IT吞吐量协商throughput negotiation
tech.吞吐量大的large volume
el.吞吐量比率throughput ratio
IT吞吐量等级throughput class
IT吞吐量等级协商throughput class negotiation
agric.吞吐量统计throughput statistics
busin.吞吐量规划tonnage projection
el.响应/信息吞吐量偏差response/throughput bias
busin.市场吞吐量market absorption
tech.年旅客吞吐量annual passenger movements
IT应答吞吐量偏差response / throughput bias
telecom.吞吐量total throughout
IT接口信息处理机吞吐量IMP throughput
tech.接口机吞吐量interface message processor throughput
telecom.数据吞吐量data throughout
tech.吞吐量不平衡系数daily unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port
el.最小吞吐量类别协商minimum throughput class negotiation
textile吞吐量不平衡系数coefficient of unbalance monthly
econ.吞吐量不平衡系数coefficient of imbalance monthly
tech.吞吐量不平衡系数monthly unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port
tech.泊位吞吐量handling capacity of berth
tech.泊位吞吐量berth throughput
textile港口吞吐量capacity of the port
textile港口吞吐量cargoes inward and outward
busin.港口吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
tech.港口吞吐量cargo-handling capacity of seaports
commer.港口吞吐量volume of freight handled at ports
commer.港口吞吐量volume handled at ports
tech.港口吞吐量traffic through (port)
econ.港口货运 吞吐量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in a port
logist.港口吞吐量port throughput
interntl.trade.港口吞吐量port capacity
interntl.trade.港口吞吐量harbour transload
interntl.trade.港口吞吐量traffic of port
econ.港口吞吐量handling capacity
shipb.港口吞吐量harbour traffic
interntl.trade.港口吞吐量增长率traffic growth rate
tech.港口吞吐量增长率growth rate of port traffic
tech.港口最大月吞吐量port's maximum monthly tonnage of cargo transferred
busin.港口最繁忙月吞吐量port's maximum monthly throughput
tech.港口货物吞吐量volume of cargo handled at port
interntl.trade.港口货物吞吐量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port
tech.港口货物吞吐量port's cargo throughput
busin.港口货物吞吐量traffic of port
tech.港口货物吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
tech.港口货物吞吐量cargo throughput of port
busin.港口货运吞吐量装卸量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port
telecom.稳态吞吐量steady-state throughput
comp., net.网络吞吐量network throughput
comp., net.网络数据吞吐量network data throughput
tech.规范化吞吐量normalized throughput
tech.设计吞吐量为n 吨designed for capacity of n tonnages
securit.货币吞吐量money throughput
busin.货物吞吐量turnover volume of cargo
proj.manag.货物吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
textile货物吞吐量tonnage throughput
tech.货物吞吐量cargo throughput
textile货物吞吐量,港口吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
busin.货运量综合容纳吞吐能力指港口、泊位、货场、仓容等综合承受能力combined capacity of freight traffic
tech.跟上预计的吞吐量增长keep pace with the predicted growth in throughput
IT问题吞吐量problem throughput
tech.高峰小时旅客吞吐量peak hour passenger movements (候机楼)