
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
中频和甚高频测medium and VHF direction finder
中频和甚高频测medium and VHF direction finding station
X-Y 井径仪的Y方X-Y caliper-Y direction
X-Y 井径仪的X方X-Y caliper-X direction
传感器Z比例因子sensor Z scale factor
传输方direction of transmission
低频测low-frequency direction finder
一自然伽马一中子测井laterolog gamma-ray neutron log
一自然伽马一中子组合测井laterolog gamma-ray neutron log
测井— 中子测井laterolog-neutron
测井一自然伽马测井laterolog/gamma ray logging
测井处理常数laterolog processing constant
测井张力差differential tension, laterolog
测井提供的井径caliper laterolog
测井速speed laterolog
磁偶极子broadside magnetic dipole
磁化athwartship magnetization
— 自然伽马测井laterolog-gamma ray
光学定和测距optical direction and ranging
无线电信标omnidirectional radio beacon
八侧测井laterolog 8
八侧测井平均laterolog 8 averaged
八侧测井未平均laterolog 8 unaveraged
分裂式各异性深度偏移split anisotropic depth migration
初始东偏差initial east departure
加速反电压accelerated inverse voltage
传感器unidirectional transducer
可调的single adjustable
单位时间内的同轴数events per unit time
单点导引定single shot direct orientation instrument
中继线both way trunk
传播电阻率测井dual propagation resistivity tool
反射率分布函数bidirectional reflectance distribution function
读数仪表center zero instrument
输入一输出控制bidirectional input/output control
阈值开关ovonic threshold switch
双侧一微球形聚焦测井dual laterolog/microspherically focused log
双侧同时测井仪simultaneous dual laterolog tool
双侧测井dual laterolog
双侧测井仪dual laterolog tool
双侧测井仪卷盘状态dual laterolog cartridge status
双感应一侧一双感应聚焦测井dual induction lateral/dual induction focus log
双感应一侧测井dual induction lateral log
双感应一侧测井dual induction laterolog
传播back propagation
传播神经网络back-propagation nerve network
传播训练backpropagation training
反射观测reserve reflection observations
field reversing
垂直地震剖面法reversed vertical seismic profile
垂直地震剖面法Inverse vertical seismic profiling
垂直地震剖面法Inverse VSP
峰值电压peak reverse voltage
峰值电压peak inverse voltage
投影back projection
投影技术back projection technique
散射电子成像back-scattered electron imaging
散射的back scattered
散射紫外光谱仪backscatter ultraviolet spectrometer
散射紫外线辐射仪backscatter ultraviolet radiometer
旅行波oppositely directed traveling wave
极性d polarity
极性reverse polarity
热剩余磁化强度inverse-type thermoremanent magnetization
电喷流counter electrojet
移位shift reverse
继电器reverse relay
控定接收controlled directional reception
可控定controlled directional source
异性剩磁anisotropic remanent magnetism
异性反射率degree of anisotropic reflectance
异性应力效应anisotropic stress effect
异性磁化率anisotropic magnetic susceptibility
异性磁场magnetic anisotropy field
散射关系backward dispersion relations
上延拓法upward continuation
上转换器单谐振振荡器up-converter single resonant oscillator
下延拓downward continuation
南偏移south offset
海倾斜反射层seaward dipping reflectors
量时差vector moveout
周期性薄层各同性periodic thin-layer anisotropy
因子分解后的横各向同性factorized transversely isotropic
地层倾斜方formation dip direction
地心轴偶极子axial geocentric dipole
均匀各同性和线弹性homogeneous isotropic and linear elastic
倾角时差vertical dip moveout
共面的vertical coplanar
分辨率极限limit of vertical resolution
加积vertical accretion
响应函数vertical response function
夸大vertical exaggeration
奇偶性vertical parity
接收水中检波器vertical receiving hydrophone
比例尺vertical scale
测深vertical sounding
电剖面测量vertical electric profiling
电测深vertical electric sounding
电源vertical electric source
电磁剖面测量vertical electromagnetic profiling method
垂直对称轴横各向同性transversely isotropic with a vertical axis of symmetry
垂直横各向同性vertical transverse isotropy
垂直裂缝型横同性介质vertically fractured transversely isotropic medium
A 型过油管导through tubing guide type A
声定sound bearing
声波反散射系统acoustic backscatter system
复磁化率各异性anisotropy of complex magnetic susceptibility
多轴径空腔谐振器multi-axis radial cavity
多频反散射层析成像法multifrequency backscattering tomography
天线方图记录仪antenna pattern recorder
井测井deviated hole logging
伽马射线directional gamma-ray
伽马射线测井directional gamma ray logging
伽马随钻测井directional gamma while drilling
原子核核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented nuclei
和测距direction-finding and ranging
和测距determination of direction and range
、导航和大地测量用卫星satellite for orientation, navigation and geodesy
射孔oriented perforating
射孔服务作业orienting perforating service
微电阻率测井oriented microresistivity log
方位direction bearing
测距direction ranging
混波模型directional hybrid wave model
爆炸回波测距directional explosive echo ranging
频率分析和测距directional-frequency analysis and ranging
测量仪survey steering tool
小室中反散射一吸收backscatter/absorption of chamber
已整流平均正电流average rectified forward current
带推靠器动力的浅侧测井powered shallow laterolog
平均径误差mean radial error
广义膨胀各异性extensive dilatancy anisotropy
康普顿反散射Compton backscattering
延伸的侧范围电导率extended lateral range electrical conductivity
弱场磁化率各异性low-field magnetic susceptibility anisotropy
强场磁各异性high-field magnetic anisotropy
当前区头current display
几何因子radial geometric factor
微差井温仪radial differential temperature tool
时基radial time base
梯度测定分布radial gradient ranging
— 横向均质性radial transverse isotropy
自适应多次波压制radial adaptive multiple suppression
微侧一井径测井microlaterolog-caliper log
微侧测井电阻率resistivity from micro-laterolog
微侧测井电阻率resistivity from MLL
微电极邻近侧测井microlog-proximity log
微电阻率一感应一侧测井micro resistivity-induction-laterolog
恶劣环境下双侧测井仪hostile dual lateralog tool
恶劣环境下浅侧测井hostile-environment laterolog shallow
恶劣环境下深侧测井hostile-environment laterolog deep
恶劣环境双侧测井hostile environment dual laterolog
感应一侧测井induction laterolog
振幅随方变化amplitude variation with direction
放射性定服务radioactive orientation service
数字多波束导系统digital multi-beam steering
测深oblique sounding
和距离探测系统direction and range acquisition system
滤波器direction filter
方位各异性介质azimuthal anisotropic medium
方位定directional orientation tool
无方性混合波模型undirectional hybrid wave model
无磁滞剩余磁化各异性anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization
无磁滞剩磁各异性anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence
无线电测radio finding
无线电测radio finder
最大反电流maximum reverse current
有效各同性辐射功率effective isotropically radiated power
有效同轴重建significant event reconstruction
偶极阵列transverse dipole array
各向同性介质transversely isotropic medium
合并horizontal combination
各向同性transverse isotropy
多极组合声波测井cross multipole array acoustilog
差异不均匀干扰transverse differential interference
时间比例尺horizontal time scale
transverse-electric (wave)
分量transverse electric components
电反射率transverse electro-reflectance
电磁transverse electromagnetic wave
电磁模式transverse electromagnetic mode
零炮检距transverse zero offset
位移shift forward
移位shift forward
水平对称轴横各向同性transversely isotropic with a horizontal axis of symmetry
入射normal incident
入射点normal incidence point
入射道normal-incidence traces
正交normal force
泛张各异性extensive dilatancy anisotropy
波至方direction of arrivals
浅侧测井laterolog shallow
浅侧测井得到的电阻率resistivity of laterolog shallow
direction finder
深侧屏蔽电流衰减deep bucking current attenuation
深侧测井laterolog, deep
深侧测井线性电阻率linear resistivity of laterolog deep
深侧得到的电阻率resistivity of laterolog deep
深侧阵列测井array laterolog deep
深探测三侧测井电阻率deep resistivity from laterolog 3
深探测侧测井电导率conductivity laterolog deep
滤后反传播filtered back propagation
球形聚焦侧测井spherically focused laterolog
甚高频全无线电测距very-high frequency omnidirectional radio range
用户仪器的定服务customer instrument service-directional
用户导 测井customer steering tool
用浅侧电阻率计算的地层因子formation factor shallow
由三侧测井得到的电导率conductivity from laterolog 3
由三侧测井得到的电导率conductivity from LL 3
由三侧电阻率测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from resistivity from laterolog 3
由三侧电阻率测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from RLL3
由双侧测井得到的电导率conductivity from dual laterolog
由双侧测井得到的电导率conductivity from DLL
由微侧测井得到的电导率conductivity foom microlaterolog
由微侧电阻率测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from R resistivity from micro-laterolog
由微侧电阻率测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from R MLL
由浅二侧测井得到的电导率conductivity from laterolog 2
由浅二侧测井得到的电导率conductivity from LL 2
由浅侧测井电阻率得到的电导率conductivity from resistivity from laterolog shallow
由浅侧测井电阻率得到的电导率conductivity from RS
由深侧电阻率测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from resistivity of laterolog deep
由深侧电阻率测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from RD
电池换battery inverter
电流定继电器current directional relay
电磁定electromagnetic orientation tool
电磁定electromagnetic orienting tool
电阻率一自然伽马定测井resistivity-gamma-directional tool
短源距侧磁偶极子阵列short broadside magnetic dipole array
硅单开关silicon unilateral switch
magnetic vector potential
磁导magnetic steering tool
空间定滤波器space directed filter
等效各同性辐射功率equivalent isotropic radiated power
光的longitudinal optical
冗余校验字符longitudinal redundancy check character
剖面longitudinal section
振幅比例vertical amplitude scale
磁力longitudinal magnetism
组合式测量/导系统modular survey/steering system
罗径航compass heading
罗盘方compass heading
自动测automatic direction finder
自然伽马一中子一侧组合测井combination gamma ray-neutron laterolog
自然轴共振频率natural axial resonant frequency
蕴含各异性的孔隙或弹性模型inclusion-based anisotropic pore/elasticity model
虚 Y 轴输出dummy Y axis output
补偿微侧测井compensated microlaterolog
计算机化横轴层析成像术computerized transverse axial tomography
计算机轴层析成像computerized axial tomography
岩性记录仪侧测井recorder laterolog
磁带记录的侧测井recorded laterolog
接收regulated directional reception
超高频测ultra-high frequency direction finder
超高频测UHF direction finder
偶极阵列axial-dipole array
分布分析axial-distribution analysis
Z 轴加速器Z-axis accelerometer
X 轴加速器X-axis accelerometer
Z 轴地球自转补偿earth rotation compensation along Z-axis
Y 轴地球自转补偿earth rotation compensation along Y-axis
Y轴瞬时加速度instantaneous acceleration on Y-axis
X轴瞬时加速度instantaneous acceleration on X-axis
辐射磁偶极子end-fire magnetic dipole
输入量空间input vector space
过井双 VSP垂直地震剖面模拟twin-VSP simulation of a cross well
过油管导through tubing guide
远程导系统remotely piloted system
连续定井斜测量仪continuous directional inclinometer
连续定测量井眼几何形状continuous directional survey borehole geometry
热剩余磁化强度reverse thermoremanent magnetization
邻近侧— 微电极测井proximity-minilog
邻近侧测井proximity log
邻近侧测井一微电极测井proximity log minilog
钻头定测井bread out orientation log
阵列感应成像测井仪径剖面Array Induction imager Tool enable radial profiling
阵列感应成像测井仪径剖面AIT enable radial profiling
阵列感应成像测井仪径剖面版本号array induction imager tool radial profiling version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径剖面版本号AIT radial profiling version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径参数化Array Induction imager Tool enable radial parameterization
阵列感应成像测井仪径参数化AIT enable radial parameterization
阵列感应成像测井仪径参数化版本号array induction imager tool radial parameterization version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径参数化版本号AIT radial parameterization version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径处理模式array induction imager tool radial processing mode
阵列感应成像测井仪径处理模式AIT radial processing mode
阵列浅侧测井array laterolog shallow
随钻测得的横梯度电阻率lateral resistivity measured while drilling
屏幕的解释系统screen-oriented interpretation system
预计同轴列表preliminary event list
高分辨力侧测井high-definition laterolog
高分辨率侧测井laterolog, high resolution
高分辨率侧测井阵列组合high-resolution laterolog array
高分辨率倾角测井仪定测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量directional survey with high-resolution dipmeter tool or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
高分辨率倾角测井仪定测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量directional survey with HDT or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
高分辨率方位侧测井探头high-resolution azimuthal laterolog sonde
高级伽马射线定探测advanced gamma directional
高频测high-frequency direction finding