
Terms for subject Technology containing 向量 | all forms | in specified order only
向量tri vector
三交点交会法分析径向三角测量analytical three-point resection radial triangulation
三交点交会法分析径向三角测量analytic three-point resection radial triangulation
三点交会分析径向三角测量analytical tree-point resection radial triangulation
三点交会分析径向三角测量analytic tree-point resection radial triangulation
三维向量three-dimensional vector
三重向量triple vector product
不同方向的相对辐射能量radiation pattern
东向分量eastward component
严格正向量strictly positive vector
中断地址向量interrupt address vector
向量principal vector
二元向量binary vector
二维向量多项式分布bivector multinomial distribution
交叉口分向流量图intersection directional volume flow diagram
交叉口流量流向图intersection directional volume flow diagram
交通量定向划分率directional split of traffic volume
交通量对向划分率directional split of traffic volume
仿真向量artificial vector
传送向量地址transfer vector address
传送向量存储器transfer vector storage
向量pseudo-vector field
伪黎曼向量pseudo-Riemannian vector bundle
伴随向量空间adjoint vector space
位置向量radius vector
侧向分量侧向分力cross component
侧向动量lateral momentum
侧向基床反力模量lateral modulus of subgrade reaction
侧向排泄量lateral discharge
侧向流量lateral discharge
侧向补给量lateral recharge increment
信息向量information vector
信息向量dope vector
倒易向量reciprocal vector
全向流量omnidirectional flux
全日单向最高断面流量daily directional maximum sectional passenger volume
全程向量global vector table
全程区头向量地址global display address
共线向量collinear vectors
共面向量coplanar vector
关联向量fundamental interconnection vector
具有线性向量图的万有曲面universal surface with linear vectogram
内部向量intrinsical vector
内部向量intrinsic vector
净化向量purified vector
分类向量class vector
向量tangential vector
向量tangential vector bundle
向量空间tangential vector space
切变向量shear vector
切向模量tangential modulus
向量support vector
初始向量initial vector
利润向量profit vector
剩余向量residual vector
剩差向量vector of residuals
加权剩余向量weighted residuals vector
向量moving vector
北向分量northward component
区间值向量函数interval vector valued function
单位向量vector of unit length
单位向量场分析unit vector field analysis
单位法线向量unit normal vector
单向交通量single-way volume
单向交通量one-way volume
单向能量directed energy
参照向量system of vectors of reference
双侧向量空间two-sided vector space
双向变量泵two-way variable displacement pump
向量reciprocal radius
反向参量器件inverting parametric device
反向散射测量计back-scattering gauge
反向散射测量计reflection gauge
反向散射测量计reflection gage
反向散射测量计back-scattering gage
反向散射辐射剂量back-scattering radiation dose
反向渗透率张量inverse permeability tensor
反向电流测量reverse-current metering
反向电阻测量计back resistance meter
反向相分量backward phase component
反对称并向量anti-symmetrical dyadic
反对称并向量anti-symmetric dyadic
向量variable vector
可行向量feasible vector
向量空间right vector space
特征向量right-hand eigenvector
右手向量right-hand vector system
各向同性张量isotropic tensor
各向同性通量isotropic flux
合力矩向量resultant moment vector
合应力向量resultant stress vector
合成向量resultant vector
后向测量back observation
向上分量upward component
向岸的大量运输shoreward mass transport
向量不变式vector variant
向量产生line generation
向量产生器vector generator
向量代谢vectorial metabolism
向量vector potential
向量值函数的散度divergence of a vector-valued function
向量element vector
向量减法vector subtraction
向量分布vector distribution
向量分量component of vector
向量加法vector addition
向量加法vectorial addition
向量加法addition of vectors
向量vector potential
向量变换vector change
向量合成composition of vectors
向量sum of vectors
向量vector drawing
向量arrow diagram
向量图形学vector graphics
向量vectorial field
向量场位potential of vector field
向量多边形vector polygon
向量平差vectorial adjustment
向量vector mode
向量radius of vector
向量心磁计vector magnetocardiograph
向量投影图vector projection
向量控制vector control
向量散度divergence of vector
向量旋度rotation of vector
向量旋度curl of vector
向量格的根radical of a vector lattice
向量梯度gradient of vector
向量norm of vector
向量正交分解orthogonal decomposition of vector (法)
向量vector ratio
向量测度vector measure
向量vector loop
向量电位electrical vector potential
向量电位electric vector potential
向量的分解resolution of a vector
向量的绝对值magnitude of a vector
向量的绝对值absolute value of a vector
向量相加vectorial addition
向量相加addition of vectors
向量瞄准器vector gunsight
向量vector moment
向量moment of a vector
向量磁位magnetic vector potential
向量outer product
向量空间的维数dimension of a vector space
向量空间的范畴category of vector space
向量算子vector operator
向量算符vector operator
向量绘图法vector drawing method
向量vector group
向量范数norm of vector
向量表示vector representation
向量vectorial angle
向量vector angle
向量计算器vector calculator
向量运算vector arithmetic
向量运算方式vector mode
向量运输vectorial transport
向量vector length (度)
向量length of vector (度)
向量马尔可夫过程vector Markov processes
命令向量command vector
噪声向量noise vector
四元向量four vector
四元数向量quaternion vector bundle
四重向量quadruple vector product
回转向量rotation vector
回转加速度向量rotational acceleration vector
固有向量eigen vector
向量cycle vector
地磁场定向测量法directional survey with magnetic compass
地质向量长度分析法geological vector length analysis method
地质向量长度分析法geologic vector length analysis method
垂向稳定渗入流量vertically steady quantity of infiltration
向量base vector
基本向量base vector
增量向量incremental vector
向量complex vector
向量空间complex vector space
复数域上的向量空间complex vector space
多级向量中断逻辑multilevel vectored interrupt logic
威特向量Witt vector
宏观经济系数向量macroeconomic coefficient vector
定向井测量directional well surveying
定向变量orientation variables
定向孔测量orienting well survey
定向测量orientational measurement
定向测量oriented survey
定向测量directional measurement
定向设计小时交通量directional design-hour volume
定向钻孔方位测量orienting hole survey
定向雨量计vector rain gauge
定向雨量计vector rain gage
向量空间real vector space
对偶向量dual vector
对偶向量空间dual vector space
对向左转当量opposed left turn equivalent
对向水准测量reciprocal levelling
对向水准测量reciprocal leveling
对向水准測量reciprocal levelling
局部基向量local base vector
峰值向量包线peak vector envelope
布格矢量方向direction of Burger's vector
常数向量constant vector
干涉向量intervention vector
平凡向量trivial vector bundle
平行向量parallel vector
平面旋转向量rotating plane-vector
并行向量运算parallel vector operation
应力向量stress vector
应力并向量stress dyadic
应力的法向分量normal component of stress
应变向量vector of strain
应变向量strain vector
引力向量gravitational vector
弦向分量chordwise component
弦向模量chord modulus
归属价值向量imputed cost vector
影响向量influence vector
径向动量radial momentum
径向干缩量radial shrinkage (木材)
径向弹性模量radial-elastic modulus
径向摆动量radical beat eccentricity
径向水量radial outwash flow
径向水量radial outward flow
径向流量radial outwash flow
径向流量radial outward flow
径向矢量radial vector
径向耗氧量radial oxygen loss
径向能量分布radial energy distribution
径向角变量diametral pitch
径向跳动量radical play eccentricity
惯性定向测量法inertial directional survey
成本向量cost vector
执行向量execute vector
扩充向量extending vector
扩充向量extended vector
扰动向量disturbance vector
捕获向量trap vector
控制向量dominant vector
控制校正向量control correction vector
推力向量线性位移linear thrust misalignment
向量pendulum vector
操作传送向量operational transfer vector
操作员控制地址向量operator control address vector table
收入向量revenue vector
数组向量array vector
整型向量integer vector
方向向量directional vector
方向余弦矢量directional cosine vector
方向修正量deflection correction
方向修正量course correction
方向分量directional component
方向变量directional variable
方向测量directional surveying
方向测量尺travel arm
方向矢量direction vector
旋转向量rotating vector
旋转向量rotary vector
旋转向量rotated vector field
向量scalar property
向量代谢scalar metabolism
向量函数scalar function
向量scalar field
向量scalar flux
向量积循环scalar product cycle
向量通量scalar flux
向量阻抗scalar impedance
无旋向量irrotational vector
无旋向量lamellar vector field
无旋向量irrotational vector field
时距曲线向量time plot
时间向量time arrow
时间序列向量time series vector
曲率向量curvature vector
曲面法线向量normal vector of a curve
最后方向修正量final deflection
最大向量maximum vector
最陡下降向量steepest descent vector
有效力向量effective force vector
有限维向量空间finite dimensional vector space
未知参数向量vector of unknown parameter
本征向量eigen vector
本征值和本征向量eigenvalue and eigenvector
向量weight vector
权力向量capability vector machine
李亚普诺夫向量函数Liapunov's vector function
束缚向量localized vector
束缚向量bound vector
向量minimal vector
向量extreme vector
极值向量extremal vector
极可行向量extreme feasible vector
极大伪向量maximal false vector
极小真向量minimal true vector
极揣向量extremal vector
极最优向量extreme optimal vector
极端向量extremal vector
标准正交向量orthonormal vectors
向量stack vector
梯度本征向量gradient eigenvector method
模糊向量fuzzy vector
横向倾角分量一深度图transverse dip component versus depth diagram
横向分量transverse component
横向分量cross stream component
横向分量cross component
横向动量transverse momentum
横向弹性模量shear modulus
横向弹性模量shearing modulus
横向惯量lateral inertia
横向扩散张量transverse diffusion tensor
横向流动分量cross-flow component
横向流微滤通量cross-flow microfiltration flux
横向移动量lateral play
横向质量transverse mass
横面向量horizontal vector loop
次程序状态向量secondary programme status vector
次程序状态向量secondary program status vector
欧几里得向量空间Euclidean vector space
向量positive vector
正交单位向量orthonormal vectors
正向分量forward component
正规向量normalized vector
每天单方向断面最大客流量maximum passengers per day per direction
每小时单方向断面客流量section passengers per hour per direction
水平向静态位移量horizontal static load displacement
沿量度方向direction of measurement
法向应力分量normal stress component
法向应力模量normal modulus of stress
法向速度分量normal velocity component
向量滤波wave vector filtering
活动向量activity vector
活动向量active vector
流向测量flow direction measurement
流向测量current direction measurement
流向测量器flow direction probe
流形上的向量vector field
流形上的向量field of vector on a manifold
流量流向图volume and flow direction figure
测量指向仪surveying compass
测量纵横向倾角measuring longitudinal and lateral dip angle
热流向量heat flow vector
热通量向量heat flux vector
特征向量latent vector
特征向量characteristic proper
状态向量state of vector
状态向量空间state vector space
生长向量growth vector
电场向量electrical field vector
电场向量electric field vector
界标向量boundary vector
相对成本向量relative cost vector
真速度向量true speed vector
瞬时速度向量instantaneous velocity vector
矩阵及向量程序matrix and vector programme
矩阵及向量程序matrix and vector program
矿井定向联系测量connection survey for shaft orientation
向量magnetic vector
磁各向异性能量magnetic anisotropy energy
移动向量translation vector
程序中断请求向量programmed interrupt request vector
程序启用向量programme activation vector
程序活动向量programme activation vector
程序活动向量program activation vector
程序激活向量programme activation vector
程序激活向量program activation vector
程序状态向量programme status vector
稳定向量stable vector bundle
稳定等价向量stable equivalent vector bundles
空气动力侧向力量cross-wind component
空间频率向量spatial frequency vector
竖向分量vertical component
竖向延伸量vertical extent
第一向量primary vector
第一异常向量primary exception vector
第一曲率向量first curvature vector
第二向量secondary vector
第二边界侧向流入量lateral inflow of second kind boundary
纵向倾角分量-深度图longitudinal dip component versus depth dia gram
纵向动量longitudinal momentum
纵向变形模量modulus of longitudinal deformation
纵向模量longitudinal modulus
纵向质量longitudinal mass
纵向进刀量范围range of longitudinal feeds
纵向进给量种数number of longitudinal feeds
纵向速度分量range velocity component
纵横向进刀量种数number of both longitudinal and cross feeds
线性向量函数linear vector function
线性无关的向量linearly independent vector
线性相关的向量linearly dependent vector
线素向量line element vector
线索向量line element vector
终末向量terminal vector
绝对向量absolute vector
绝对向量地址absolute vector address
综合向量resultant vector
编程中断请求向量programmed interrupt request vector
能量吸收型转向装置energy absorbing steering assembly
能量吸收式转向柱energy absorbing steering column
自由向量空间free vector space
自重向量self-weight vector
航向修正量course correction
航向改变质量course changing quality
航空海洋向量测量air-borne and marine vector measurements
荷载向量load vector
装入向量load vector
要求向量requirements vector
观测校正向量vector of observational correction
规范化向量canonization vectogram
视向分量line-of-sight component
设备向量device vector table
设备中断向量device interrupt vector table
试探向量trial vector
误差向量values of error vector
向量指令read vector instruction
调和向量harmonic vector field
费用向量cost vector
转向盘自由间隙测量器steering wheel clearance checking scale
转移向量jump vector
转置并向量transposed dyadic
轴向向量axial vector
向量secondary vector
辅助地址向量secondary address vector table
辅助程序状态向量secondary programme status vector
辅助程序状态向量secondary program status vector
输入向量input vector
边际价格向量marginal value vector
边际成本向量marginal cost vector
进程状态向量process state vector
连接向量interface vector
向量inverse vector
逆变向量contravariant vector
通信向量communication vector table
速度场向量velocity field vector
重力异常向量gravity anomaly vector
重取向能量reorientation energy
量孔节流单向阀orifice check valve
钕-锶地幔向量neodymium-strontium mantle vector
锯齿侧向错齿量tooth swage set
间断向量interrupt vector
陀螺定向测量gyroscopic orientation survey
随机向量生成程序random-vector generator
零级中断向量level zero interrupt vector
雷达向量radar vector
向量中断non-vector interrupt
向量中断non-vectored interrupt
非中断向量non-vector interrupt
非零向量non-vanishing vector
频率向量frequency vector
高峰小时单向最大客流量one-way maximum peak hour passenger volume