
Terms for subject Heavy equipment vehicles containing 向量 | all forms
侧向姿势sideways stance
侧向快跑sideways galloping
半面向左half left right turn
单元取向的课程设计unit approach to curriculum design
双眼向前平视eyes look straight forward
向中间看齐look to the centre
向中间看齐guide centre
向侧迈一步take a step sideways
向侧迈半步take half a step sideways
向前三步走!Three steps forward, march!
向前看横队eyes front
向前看齐纵队look straight ahead
向前迈一步take a step forward
向前迈一步advance on step
向前迈半步take half a step forward
向前靠拢close ranks
向右看look right
向右看齐横队eyes right
向右看齐横队right dress
向右看齐横队dress right
向右转走!By the right turn, march!
向右转走!By the right flank, march!
向右转走march right
向后转turn around
向后转走!To the rear, march!
向后转走march to the rear
向左展开deployment to left (right)
向左看look left
向左看齐横队eyes left
向左看齐横队dress left
向左转left turn
向左转left face
向左转走!By the left flank, march!
向左转走!By the left turn, march!
向左转走march left
多活动计划取向multiactivity-program approach
方向箭头pointing arrow
目标定向goal setting
眼睛向前平视look straight ahead
纵队向前看齐keep your lines straight
纵队向前看齐keep your files straight
腰向右转turn torso to the right